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Why India Must Change Its Kashmir Policy - the Diplomat

If they are Balti, it only makes sense for them to join Gilgit-Baltistan.

I fail to see how this is a major problem. Kargil's population is 140k, Drass' is 1.2k. Currently both are in Ladakh which is also unnatural.

All this redistricting can be discussed after expulsion of India from the region.

No one should have any doubt as Pakistan has done the same on our side.

a. They are Shia majority
b. Pakistan is perceived to be supporting Sunni groups in Kashmir

This is why Kargil natives opposed Pakistan in 1999. Had Pakistan studied the ground realities of Kashmir, instead of hollering on about Islam this and Islam that, you would have realized that. Also, GB not becoming a province of Pakistan has also caused concern for people of Kargil, because they believe Pakistan will force GB to be part of Kashmir if it secedes and becomes independent. That musn't happen and this mentality needs to change.

If you win Kargil and Drass over (which over the years has seen anti India protests for the first time ever) then Pakistan's stand on Kashmir will get 10x stronger.

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