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Why India is scared and wants to sabotage CPEC..? Reason

OK....Pakistan is an Arabic country with physical features of all Pakistanis like Iranians/Arabs...:D...Despite ummah and resemblance Pakistanis complain of racism in middle east..."Wannabe Arabs".....I suppose Mohamad Bin Qasim and other western invaders should have been more ruthless. It would have solved the problem and Pakistanis would have resembled Arabs even more.

With your statement that university and industry have zero relevance has assured me that CPEC will be few roads and few power plants with dhaba owners being the beneficiaries and people who buy land along the roads. Yes they do matter. That's why India has produced likes of Vinod Dham, Sabir Bhatia, Ajay Bhatt who pioneered USB, Pentium chip and e-mail. No wonder why even your master who is hostile to India have RnD of Huawei in India and not in Pakistan. Even without 100% India sustains its own railways while Pakistan is losing its imported locos. Other sectors generate huge amount of jobs and develops a local ecosystem. First assembling, then manufacturing small parts, then critical parts and then the whole product. It generates jobs and generate revenues.

With people like you in Pakistan who believe university, patents and industry are zero if product is not 100% indigenous and see international relations only militarily I am convinced that CPEC is no issue. What I stated was facts and not boasting. Yes we are a useless bunch of 1.3 billion. Waiting for the day when Pakistan with its tiny 180 million population design and produce 100% indigenous products.

Few Pakistanis while making an attempt to mock India are vicariously referring to achievements of China today and Invaders of central Asia in the past. In the process they have become wannabe arab cheerleader for the Chinese.

And this Vinod guy, did he use technology, means and expertise that were 100% all created by indians without any non-indian help whatsoever?

I never said education, academic achievement and knowledge weren't important. Only that indian achievements in this field have 0 effect on Pakistan. Also, in the West, indians are more educated than the western peoples yet the scientific, technological and economic achievements of the West far far supercede that of the indian peoples. So education does not necessarily make you pioneers and inventors of advanced sciences and technologies. It's more than that.

Also, Pakistanis may not be Middle Eastern but they definitely resemble them and we have the same beliefs and culture that they do. The racism part is neither here nor there. Polish people suffer racism from Germans and Czechs yet all 3 are off the same race. Don't know what your point is.
And this Vinod guy, did he use technology, means and expertise that were 100% all created by indians without any non-indian help whatsoever?

I never said education, academic achievement and knowledge weren't important. Only that indian achievements in this field have 0 effect on Pakistan. Also, in the West, indians are more educated than the western peoples yet the scientific, technological and economic achievements of the West far far supercede that of the indian peoples. So education does not necessarily make you pioneers and inventors of advanced sciences and technologies. It's more than that.
Are all inventions 100 % from a single country. Was Japan pioneer in electronics and automobile. Give credit where it is due and talk sense. Why do you have to be pioneer only. Why always 100%. Even if being 0 % can generate jobs and revenue it is desirable. The goal is prosperity and not nobel prize.

Also, Pakistanis may not be Middle Eastern but they definitely resemble them and we have the same beliefs and culture that they do. The racism part is neither here nor there. Polish people suffer racism from Germans and Czechs yet all 3 are off the same race. Don't know what your point is.
Do you speak Arabic or understand Arabic?. Do you dress like Arabs? Do you share the same daily food? Do you awatch Arabic TV channels? Is there any mingling with arabs apart from Hajj?Apart from religion what similarity do you have with Arabs. First you talk about appearance then about beliefs and culture . What exactly are you trying to establish? In that way even African Christian and European Christian share same religion and many western values? So will the Africans start bragging about being similar to Europeans.
Are all inventions 100 % from a single country. Was Japan pioneer in electronics and automobile. Give credit where it is due and talk sense. Why do you have to be pioneer only. Why always 100%. Even if being 0 % can generate jobs and revenue it is desirable. The goal is prosperity and not nobel prize.

Do you speak Arabic or understand Arabic?. Do you dress like Arabs? Do you share the same daily food? Do you awatch Arabic TV channels? Is there any mingling with arabs apart from Hajj?Apart from religion what similarity do you have with Arabs. First you talk about appearance then about beliefs and culture . What exactly are you trying to establish? In that way even African Christian and European Christian share same religion and many western values? So will the Africans start bragging about being similar to Europeans.

The West does that's why they are most powerful block in the world. You need to do everything 100% to be powerful, independent and of substance. Until Pakistan achieves that, we can never be truly successful or a major global power. That is an undeniable fact.

Ever wondered why there is so much intermarriage and cross breeding between Europeans, blacks and Latin Americans? They are of the SAME religion and BELIEF systems. In real life that is a very powerful connecting force.

A large proportion of Pakistanis look Middle Eastern, we have the same beliefs, religion and a similar culture. Different language though. The difference between a Pakistani and a Middle Eastern Muslim is the same as that between a Polish person and a German.

Don't know about the Middle East but here in London, there is a growing trend and pattern of intermarriage between Pakistanis, Arabs, Turks, Iranians/Persians and Kurds. So much so that there was a discussion about this very fact on a local Muslim radio station early last week.

From a personal POV, as a Pakistani, I have always found I have most in common with Muslims from the Middle East. I feel the most comfortable, compatible and connected to them more than any other non-Pakistani community. Particularly to Iraqis, Syrians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Turks and Iranians. Gulf Arabs however are very cold and reserved.

I do enjoy Middle East cuisine every weak and watch Lebanese and Turkish dramas. But only if they have subtitles.
Simple answer.......A strong and stable Pakistan has NEVER been in the interest of India.
A strong and stable Pakistan has NEVER been in the interest of real powers controlling pakistan !

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