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Why India Fears Trump’s Emerging Afghanistan Approach


Apr 28, 2011
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Image Credit: Flickr/MEAphotogallery
A weaker American presence would only compound New Delhi’s existing Afghan conundrum.

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
December 28, 2018

Last week, U.S. President Donald Trump decided to pull out about 7,000 American troops from Afghanistan. The decision to slash the number of troops by half appears to have been taken by Trump against the advice of his own senior administration officials, and this has provoked varied reactions in the region and in the United States.

For India, however, there is little question that this surprising decision puts it in a tough position of having to manage any potential fallout while having few viable policy options to deal with the emerging situation in Afghanistan. It is no surprise that commentators in New Delhi have almost uniformly expressed concerns about the consequences of the decision for India.

India’s policy has been to suggest an “Afghan-led, Afghan-owned and Afghan-controlled,” process with participation of the Afghan government. The gist of this appears to be that India wants to leave Pakistan out of the process. But it has become increasingly concerned about the central role that all key players are giving to Pakistan. In reality, most of the other stakeholders have simply ignored India’s views and have been engaged in finding a solution with the inclusion of Taliban and its sponsors in Pakistan. Oddly enough, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, for the first time acknowledged that India has a stake in Afghanistan and that Indian cooperation is necessary for the peace process in the country.

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A clear effect of India’s stand has been to isolate India in the multiple ongoing negotiations for ending the war. As an editorial in an Indian newspaper, The Hindustan Times, noted, “the American withdrawal comes at a time when its [India] views on Afghanistan are at a significant variance with other traditional regional partners like Russia and Iran.” In fact, the U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation, Zalmay Khalilzad, had twice skipped New Delhi when he had visited the region to hold talks on Afghan reconciliation. Even India’s long-standing ally, Russia, has ignored India’s objections to negotiating with the Taliban, and invited the Taliban to the second round of talks in Moscow in early November (India swallowed its pride and did send two former foreign service officials to the Moscow talks).

Of course, India has not been entirely forgotten in the Afghanistan conversation. For instance, India can take some comfort from the fact that Ambassador Khalilzad will be stopping over in India over his next swing through the region in January, while the Russian Special Envoy, Zamir Kabulob, also visited New Delhi last week for bilateral India-Russia discussions on Afghanistan. Nonetheless, all in all, it is clear that despite the fact that India has contributed a huge amount of economic assistance to Afghanistan and the supposed-support for India among the Afghan masses, New Delhi has found itself without much viable options in discussions about the future of Afghanistan.

India’s problem of being increasingly marginalized in discussions involving a wider range of regional players is only compounded by the fear of the potential consequences of American troop pullout. The first concern is about which forces will be withdrawn. As a former senior Indian foreign service officer wrote in a recent column in an Indian newspaper, The Asian Age, “if the air assistance component is kept intact and only trainers leave, then perhaps the effect may be gradual.” This point was also reiterated by “people in the know in New Delhi” presumably government officials, who also stated that whether the troops being pulled back would be those “involved in counter-terrorism or those advising Afghan combat troops or both.”

A second issue mentioned by these so-called “people in the know” is the time frame for the withdrawal, whether they leave before the upcoming Afghan elections or after. But the Indian concerns are not just about what happens in Afghanistan but also the effects of that in the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir. A former senior police official from the state pointed out that “the US pulling out troops from Afghanistan will have implications in the Kashmir Valley as terrorist outfits there may feel emboldened.” It is also clear that Indian commentators are increasingly rethinking the earlier hostility towards the Taliban. As one noted, “India can’t remain oblivious to the ground realities in Afghanistan by maintaining a hostile attitude towards Taliban.”

There is little doubt that New Delhi is becoming increasingly anxious about the state of the Afghan peace process and particularly about Trump’s sudden decision to withdraw forces. But at the same time, India also finds itself without very many good options about how to proceed. If the United States does go ahead with a significant withdrawal of forces from Afghanistan, India’s troubles will undoubtedly deepen.

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, for the first time acknowledged that India has a stake in Afghanistan and that Indian cooperation is necessary for the peace process in the country.
This was before Pakistan knew US was withdrawing forces, cause yesterday when asked by a journalist what role does India have Pakistan's foreign office spokesperson replied "Their is no role for India in Afghanistan".

Image Credit: Flickr/MEAphotogallery
A weaker American presence would only compound New Delhi’s existing Afghan conundrum.

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
December 28, 2018

Last week, U.S. President Donald Trump decided to pull out about 7,000 American troops from Afghanistan. The decision to slash the number of troops by half appears to have been taken by Trump against the advice of his own senior administration officials, and this has provoked varied reactions in the region and in the United States.

For India, however, there is little question that this surprising decision puts it in a tough position of having to manage any potential fallout while having few viable policy options to deal with the emerging situation in Afghanistan. It is no surprise that commentators in New Delhi have almost uniformly expressed concerns about the consequences of the decision for India.

India’s policy has been to suggest an “Afghan-led, Afghan-owned and Afghan-controlled,” process with participation of the Afghan government. The gist of this appears to be that India wants to leave Pakistan out of the process. But it has become increasingly concerned about the central role that all key players are giving to Pakistan. In reality, most of the other stakeholders have simply ignored India’s views and have been engaged in finding a solution with the inclusion of Taliban and its sponsors in Pakistan. Oddly enough, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, for the first time acknowledged that India has a stake in Afghanistan and that Indian cooperation is necessary for the peace process in the country.

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A clear effect of India’s stand has been to isolate India in the multiple ongoing negotiations for ending the war. As an editorial in an Indian newspaper, The Hindustan Times, noted, “the American withdrawal comes at a time when its [India] views on Afghanistan are at a significant variance with other traditional regional partners like Russia and Iran.” In fact, the U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation, Zalmay Khalilzad, had twice skipped New Delhi when he had visited the region to hold talks on Afghan reconciliation. Even India’s long-standing ally, Russia, has ignored India’s objections to negotiating with the Taliban, and invited the Taliban to the second round of talks in Moscow in early November (India swallowed its pride and did send two former foreign service officials to the Moscow talks).

Of course, India has not been entirely forgotten in the Afghanistan conversation. For instance, India can take some comfort from the fact that Ambassador Khalilzad will be stopping over in India over his next swing through the region in January, while the Russian Special Envoy, Zamir Kabulob, also visited New Delhi last week for bilateral India-Russia discussions on Afghanistan. Nonetheless, all in all, it is clear that despite the fact that India has contributed a huge amount of economic assistance to Afghanistan and the supposed-support for India among the Afghan masses, New Delhi has found itself without much viable options in discussions about the future of Afghanistan.

India’s problem of being increasingly marginalized in discussions involving a wider range of regional players is only compounded by the fear of the potential consequences of American troop pullout. The first concern is about which forces will be withdrawn. As a former senior Indian foreign service officer wrote in a recent column in an Indian newspaper, The Asian Age, “if the air assistance component is kept intact and only trainers leave, then perhaps the effect may be gradual.” This point was also reiterated by “people in the know in New Delhi” presumably government officials, who also stated that whether the troops being pulled back would be those “involved in counter-terrorism or those advising Afghan combat troops or both.”

A second issue mentioned by these so-called “people in the know” is the time frame for the withdrawal, whether they leave before the upcoming Afghan elections or after. But the Indian concerns are not just about what happens in Afghanistan but also the effects of that in the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir. A former senior police official from the state pointed out that “the US pulling out troops from Afghanistan will have implications in the Kashmir Valley as terrorist outfits there may feel emboldened.” It is also clear that Indian commentators are increasingly rethinking the earlier hostility towards the Taliban. As one noted, “India can’t remain oblivious to the ground realities in Afghanistan by maintaining a hostile attitude towards Taliban.”

There is little doubt that New Delhi is becoming increasingly anxious about the state of the Afghan peace process and particularly about Trump’s sudden decision to withdraw forces. But at the same time, India also finds itself without very many good options about how to proceed. If the United States does go ahead with a significant withdrawal of forces from Afghanistan, India’s troubles will undoubtedly deepen.


India needs to maximize its relations with Iran, especially with the port of Chabahar, if it want to extend its influence in Afghanistan. As long as Pakistan is in Saudi Arabia's camp, India has an advantage with Iran. Regardless of what the US does in Afghanistan, Iran has a role to play in the peace process. India can benefit from this.

This was before Pakistan knew US was withdrawing forces, cause yesterday when asked by a journalist what role does India have Pakistan's foreign office spokesperson replied "Their is no role for India in Afghanistan".

Pretty arrogant of Pakistan to say this. I thought Afghanistan was a sovereign nation?
India needs to maximize its relations with Iran, especially with the port of Chabahar, if it want to extend its influence in Afghanistan. As long as Pakistan is in Saudi Arabia's camp, India has an advantage with Iran. Regardless of what the US does in Afghanistan, Iran has a role to play in the peace process. India can benefit from this.

Pretty arrogant of Pakistan to say this. I thought Afghanistan was a sovereign nation?
Please make an entry in Afghanistan in large scale and you would realize what we can do.
India needs to maximize its relations with Iran, especially with the port of Chabahar, if it want to extend its influence in Afghanistan. As long as Pakistan is in Saudi Arabia's camp, India has an advantage with Iran. Regardless of what the US does in Afghanistan, Iran has a role to play in the peace process. India can benefit from this.

Pretty arrogant of Pakistan to say this. I thought Afghanistan was a sovereign nation?
India will no longer be able to use Afghan territory for terrorism in Pakistan. You guys can go fcuk yourselves with or without Iran but now there is nothing left for you in Afghanistan

Please make an entry in Afghanistan in large scale and you would realize what we can do.
They will be butchered like abandoned dogs.. Afghans hate Indians except a few puppets.
Pretty arrogant of Pakistan to say this. I thought Afghanistan was a sovereign nation?

Actually very correct response. India can have a role in rebuilding Afghanistan. But has been using the space provided to it in Afghanistan for fomenting troubles in Pakistan. It is using that country as a second front. If India comes out of its insidious and belligerent approach toward Pakistan, it can play a role. But Pakistan will always have a major role to play for its geography and affinity with people of Afghanistan gives it that role by default.
Please make an entry in Afghanistan in large scale and you would realize what we can do.

This is every Pakistani's wet dream, but in reality India has no interest in doing anything large-scale -- military-wise -- in Afghanistan. India has already turned down US request to send its troops there. India's plan for Afghanistan was always the same: keep it restive and deny it to Pakistan.

India will no longer be able to use Afghan territory for terrorism in Pakistan. You guys can go fcuk yourselves with or without Iran but now there is nothing left for you in Afghanistan

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Don't underestimate the Iranians. It borders Pakistan as much as Afghanistan does. They will play their part, if need be.

They will be butchered like abandoned dogs.. Afghans hate Indians except a few puppets.

Really? Says who?

But Pakistan will always have a major role to play for its geography and affinity with people of Afghanistan gives it that role by default.

Interesting about this talk of affinity with people of Afghanistan given how Afghan refugees have been treated on PDF and elsewhere.

Yes they are and that's why you have absolutely no role over there.

That's not really for Pakistan to decide but Afghanistan on who they want in their country.
Taliban are rabid animals. And Trump is the worst President in American history. He is withdrawing troops but will happily let Blackwater and other corporate armed troops take over. And given Taliban's history, any other attack in the West which is traced there - what will happen?
Really? Says who?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Don't underestimate the Iranians. It borders Pakistan as much as Afghanistan does. They will play their part, if need be.
So now you're saying "terror mata" will use Iran against Pakistan? I don't think it is going to be possible. We already have your monkey and Iran knows it very well. Furthermore, Iran is not in a position to do anything against Pakistan rather it wants good relations with Pakistan and we also want good relations with them. Iran knows that IMCTC has been kept silent by Pakistan against Iran.
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Taliban are rabid animals. And Trump is the worst President in American history. He is withdrawing troops but will happily let Blackwater and other corporate armed troops take over. And given Taliban's history, any other attack in the West which is traced there - what will happen?

There are so many terror attacks in the West nowadays that no-one here complains or does anything about it anymore..........those days are dead which is why Trump is pulling out half the american troops in afghanistan........:azn:

This is every Pakistani's wet dream, but in reality India has no interest in doing anything large-scale -- military-wise -- in Afghanistan. India has already turned down US request to send its troops there. India's plan for Afghanistan was always the same: keep it restive and deny it to Pakistan.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Don't underestimate the Iranians. It borders Pakistan as much as Afghanistan does. They will play their part, if need be.

Really? Says who?

Interesting about this talk of affinity with people of Afghanistan given how Afghan refugees have been treated on PDF and elsewhere.

That's not really for Pakistan to decide but Afghanistan on who they want in their country.

Lol......"deny it to Pakistan"........wtf???.........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:............the Taliban are more powerful now then they were in 2001. Even the american superpower admits as much. afghanistan has literally been handed on a plate to us.......:azn:........and there is nothing indian kind can do about it. The Iranians are too busy protecting themselves from a possible attack from Israel to worry about afghanistan. trump has literally made afghanistan into another province of Pakistan.........:azn::

This is every Pakistani's wet dream, but in reality India has no interest in doing anything large-scale -- military-wise -- in Afghanistan. India has already turned down US request to send its troops there. India's plan for Afghanistan was always the same: keep it restive and deny it to Pakistan.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Don't underestimate the Iranians. It borders Pakistan as much as Afghanistan does. They will play their part, if need be.

Really? Says who?

Interesting about this talk of affinity with people of Afghanistan given how Afghan refugees have been treated on PDF and elsewhere.

That's not really for Pakistan to decide but Afghanistan on who they want in their country.

Come back to planet earth. You are living somewhere in a different dimension.
Taliban are rabid animals. And Trump is the worst President in American history. He is withdrawing troops but will happily let Blackwater and other corporate armed troops take over. And given Taliban's history, any other attack in the West which is traced there - what will happen?
Says who :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
Oh my Great God...what a turn of events... until recently your compatriots were worshiping him



So now you're saying "terror mata" will use Iran against Pakistan? I don't think it is going to be possible. We already have your monkey and Iran knows it very well. Furthermore, Iran is not in a position to do anything against Pakistan rather it wants good relations with Pakistan and we also want good relations with them. Iran knows that IMCTC has been kept silent by Pakistan against Iran.

Stop using Yadav as an excuse. Pakistan tried to internationalize his arrest and failed miserably, so what's the point of bring up his name?

As for Iran. Yes, they want good relations with Pakistan but it's not to Iran's liking. That Pakistan is squarely in Saudi Arabia's camp rankles them. Pakistan failure to complete the Iran pipeline deal is also an irritant. As long as this difference exist, India will try to exploit, successful or not.

Lol......"deny it to Pakistan"........wtf???.........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:............the Taliban are more powerful now then they were in 2001. Even the american superpower admits as much. afghanistan has literally been handed on a plate to us.......:azn:........and there is nothing indian kind can do about it. The Iranians are too busy protecting themselves from a possible attack from Israel to worry about afghanistan. trump has literally made afghanistan into another province of Pakistan.........:azn::

Israelis are the least of Iran's worries. They are more worried about the Gulf states do their south and Pakistan to the east. As long as Pakistan poses a threat, Iran will try to keep Pakistan on the back foot. And remember factions of the Taliban are also based in Iran too. Pakistan thinks it has Afghanistan in hand, but it's more complicated than that.

I say let's see what happens when the US completely withdraws.
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