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Why India Fears Trump’s Emerging Afghanistan Approach

Says who :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
Oh my Great God...what a turn of events... until recently your compatriots were worshiping him



Hahahhahahahha - you think every Indian thinks that?

There are so many terror attacks in the West nowadays that no-one here complains or does anything about it anymore..........those days are dead which is why Trump is pulling out half the american troops in afghanistan........:azn:

Lol......"deny it to Pakistan"........wtf???.........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:............the Taliban are more powerful now then they were in 2001. Even the american superpower admits as much. afghanistan has literally been handed on a plate to us.......:azn:........and there is nothing indian kind can do about it. The Iranians are too busy protecting themselves from a possible attack from Israel to worry about afghanistan. trump has literally made afghanistan into another province of Pakistan.........:azn::

We shall see. An attack after a withdrawal, if it happens will not augur well.
LOL - based on what? Some RW guys love him but that's the crowd he attracts.
Naah, most of Indians have been pretty with him and all of Gangadeshis on PDF were quite happy until he announced withdrawal from Afghanistan... Can you show me a single post of yours criticising him before this decision? You people are pathological liars and deceivers.
Hahahhahahahha - you think every Indian thinks that?

We shall see. An attack after a withdrawal, if it happens will not augur well.

No one gave a damn after the manchester terrorist attacks. Those days of 9/11 2001 are now dead.

Stop using Yadav as an excuse. Pakistan tried to internationalize his arrest and failed miserably, so what's the point of bring up his name?

As for Iran. Yes, they want good relations with Pakistan but it's not to Iran's liking. That Pakistan is squarely in Saudi Arabia's camp rankles them. Pakistan failure to complete the Iran pipeline deal is also an irritant. As long as this difference exist, India will try to exploit, successful or not.

Israelis are the least of Iran's worries. They are more worried about the Gulf states do their south and Pakistan to the east. As long as Pakistan poses a threat, Iran will try to keep Pakistan on the back foot. And remember factions of the Taliban are also based in Iran too. Pakistan thinks it has Afghanistan in hand, but it's more complicated than that.

I say let's see what happens when the US completely withdraws.

Lol.........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:........so when have Iran and Pakistan been on a war footing against eachother???????........:lol:??????.......so Pakistan is now a bigger threat to Iran than israel???????.....wtf!!!!...:rofl:.......so you honestly think the Sunni fundamentalist Taliban wilk take orders from a Shia theocracy??????....... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:.......this is NOT a bollywood film.

Can you please provide the source from where you getting your info. from...... :lol:
This was before Pakistan knew US was withdrawing forces, cause yesterday when asked by a journalist what role does India have Pakistan's foreign office spokesperson replied "Their is no role for India in Afghanistan".
Shah sahab said India role is to spend some money in Afghanistan ....India is welcomed to spend money

India will no longer be able to use Afghan territory for terrorism in Pakistan. You guys can go fcuk yourselves with or without Iran but now there is nothing left for you in Afghanistan

They will be butchered like abandoned dogs.. Afghans hate Indians except a few puppets.
Pakistan needs to develop infrastructure near its boarder to cunter chahbur ...it cant lose the advantage it has. Develop the two closed ans three opened crossing so Afghanistan is completely dependent upon our trade..this will help Pakistan economy as well

Recently this has slowly eroded
No one gave a damn after the manchester terrorist attacks. Those days of 9/11 2001 are now dead.

Lol.........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:........so when have Iran and Pakistan been on a war footing against eachother???????........:lol:??????.......so Pakistan is now a bigger threat to Iran than israel???????.....wtf!!!!...:rofl:.......so you honestly think the Sunni fundamentalist Taliban wilk take orders from a Shia theocracy??????....... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:.......this is NOT a bollywood film.

Can you please provide the source from where you getting your info. from...... :lol:
And, they’re forgetting the China factor!! Iraninans and Indians: Bazari vs Bazari....
Stop using Yadav as an excuse. Pakistan tried to internationalize his arrest and failed miserably, so what's the point of bring up his name?

As for Iran. Yes, they want good relations with Pakistan but it's not to Iran's liking. That Pakistan is squarely in Saudi Arabia's camp rankles them. Pakistan failure to complete the Iran pipeline deal is also an irritant. As long as this difference exist, India will try to exploit, successful or not.
KBY is not an excuse but living human being (your monkey donkey or a pig) under arrest and punished with death penalty for the crimes he committed and accepted. You forget your citizens and compatriots so easy man... that's not how a shupa pawa act.
And you are nobody to talk on behalf of Iran. I think Iranians should talk on this subject and that too some govt official.
There is not a single major Iranian military base even 500 kms from Pakistan! Same with Afghanistan. Our closest major base would be bandar Abbas or Shiraz, 1000 miles away!

Our concerns are the never ending gun running/ drug smuggling and people smuggling drama.

No military threats or bad relationship with neither Afghani or Pakistani. Only border guard posts to prevent people from coming inside Iran.
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Says who :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
Oh my Great God...what a turn of events... until recently your compatriots were worshiping him




Looks like their God trump doesn't even like or give a damn about them..........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:........looking at the pictures like the ones above never ceases to amaze me on how ugly, physically repulsive and deformed looking indians are. indians truely are the most ugliest and disgusting looking creatures on earth. They truely are sub-human animals/savages.
Looks like their God trump doesn't even like or give a damn about them..........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:........looking at the pictures like the ones above never ceases to amaze me on how ugly, physically repulsive and deformed looking indians are. indians truely are the most ugliest and disgusting looking creatures on earth. They truely are sub-human animals/savages.
Man...apparent physical ugliness is something else but the inner ugliness is what counts and that is what makes some loathsome creature..these bhindus were praising Donald Trump because of their hate against Islam and Muslims so they thought he was perfect man and made him their god and started worshipping him even without his permission... these are really the vilest creatures crawling on the planet.
Man...apparent physical ugliness is something else but the inner ugliness is what counts and that is what makes some loathsome creature..these bhindus were praising Donald Trump because of their hate against Islam and Muslim so they thought he was perfect and made him their god and started worshipping even without his permission... these are really the vilest creatures crawling on the planet.

These indians are the most ugliest creatures on the planet, both inside and out. They are even more ugly than apes. In fact calling an ape an indian is a big insult to monkeys. When you see how ugly the indian race is you know why they hate Pakistanis/Muslims with such a passion. We probably would too if we looked like that.
These indians are the most ugliest creatures on the planet, both inside and out. They are even more ugly than apes. In fact calling an ape an indian is a big insult to monkeys. When you see how ugly the indian race is you know why they hate Pakistanis/Muslims with such a passion. We probably would too if we looked like that.
bhai to tell you the truth as a Muslim we are not supposed to make fun of anyone's physical appearance because all of them have been created the one and only Allah so I won't pass any racist comments on them and I would request you to review your faith as well because it is not consistent with our Islamic teachings. But said that, they are our enemies existential enemies and harbour the worst of hatred against Islam and Muslims that was the only reason why they started to worship Donald Trump but now some of them started to abuse him as he has announced withdrawal from the middle-east and Afghanistan. We need to expose their hatred and we should make our dumb Arab and Irani friends aware of the hatred these bhindus harbour against us all. They hate Islam and Muslim regardless of his race and nationality. They even want to take over Mecca and Medina but these low lives will perish much before that can happen.
It's all simplistic to say that Pak can now control Afg after US pull out. No doubt that India is at a disadvantage but with NA support India will have some clout as long as they are in power. Tower if Taliban come to power AND if India engages them then there could be a different outcome. Who knows what is there on their minds. If they are engaged by all parties so then Pak could lose their clout. It's fascinating to watch with real consequences but I do not think any body on this forum can make a prediction on what will happen.
India’s policy has been to suggest an “Afghan-led, Afghan-owned and Afghan-controlled,” process with participation of the Afghan government. The gist of this appears to be that India wants to leave Pakistan out of the process. But it has become increasingly concerned about the central role that all key players are giving to Pakistan. In reality, most of the other stakeholders have simply ignored India’s views and have been engaged in finding a solution with the inclusion of Taliban and its sponsors in Pakistan.
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