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Why India failed and china succeeded!

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Its not because of who runs the Gov... look at America , Australia..

Its not even because of money problem .. .

its kinda related to the culture... every parents want their children to be engineer or doctor...

No parents in India would like to encourage their children to discontinue their studies as there is no guarantee of earning a livelihood in a nation where not all the sports are patronised by its citizens....

So your saying that a chinese lifestyle is better correct then indian ? I disagree with that when it comes to western countries.
why dont indians just give it up.
china is superior to india in every way possible.

we destroyed them in war.
we are much better at sports.
we have far more advanced space program.
we have sent man to space.
we have done space walk.
we have space lab.
we have much stronger military.
we have our own defence industry.
we have our own engines(ws-10).
we have much bigger economy.
we have more fortune 500 companies.
we have much better infrastructure.
we have UN veto power.
we have more vote in IMF and world bank.
we have bigger manufacturing.
we have bigger consumer market.
we have more forex reserves.
we are a net creditor nation(india is still a net debtor).
we have much much higher IQ.
we get more attention in the world media.
we have bigger bigger stock market cap.
etc etc etc
i could go on forever, the list is MASSIVE.

we own india in every possible way.
would you like to live in developed china? No, coz you want fredom. ppl migrate to west not China. have you ever thought why?

what is your proof that china is develop? China manipulate datas. there is a thick curtain between china and world. no one knows what go inside china.

I assume China is developed but not sure.

at topic: as i told india is ppl drivenindians decide there fate. i was a good hockey player, ileft hockey and become engineer. i am getting 6 digit salary in india. more than 1.2 million INR per month. i chose my career. if i see sports can fetch good money. I'll send my kid to play.

Been to China stayed there for a week, I want many things, it's a mix of both, China is still a developing country. lol this isn't the USSR, China is alot more open then that even the foreign media can get into china there is really noting to hide but China is ahead of India and denying that well your free to deny that.
why dont indians just give it up.
china is superior to india in every way possible.

we destroyed them in war.
we are much better at sports.
we have far more advanced space program.
we have sent man to space.
we have done space walk.
we have space lab.
we have much stronger military.
we have our own defence industry.
we have our own engines(ws-10).
we have much bigger economy.
we have more fortune 500 companies.
we have much better infrastructure.
we have UN veto power.
we have more vote in IMF and world bank.
we have bigger manufacturing.
we have bigger consumer market.
we have more forex reserves.
we are a net creditor nation(india is still a net debtor).
we have much much higher IQ.
we get more attention in the world media.
we have bigger bigger stock market cap.
etc etc etc
i could go on forever, the list is MASSIVE.

we own india in every possible way.

There is no doubt that China is much ahead of India.. they are better than us in every field.. nobody is denying that..... we just prefer democracy ... thats it and we are ready to face any consequence that comes along with it.... :cool:
China has made more progess being run by a government then india run by it's people. :fie:

would you like to live iN developed china? no, coz you love freedom.

China heavely manipulate datas, so no one earth knows China development is true or false. remember communist soviet union, till date it disintegrated no one knew what was cooking inside.

as i told india is driven by ppl. its we who decide why our son will be based on opportunity available. youcan see many kids are playing cricket, coz IPL Fetching them money.

don't get disappointed, other side grass look greener. its not always green. China is not what we are thinking here.
The true rising and shining India (pre colonial) wasn't democratic either. White man came and said..you take jesus and democracy and give me your wealth! Can somebody image how much money the brits leeched from India?

No need to imagine it. A walk down New Bond St in Mayfair should be enough.
why dont indians just give it up.
china is superior to india in every way possible.

we destroyed them in war.
we are much better at sports.
we have far more advanced space program.
we have sent man to space.
we have done space walk.
we have space lab.
we have much stronger military.
we have our own defence industry.
we have our own engines(ws-10).
we have much bigger economy.
we have more fortune 500 companies.
we have much better infrastructure.
we have UN veto power.
we have more vote in IMF and world bank.
we have bigger manufacturing.
we have bigger consumer market.
we have more forex reserves.
we are a net creditor nation(india is still a net debtor).
we have much much higher IQ.
we get more attention in the world media.
we have bigger bigger stock market cap.
etc etc etc
i could go on forever, the list is MASSIVE.

we own india in every possible way.

You have a bigger mouth too.
Been to China stayed there for a week, I want many things, it's a mix of both, China is still a developing country. lol this isn't the USSR, China is alot more open then that even the foreign media can get into china there is really noting to hide but China is ahead of India and denying that well your free to deny that.

i was 3 month in China. working with dirty company huawei. twice.
There is no doubt that China is much ahead of India.. they are better than us in every field.. nobody is denying that..... we just prefer democracy ... thats it and we are ready to face any consequence that comes along with it.... :cool:

one of the reasons we are ahead is because of our superior political system.
why dont indians just give it up.
china is superior to india in every way possible.

we destroyed them in war.
we are much better at sports.
we have far more advanced space program.
we have sent man to space.
we have done space walk.
we have space lab.
we have much stronger military.
we have our own defence industry.
we have our own engines(ws-10).
we have much bigger economy.
we have more fortune 500 companies.
we have much better infrastructure.
we have UN veto power.
we have more vote in IMF and world bank.
we have bigger manufacturing.
we have bigger consumer market.
we have more forex reserves.
we are a net creditor nation(india is still a net debtor).
we have much much higher IQ.
we get more attention in the world media.
we have bigger bigger stock market cap.
etc etc etc
i could go on forever, the list is MASSIVE.

we own india in every possible way.

we produce more milk than china.

our first fast breeder reactor went critical in 1986, 25 years before china's first FBR

we gave 41 billion $ as loan to US and 25 billion $ to IMF

we have kaveri just like you have WS 10

the list can go further, if you wish
why dont indians just give it up.
china is superior to india in every way possible.

we destroyed them in war.
we are much better at sports.
we have far more advanced space program.
we have sent man to space.
we have done space walk.
we have space lab.
we have much stronger military.
we have our own defence industry.
we have our own engines(ws-10).
we have much bigger economy.
we have more fortune 500 companies.
we have much better infrastructure.
we have UN veto power.
we have more vote in IMF and world bank.
we have bigger manufacturing.
we have bigger consumer market.
we have more forex reserves.
we are a net creditor nation(india is still a net debtor).
we have much much higher IQ.
we get more attention in the world media.
we have bigger bigger stock market cap.
etc etc etc
i could go on forever, the list is MASSIVE.

we own india in every possible way.


We have Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim.
Its not because of who runs the Gov... look at America , Australia..

Its not even because of money problem .. .

its kinda related to the culture... every parents want their children to be engineer or doctor...

No parents in India would like to encourage their children to discontinue their studies as there is no guarantee of earning a livelihood in a nation where not all the sports are patronised by its citizens....

oh indian parents want their children to be engineer or doctor why this happened?

Indian students rank 2nd last in global test

Indian students rank 2nd last in global test - The Times of India

oh btw the sporty but uneducated china came first
The true rising and shining India (pre colonial) wasn't democratic either. White man came and said..you take jesus and democracy and give me your wealth! Can somebody image how much money the brits leeched from India?

my history knowledge suggests British India includes today's PAK and BD

so it means great world winner Muslims too were conquered by Brits and were serving British ( who are Christians) masters rule just like Hindus were, right?
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