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Why India can't stand Pakistan And China’s CPEC? [ANALYSIS]

Did you not know that?? She is the star writer ,contribute much for PDF to discuss..
Polina tikhonova is a great author who coined the term "China Pakistan Russia Super power Triangle"..
Her articles are very famous here in PDF..Almost all Pak-Russia articles are written by her..

Pakistan Taken lead over India

Why Russia Is Getting Closer To Pakistan And Abandoning India?

Russia Publicly Favors Pakistan Over India

China, Russia, Pakistan Superpower Triangle Becoming Reality

U.K., France, Russia Want To Join Pakistan-China’s CPEC [UPDATED]

Pakistan-Turkey Friendship: Turkey Favors Pakistan Over India

China, Russia And Pakistan: The World’s New Superpower Axis

Russia-Pakistan Alliance Makes India Jealous

Turkey To Join Pakistan, China, Russia Superpower Bloc?


all of those proved to be true in the end
yes yes Pakistan the suppa pawa block, which reality are you from fellow sir.

Actually Indian public and more importantly Indian official showing red face with anger whenever Pakistan is mentioned is a proof in itself.
Actually Indian public and more importantly Indian official showing red face with anger whenever Pakistan is mentioned is a proof in itself.
lol don't delude yourself m8 , most Indians give a rats *** about geopolitics , most people there cant tell the difference between Pakistan and Afghanistan .
Actually Indian public and more importantly Indian official showing red face with anger whenever Pakistan is mentioned is a proof in itself.
And we dont see Pakistanies happy either when ever Afghanistan is mentioned.:-) so ?
And we dont see Pakistanies happy either when ever Afghanistan is mentioned.:-) so ?

That is only a relatively recent development... ever since the afghans a started blowing up civilians through terror. Historically, Pakistanis have been the most generous people to the afghans and had extended all possible means to help them beyond any norm.

Only to stabbed in the back by the afghans... Pakistani are known for their Big Hearts and Generosity... case in point.. Every Afghan so - called leader was a hosted refugee in pakistan... now look at them spit venom when they get their puppet seats of power.. No respect (Eg. Karzai)!

Indians on the other hand have a burning disease in their Small hearts against pakistan since the beginning.... Which probably goes back to the Maughal era.... And probably before that too... to the Indus Civilization... since we were always the top people.... Not just geographically speaking... but literally.. In in terms of the ancient Caste system.. We unfortunately brought that with us when our ancestors ruled the people of SOUTH in ancient times...so as not to cross the bloodlines... that has an eternal affect on the Indian psychi...

Back to topic... that is why India can never phantom the idea of CPEC and how transformational it's effects would be for Pakistan. The ancient decease in the Indian heart still reminds them that we are the defendants of the Indus Civilization and our dominance will overwhelm the people of the SOUTH. Fear! Fear of us guides Modi and his Hindutva ilk RSS/BJP.
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That is only a relatively recent development... ever since the afghans a started blowing up civilians through terror. Historically, Pakistanis have been the most generous people to the afghans and had extended all possible means to help them beyond any norm.

Only to stabbed in the back by the afghans... Pakistani are known for their Big Hearts and Generosity... case in point.. Every Afghan so - called leader was a hosted refugee in pakistan... now look at them spit venom when they get their puppet seats of power.. No respect (Eg. Karzai)!

Indians on the other hand have a burning disease in their Small hearts against pakistan since the beginning.... Which probably goes back to the Maughal era.... And probably before that too... to the Indus Civilization... since we were always the top people.... Not just geographically speaking... but literally.. In in terms of the ancient Caste system.. We unfortunately brought that with us when our ancestors ruled the people of SOUTH in ancient times...so as not to cross the bloodlines... that has an eternal affect on the Indian psychi...

Back to topic... that is why India can never phantom the idea of CPEC and how transformational it's effects would be for Pakistan. The ancient decease in the Indian heart still reminds them that we are the defendants of the Indus Civilization and our dominance will overwhelm the people of the SOUTH. Fear! Fear of us guides Modi and his Hindutva ilk RSS/BJP.
What are you smoking dude if not is the madrassa education doing its trick..

The concept of Pakistan is not even 100 yrs old.
The reason Afghans hate you is because what you have done and are doing in Afghanistan for your strategic depth.
You are not doing them any favour.
who payed good taliban and bad taliban.:-)

Rest of the post about being superior and ruling,:-) ,dont we know what others think.oh by the way you should thank Afghanistan who made you a superior race :-),you know what i mean
The reason Afghans hate you is because what you have done and are doing in Afghanistan for your strategic depth.
You are not doing them any favour.
Rest of the post about being superior and ruling,:-) ,dont we know what others think.oh by the way you should thank Afghanistan who made you a superior race :-),you know what i mean

there you go, typical ignorant stuff as expected.Time for some history lessons.

These people were always found in a fight among themselves even back in 1880 when Britishers manipulated them.It all started during the second Anglo-Afghan war when Afghan rulers lost and sold their own people and land to the Britishers only to save their own northern territory from being occupied.Treaty of Gandamak cant be undone now and thats what bothers them.
Thats why they refused to accept Pakistan at its nascence when Britishers left., they dotn want to honor their past agreements anymore hosted and sent baluch separatists through outs 50s and 70s and even today. Sponsored Pakhtun nationalists in Kpk and alzulfiqarin 80s.And we all know what they are doing today..

Since there were many Punjabis and sikhs in the British Army back then they see the legacy of Britishers in formation of Pakistan, Pakistan Army and the Punjabi politicians which is outright stupid, as it has more to do with the Indian brainwashing in past 50 years than the pakistan-britian connection.
Britain today hosts Altaf Hussain and harmed Pakistani interests on several occasions but because most afghans dont know history and fien details they pass on the hate.
the bottom line
Pakistan is the biggest Pashtun nation on earth and the true representative of pashtuns globally unlike them and this is what bothers them

and btw this superior race crap exists in your caste society. keep your filth where it belongs.
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