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Why India can’t escape its neighborhood?


do those american rich men follow the same lifestyle as the moron listed on the above article? no, they don't.

e.g. Bill Gates lives in a fancy house, but it is still not far different from other rich men. Bill Gates is well connected to the society and doing some very amazing stuff for the poors.

why india's richs do these kind of crap? because they still believe the caste system.
Don't talk without any knowledge. Do you know how well connected elites like TATA are to commoners? During the launch of his new SUV variants many people had reported him personally asking people and holding conferences. The man (Ratan Tata) also was the one who compensated not just Taj Hotel victims but also the vendors and street sellers around the hotel who'd no connection to him.

You Communists need to first have the courage to reveal your truth tot he world rather than censor or twist every news to show yourself great, rather than blaming mainstream Hinduism. If you don't have the courage to show your original self to the world, don't talk about others. Living behind an artificial wall is easy; bringing yourself as you are to the world requires real social courage.

So first open up China to rest of the world and then talk about our negative points.
^^ Bhai mere, why are you cursing China/Communists for a guy who knows not what he's talking?

We don't even know if he is Chinese for God's sake!

India and China can be and will be very peaceful neighbours one day.
Why Indians do have very big mouths. Anyways good luck with your dreams of world domination, we will still be your neighbors no matter what. try to touch us, and you know which button we'll press :azn:

go and see if that button is really present there or your corrupt govt. have sold it to other countries :azn:
India is not, and has never been, interested in 'world domination'. Who said that here? We aren't interested in aiming to be a global policeman like the US. The article never mentioned it either (it is a newsweek article btw and I doubt if it is an Indian author).

It is your own insecurity that makes you see such things all the time.

Ah you dont get sarcasm do you. Was having a play with India's ambitions and its current situation. Sure now go ahead with your tough guy replies, il just laugh to them anyways.

"if a reputed magazine like newsweek commissions such an article , then maybe we are the best" Ardent, pg 1 :lol:
I totally agree when Obama says that a stable and prosperous Pakistan is in India's long term interest. India's stakes are highest of any country in a developed Pakistan
Ah you dont get sarcasm do you. Was having a play with India's ambitions and its current situation. Sure now go ahead with your tough guy replies, il just laugh to them anyways.

"if a reputed magazine like newsweek commissions such an article , then maybe we are the best" Ardent, pg 1 :lol:

what about pakistani ambitions and its current situation......

the disparity between that and its current situation is much more........

much more than the disparity between india's ambitions and its situation ......

we wont play with YOUR disparity.....

your situation is too pathetic to play around with.....:sick:
Do indian journalist thing twice before writting?? there seems to be a lot of stupid articles afloat in media be it NY times, FT, Al Kaleej or even Arabnews whose idealogy basicaly stems from "india superpower" complex. So when obama visit china but does not have Pakistan on the leg of his trip, it will mean that chinese are trying to escape their neighbourhood as well..comeon indians please grow up your immateur mentality of go make bollywood movies!

And whats with the 1.2 trillion economy, still 1/4 of China and those super boasted growth rates?? remember indians are struggling to boost growth rates while the chinese are pushing them to slow down which speaks a lot whose potential is where. By the time you beat Chinas current economy in next decade or two, the Chinese economy would have reached 6-8 trillion however indian economic seems to put a freeze on Chinese estimation and boast about their super duper formula of bearting china..haha~
if you can keep from puking. I guess that it must be true what they say about Indian egos and flattery, nothing else can explain the delusional thinking that gives birth to such inanity. There will be no "American Century" and India will never be a "superpower." Get over yourselves!:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Do indian journalist thing twice before writting?? there seems to be a lot of stupid articles afloat in media be it NY times, FT, Al Kaleej or even Arabnews whose idealogy basicaly stems from "india superpower" complex. So when obama visit china but does not have Pakistan on the leg of his trip, it will mean that chinese are trying to escape their neighbourhood as well..comeon indians please grow up your immateur mentality of go make bollywood movies!

And whats with the 1.2 trillion economy, still 1/4 of China and those super boasted growth rates?? remember indians are struggling to boost growth rates while the chinese are pushing them to slow down which speaks a lot whose potential is where. By the time you beat Chinas current economy in next decade or two, the Chinese economy would have reached 6-8 trillion however indian economic seems to put a freeze on Chinese estimation and boast about their super duper formula of bearting china..haha~

Have you ever heard of the power of the compounded growth rate?
oh yeah ,women were being crushed by taliban , football stadiums were being converted into killing zones where punishments like shooting dead were being regularly meted out in afghanistan ,all music dancing was banned.........yeah everything was peaceful :cheers:

Another victim of the MSM.
Do indian journalist thing twice before writting?? there seems to be a lot of stupid articles afloat in media be it NY times, FT, Al Kaleej or even Arabnews whose idealogy basicaly stems from "india superpower" complex. So when obama visit china but does not have Pakistan on the leg of his trip, it will mean that chinese are trying to escape their neighbourhood as well..comeon indians please grow up your immateur mentality of go make bollywood movies!

And whats with the 1.2 trillion economy, still 1/4 of China and those super boasted growth rates?? remember indians are struggling to boost growth rates while the chinese are pushing them to slow down which speaks a lot whose potential is where. By the time you beat Chinas current economy in next decade or two, the Chinese economy would have reached 6-8 trillion however indian economic seems to put a freeze on Chinese estimation and boast about their super duper formula of bearting china..haha~

As per your own admission yesterday, you occasionally troll for 'mental masturbation', as you put it. In any case, when you're done with that act, try to learn something about compounded growth rates which another member referred to above.
When a country starts performing well, its people feel good about themselves and become more nationalistic. This is a fact. And when reach some point of development, the nationalistic feeling tones down. I am sure the Chinese have grown more nationalistic with their growth much before us. If their forums were in English we would know better. That said, I wish Indians are more modest and we will become when we reach where China is today.

The topic here is about India and its unstable neighbors and not about China. Wish people do not drag China into this.
@chinarocks:we will become a permanent member in unsc,because we dont have the word 'can't' in our dictionary
When a country starts performing well, its people feel good about themselves and become more nationalistic. This is a fact. And when reach some point of development, the nationalistic feeling tones down. I am sure the Chinese have grown more nationalistic with their growth much before us. If their forums were in English we would know better. That said, I wish Indians are more modest and we will become when we reach where China is today.

The topic here is about India and its unstable neighbors and not about China. Wish people do not drag China into this.

China is more nationalist in the 70s. However, we are more confidence when we prosper.
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