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Why India can’t escape its neighborhood?


May 10, 2010
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Why India can’t escape its neighborhood?

The most striking new building in Mumbai—the first stop on President Obama’s Asia trip—is a gleaming 27-story tower that sits atop ritzy Malabar Hill. What’s remarkable about the skyscraper is its purpose: it’s a single-family home, meant to house only industrialist Mukesh Ambani, India’s richest man, and his wife and three kids. (This being India, his mother has a spare floor, too.) Mumbai’s rich have always sought ways to distance themselves psychologically and physically from the city’s dirt and chaos; one person involved with Ambani’s “house” likened its rising girders to a “vertical driveway,” separating the family from the heaving masses below.

India, too, would love to escape its neighborhood. One big reason Obama won’t be visiting Pakistan this week is because New Delhi no longer wants to be considered in the same breath as its dangerously failing rival.

It’s not an unreasonable desire: India has a GDP of $1.2 trillion, an economy that’s growing at more than 8 percent annually, and a middle class that’s almost as big as the population of the United States. Washington and New Delhi share interests far beyond the tense Indo-Pak border. The Pentagon relies on the Indian Navy to help police the region’s sea lanes. America is bolstering India’s ties with other Asian democracies, in part to counter the spread of Chinese influence. India sees itself as a global power—and Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka as fragile societies, if not basket cases.

There’s something deeply ironic about all this. Indian leaders fought the 1947 Partition that gave birth to Pakistan tooth and nail. Now they’d just as soon pretend their nuclear-armed neighbor did not exist, like one of those ragged street dwellers Mumbai’s stockbrokers step around on their way to work.

America, though, needs to be promoting even closer relations between India and its neighbors. Rightly or wrongly, the Pakistani military maintains ties to jihadists, including those battling U.S. troops in Afghanistan, largely because they are seen as potential proxies against India. Islamabad isn’t likely to shift more troops from its eastern border to tackle the Taliban until that rivalry is eased. Obama is smart enough not to raise this point publicly. But it’s at least as crucial to U.S. interests as getting India to cooperate on Iran sanctions, or global climate-change legislation.

India, too, cannot simply ignore the sea of dysfunction that laps at its shores. As the 2008 Mumbai attacks demonstrated, jihadists based in Pakistan are fixated on targeting Indian cities. A homegrown Maoist insurgency has drawn inspiration—and possibly weapons—from a similar movement across the border in Nepal. Opium from Afghanistan has contributed to a burgeoning drug problem.

Both Washington and New Delhi should become more involved with the rest of South Asia, not less. Indians don’t complain about at least one of the ties that bind them to the rest of the region: the sexy, boisterous movies, music, and TV shows churned out by Bollywood. Indian entertainment dominates markets from Kunduz in Afghanistan to Kandy in Sri Lanka. True, it has sparked a backlash in some places, where women and young people have challenged the mores of their conservative societies. But that’s the point: trashy soaps are a powerful liberalizing force.

New Delhi should be looking for other ways to integrate India’s booming economy with its neighbors’ faltering ones. Bilateral trade with Pakistan is a paltry $1.65 billion, about the same as with Vietnam; most estimates say it should be closer to $10 billion. The smartest Indian officials recognize this, of course; resistance often comes from the neighbors, who as vassals fear being swamped by Indian products.

But here is where the United States can be helpful. Rather than lecturing India about easing its military occupation in Kashmir, or fruitlessly demanding that Pakistan cut off the Taliban, U.S. officials should be pressuring their Pakistani and Bangladeshi and Nepalese counterparts to open their markets to Indian goods and services. One goal of Obama’s trip is to cut deals for U.S. firms in India. But he would do well to consider how to help Indian companies strike their own deals in the region. (Think of how dramatically tensions between China and Taiwan have eased since their economies have fused.)

Ignoring those potential markets is not an option for New Delhi. Ambani’s over-the-top manse is kitted out with three helipads, which means he can always fly away from his surroundings. India can’t.

Why India Can't Escape From Pakistan - Newsweek

do those american rich men follow the same lifestyle as the moron listed on the above article? no, they don't.

e.g. Bill Gates lives in a fancy house, but it is still not far different from other rich men. Bill Gates is well connected to the society and doing some very amazing stuff for the poors.

why india's richs do these kind of crap? because they still believe the caste system.
Actually, Indian rich people are just selfish in many cases, nothing to do with caste system. Chinese rich men however, believe in Han superiority and inferiority of Tibetans, Uighurs and others. That is something I have observed.

why india's richs do these kind of crap? because they still believe the caste system.

he has the money to build .... he built it ... in the meantime it provided employment to other people during construction.

Whats the problem? It's his money .. he will do wat he fancies ...

People should stop expecting unnecessary things from people and blaming them for not doing things that they need not do!!!
India, too, would love to escape its neighborhood. One big reason Obama won’t be visiting Pakistan this week is because New Delhi no longer wants to be considered in the same breath as its dangerously failing rival.

It’s not an unreasonable desire: India has a GDP of $1.2 trillion, an economy that’s growing at more than 8 percent annually, and a middle class that’s almost as big as the population of the United States. Washington and New Delhi share interests far beyond the tense Indo-Pak border. The Pentagon relies on the Indian Navy to help police the region’s sea lanes. America is bolstering India’s ties with other Asian democracies, in part to counter the spread of Chinese influence.

if you expect pakistan to fight the war on terror thing, when uncle sam needs pakistan to wage a useless war on terror, where pakistan is losing literally billions of dollars, and getting pennies in returs, and then acoompanied by it, the drone attacks, the floods, the security situation, the CIA operations(just heard US is building forts in islamabad and quetta), IDP problems etc then you cant expect pakistan to make money, in the war a country cannot make money in any way

it was not pakistan who invited USA to fight wars in its regions, but it was uncle sam that 'threatened pakistan with bombing it to stone age' if pakistan didnt coperate

thanks to the war we are now falling behind after a decade of peaceful living

after lahore attacks what we got, all curses from the media, and insecurity feeling for pakistan in every corner of the world.

and what did india got after 26/11 attack, more uncle sam investment, rather mumbai attack has been the blessing for india in real

if we had put india in all these conditions, it had broken already into zillion pieces

but inspite of all un fortunate events pakistan has always come strong, if you want the world to know still, india is better then pakistan, then nobody will believe his ears, sorry, india is no different than pakistan, yes china is diff from india..
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India is no way near to Pakistan in economic or miliary sense, when Pakistan's FR is only $13bn compared to India's $280bn and with a economic growth of 8% it is poised to overtake China in the nr future.
thanks to the war we are now falling behind after a decade of peaceful living


you cannot expect to live peacefully for long if you create a monster like taliban which harbours alqaeda and its boss osama bin laden ,who terror-bombs USA.........you have to pay for your sins.:cheers:
just one thing i wanna say, china is developing siliently and its not china yelling abt their growth, but its their own policies and the world is noticing their growth, and here its a totally opposite case with india, abhi tarake kerna shuru ki hai to itna shor, and uncle sam is pouring the money, with all moral, political stretegical support, giving them green cards visas and jobs in US and even then india has done nothing comparatively.. china always resists to talk about conquering the world and all sort of that, even though literally they are conquering the world but here bharatis ne kuch kia nai, they always like to talk about being best in the world, or taking on the world with their might :lol::lol:, countries like turkey, brazil have more sound performances than shoopar powar india, dreaming like hell.

woooh kehte hai na khali bartan ziada shor machata hai(empty vessel makes more noice:lol:)
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just one thing i wanna say, china is developing siliently and its not china yelling abt their growth, but its their own policies and the world is noticing their growth, and here its a totally opposite case with india, abhi tarake kerna shuru ki hai to itna shor, and uncle sam is pouring the money, with all moral, political stretegical support, giving them green cards visas and jobs in US and even then india has done nothing comparatively.. china always resists to talk about conquering the world and all sort of that, even though literally they are conquering the world but here bharatis ne kuch kia nai, they always like to talk about best in the world

you cannot expect to live peacefully for long if you create a monster like taliban which harbours alqaeda and its boss osama bin laden ,who terror-bombs USA.........you have to pay for your sins.:cheers:

we didnt create osama, america created, america created the mujahideen just dreaming to defeat the soviets, so first it should be the USA to be punished, pakistan dealth with the monster USA created and made it pakistani borders safe, and it succeeded..

its not the talibans which are back biting on pakistan, but rather its the US with is always trying to involve pakistan into the war, the war which is not ours..

and have you read what i said in the beginning..

it was all peaceful(both in afghanistan n pakistan) until USA threatened pakistan to bomb it(nuke it) to stone age if pakistan didnt coperate..
just one thing i wanna say, china is developing siliently and its not china yelling abt their growth, but its their own policies and the world is noticing their growth, and here its a totally opposite case with india, abhi tarake kerna shuru ki hai to itna shor, and uncle sam is pouring the money, with all moral, political stretegical support, giving them green cards visas and jobs in US and even then india has done nothing comparatively.. china always resists to talk about conquering the world and all sort of that, even though literally they are conquering the world but here bharatis ne kuch kia nai, they always like to talk about best in the world

Yeah thats why there is trade embargo on China's goods from EU and US and now Japan and China ties are at a all time low. China is not trusted compared to India by many countries.
just one thing i wanna say, china is developing siliently and its not china yelling abt their growth, but its their own policies and the world is noticing their growth, and here its a totally opposite case with india, abhi tarake kerna shuru ki hai to itna shor, and uncle sam is pouring the money, with all moral, political stretegical support, giving them green cards visas and jobs in US and even then india has done nothing comparatively.. china always resists to talk about conquering the world and all sort of that, even though literally they are conquering the world but here bharatis ne kuch kia nai, they always like to talk about best in the world

if a reputed magazine like newsweek commissions such an article , then maybe we are the best :cheers:

by the way , why dont you speak for yourself ?........let chinese harp about china .....you speak for your own country.:pakistan:
it was all peaceful(both in afghanistan n pakistan) until USA threatened pakistan to bomb it(nuke it) to stone age if pakistan didnt coperate..

oh yeah ,women were being crushed by taliban , football stadiums were being converted into killing zones where punishments like shooting dead were being regularly meted out in afghanistan ,all music dancing was banned.........yeah everything was peaceful :cheers:
India, too, cannot simply ignore the sea of dysfunction that laps at its shores. As the 2008 Mumbai attacks demonstrated, jihadists based in Pakistan are fixated on targeting Indian cities. A homegrown Maoist insurgency has drawn inspiration—and possibly weapons—from a similar movement across the border in Nepal.

this is the worst habit of india, where what sort of problem it faces, it always ties its relations to its neighbour, this behaviour is not new to them, but its half a century old behaviour, no neighbourhood of india is safe from its blames, i think this distinguishes india among all its neighbours... india blamed mumbai attacks on pakistan, assam problems to ISI, the mioists insurgencies to nepal, even nepal is not spared :lol:, east bengal problems to bangladesh, the tamil nado problem to srilanka :lol:, china is already for arunachal perdesh :lol:, maybe even countries like bhutan and barma are not spared from indian blames, god knows

the classic example of chanakiya principles..

do those american rich men follow the same lifestyle as the moron listed on the above article? no, they don't.

e.g. Bill Gates lives in a fancy house, but it is still not far different from other rich men. Bill Gates is well connected to the society and doing some very amazing stuff for the poors.

why india's richs do these kind of crap? because they still believe the caste system.

U CANT in a trillion year become the moron u mentioned. now can u ...? i dont understand one thing why do people blame others for their problems ..?
what has this has to do anything with caste system..?

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