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Why India and China has so large population compared to other countries

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Jul 5, 2012
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My theory is Indian and Chinese lands are fertile enough to support this population . I would say most of the finest fertile lands lie in these countries .


Cereal First Second Third Fourth Fifth
Millet India Nigeria Niger Mali China
Rice China India Indonesia Bangladesh Vietnam
Wheat China India United States Russia France
Maize United States China Brazil Mexico Indonesia
Barley Russia France Germany Ukraine Canada
Rye Russia Poland Germany Belarus Ukraine
Sorghum United States India Mexico Sudan Argentina

Vegetable Largest Producer Second Largest Producer
Dry Bean India Brazil
Onion and Garlic China India
Cabbage China India
Green Bean China Indonesia
Chick peas India Pakistan
Pulses India Mozambique
Cauliflowers and Broccoli China India
Brinjal China India
Potato China India
Tomato China United States
Spinach China United States
Cassava Nigeria Thailand
Soybean United States Brazil
Carrot China Russia
Cucumber China Iran
Fruit Largest Producer Second Largest Producer
Apricot Turkey Iran
Banana India China
Mango India China
Coconut Philippines Indonesia
Sugar cane Brazil India
Grapes China Italy
Oranges Brazil United States
Papaya India Brazil
Peach China Italy
Apple China United States
Pineapples Philippines Thailand
Almond United States Spain
Sweet Potato China Tanzania
Lemon Mexico India
Raspberry Russia Poland
Stone fruits Iran China
Strawberry United States Spain
Blueberry United States Canada
Kiwifruit Italy New Zealand
Currant Russia Poland
Date Egypt Saudi Arabia
Cherry Turkey United States
Avocado Mexico Chile
Watermelon China Iran
Nut Largest Producer Second Largest Producer
Almond United States Spain
Cashew nut Vietnam Nigeria
Chestnut China Turkey
Hazelnut Turkey Italy
Pistachio Iran United States
Sheanut Nigeria Mali
Walnut China Iran
Spice Largest Producer Second Largest Producer
Cinnamon Indonesia China
Cumin India Turkey
Ginger India China
Pepper Vietnam India
Chili pepper India China
Cloves Indonesia Madagascar
Nutmeg Indonesia Grenada
Saffron Iran Spain
Vanilla Indonesia Madagascar
Turmeric India Pakistan
Non-food products[edit]
Fiber Largest Producer Second Largest Producer
Abaca Philippines Ecuador
Cotton India China
Flax Canada China
Jute Bangladesh India
Silk China India
Sisal Brazil Tanzania

Canada is second largest country in the world but nowhere on this list ( obviously great white north) , we do not even see australia in the list ( desert) .

China is 3rd largest country in the world and India is 7th largest and as we can see from the map most of core agriculture production happen in these countries ( along with U.S.) .
Yu hei thodi na SONE KI CHIDIYA bolte hai Bharat ko :P
Yes plenty of rivers and fertile basins.You need food production to support large population base.
Also the fact that dectease in mortality rate occured much fatser than family planning, however that is coming to an end now, India is almost replacement level fertility now, soon population will stabilize then start falling.

Agree withbthe above assertions though, india has the largest amount of arable land in the world, almost each region produces something, hardly any barren lands like china russia.
Because, Indians have lot of vela time. Dont know about Chinese.
60% of Indian land is agricultural land...70-71% in Bangladesh....does anyone have China's stats??
60% of Indian land is agricultural land...70-71% in Bangladesh....does anyone have China's stats??

I guess 10% of Chinese land is fertile.
Fertile land can support such a large population.

You may want to see why tiny BD has a population in excess of 150 million.

India actually has no larger population for it's land area than European countries like UK or Germany.

This "over-population" thing is just a myth. All that matters is that both the Chinese and Indian populations are now growing at 1% a year or less.
Green revolution was engineered to meet increasing demand of growing population , not other way round.. But still argument is valid that India has enormous swathe of fertile land. The gangetic plains was once huge grassland like serengeti of africa, fed by rivers from himalayas.So we are lucky that we can feed our growing population , but if we keep growing than green revolution will soon lose it oomph..:enjoy:
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chinese conquered and united. yindoos were conquered and united.

the ancient chinese and anglosaxons were really great builders
China and India have the 2nd and 3rd largest amount of "Arable land" in the world.

America has the most, but their current population is a result of colonization, so most of that Arable land is unused and unnecessary.
In India the climatic conditions are also apt for population to flourish
I mean we don't have winters like Russia/Canada/US or any other place northwards to Kashmir where one without shelter and proper clothing cannot survive. Apart from some parts of Rajasthan, agriculture is possible in most regions.
Ample agricultural output coupled with moderate climatic conditions and availability of fresh water are the major reasons for high population in India.
Fertile land can support such a large population.

You may want to see why tiny BD has a population in excess of 150 million.

India actually has no larger population for it's land area than European countries like UK or Germany.

This "over-population" thing is just a myth. All that matters is that both the Chinese and Indian populations are now growing at 1% a year or less.

Another theory of Mine is linked to Rice production . Countries which can produce huge quantities of rice have large population e.g. China , India , Indonesia , Bangladesh , Pakistan , Japan etc .
China and India have the 2nd and 3rd largest amount of "Arable land" in the world.

America has the most, but their current population is a result of colonization, so most of that Arable land is unused and unnecessary.
I think you got it wrong , india would be 2nd and china would be 3rd. List of countries of the World -) here is the link , u can do the math.

And my theory is that Indian and Chinese are fertile enough to produce this huge population!!! :sarcastic:
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