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Why I'm on the brink of burning my israeli passport?


Sep 16, 2013
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United Arab Emirates
I saw this article posted on PDF's FB page and thought of sharing it on the forum.

Why I'm on the brink of burning my Israeli passport?


In the pic: A 3yr old's body being taken away by palestinians(L) and Ayelet Shaked (R)

Ayelet Shaked represents the far-right Jewish Home party in the Knesset. This means she is well to the right of Benyamin Netanyahu, just in case you thought such a thing was not possible.

On Monday she quoted this on her Facebook page: “Behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.”

A week earlier, just before 17-year-old Mohammed Abu Khudair was snatched and burned alive, Shaked wrote: “This is not a war against terror, and not a war against extremists, and not even a war against the Palestinian Authority. The reality is that this is a war between two people. Who is the enemy? The Palestinian people. Why? Ask them, they started it.”

So even before the boy died horribly she declared him to be the enemy, and afterwards, without any apparent hint of guilt or remorse, she was calling for the deaths of innocent women and their unborn babies.

She made me think about my mother’s sister Klara and her three small children who were living in Krakow in 1939 when the Germans invaded. They decided that the Jews – all Jews – were the enemy and had to be eliminated, not least the women and the little snakes they were raising. “Why? Ask them – they started it”, as the Nazis would say if asked.

I never met Klara or her children who had perished by 1942. I did meet my uncle Romek, who survived by working in Oskar Schindler's factory, and his wife Yetti who survived because she spoke good German and was able to pretend she was a fine German woman who had kicked out her Polish Jewish husband, as she smiled prettily at every Nazi she came across.

My father’s brother Shmuel and his young family also perished before I was born, taken in Holland, to where they had escaped from Berlin, to the same camp Anne Frank died in.

I know what it is to have been helpless victims, living and dying under racist oppressors’ boots, and I know that today’s Israelis are no longer the victims but the perpetrators of the current crisis. Yes, Hamas are dreadful hate-filled killers and woe betide Israel had they had the wherewithal to carry out their intentions. But the fact remains that it is Israel which has the tanks, bombers, artillery, nuclear warheads and missile defences of Goliath, while ordinary Gazans had nothing a week ago and even less today, as even hospitals and schools were bombed.

Shaked got what she wanted: the death toll in Gaza is nearing 100, one in four being children. Hundreds more have serious injuries in a place where hospitals have also been bombed and medical essentials are running out.

In Israel, in spite of Hamas’s best efforts, not one death has been recorded, nor any serious injuries, although a wedding party was disrupted and got on the television news.

And, as the bombs rain on Gaza, Israeli teens have taken to tweeting scantily-clad selfies alongside their political sentiments. In two now deleted tweets, one wrote “Death to all of you Arabs you transfag”, while another proclaimed “Arabs may you be paralyzed & die with great suffering!” Another teen simply tweeted “Death to these f****** Arabs”, and attached a photo of themselves pouting alongside it.

Seeing these angelic faces of evil spouting such genocidal rhetoric, I pick up my Israeli passport and a box of matches. “Not in my name, people. Not in my name!”

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Most dangerous state in the world without a doubt

Country where u live is responsible for murder of over half million innocent Iranians (they sponsored Saddam's aggression with billions of dollars). I bet lives of half million Iranians are much cheaper than 120 Palestinians.

Country where u live is responsible for murder of over half million innocent Iranians (they sponsored Saddam's aggression with billions of dollars). I bet lives of half million Iranians are much cheaper than 120 Palestinians.

300,000 Iranians martyred.

Just 1 / 300 of lives that lost in WW1 and WW2!

If America, France and some other western countries did not give saddam military equipments war would not last even for 2 months.

Though these results are not an excuse for zion regime to kill Palestinians and killing Palestinian and occupation their land should be stopped.

Plus your comparison is Stupidly; Whenever people say zion regime has killed these measure Palestinians u say "in that war,those wars xyz people died".
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Country where u live is responsible for murder of over half million innocent Iranians (they sponsored Saddam's aggression with billions of dollars). I bet lives of half million Iranians are much cheaper than 120 Palestinians.
I hope you know how it all started.

Who would account for the millions of Palestinian deaths that have happened in all these years???

If the country where I live in has sponsored terror then they're at fault too. I dont even support my own country's Govt officials who support Israel.
I hope you know how it all started.

Who would account for the millions of Palestinian deaths that have happened in all these years???
Millions? o_O Where from u get such numbers. By the way, Arabs killed more Palestinians than Israel. But again no one cared.

If the country where I live in has sponsored terror then they're at fault too. I dont even support my own country's Govt officials who support Israel.
It supported the murder of over half million Iranians, including with chemical weapons.
I hope you know how it all started.

Who would account for the millions of Palestinian deaths that have happened in all these years???

If the country where I live in has sponsored terror then they're at fault too. I dont even support my own country's Govt officials who support Israel.

finally I found an Indian criticizing Israel, you must be muslim
I saw this article posted on PDF's FB page and thought of sharing it on the forum.

Why I'm on the brink of burning my Israeli passport?

View attachment 38482
In the pic: A 3yr old's body being taken away by palestinians(L) and Ayelet Shaked (R)

Ayelet Shaked represents the far-right Jewish Home party in the Knesset. This means she is well to the right of Benyamin Netanyahu, just in case you thought such a thing was not possible.

On Monday she quoted this on her Facebook page: “Behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.”

A week earlier, just before 17-year-old Mohammed Abu Khudair was snatched and burned alive, Shaked wrote: “This is not a war against terror, and not a war against extremists, and not even a war against the Palestinian Authority. The reality is that this is a war between two people. Who is the enemy? The Palestinian people. Why? Ask them, they started it.”

So even before the boy died horribly she declared him to be the enemy, and afterwards, without any apparent hint of guilt or remorse, she was calling for the deaths of innocent women and their unborn babies.

She made me think about my mother’s sister Klara and her three small children who were living in Krakow in 1939 when the Germans invaded. They decided that the Jews – all Jews – were the enemy and had to be eliminated, not least the women and the little snakes they were raising. “Why? Ask them – they started it”, as the Nazis would say if asked.

I never met Klara or her children who had perished by 1942. I did meet my uncle Romek, who survived by working in Oskar Schindler's factory, and his wife Yetti who survived because she spoke good German and was able to pretend she was a fine German woman who had kicked out her Polish Jewish husband, as she smiled prettily at every Nazi she came across.

My father’s brother Shmuel and his young family also perished before I was born, taken in Holland, to where they had escaped from Berlin, to the same camp Anne Frank died in.

I know what it is to have been helpless victims, living and dying under racist oppressors’ boots, and I know that today’s Israelis are no longer the victims but the perpetrators of the current crisis. Yes, Hamas are dreadful hate-filled killers and woe betide Israel had they had the wherewithal to carry out their intentions. But the fact remains that it is Israel which has the tanks, bombers, artillery, nuclear warheads and missile defences of Goliath, while ordinary Gazans had nothing a week ago and even less today, as even hospitals and schools were bombed.

Shaked got what she wanted: the death toll in Gaza is nearing 100, one in four being children. Hundreds more have serious injuries in a place where hospitals have also been bombed and medical essentials are running out.

In Israel, in spite of Hamas’s best efforts, not one death has been recorded, nor any serious injuries, although a wedding party was disrupted and got on the television news.

And, as the bombs rain on Gaza, Israeli teens have taken to tweeting scantily-clad selfies alongside their political sentiments. In two now deleted tweets, one wrote “Death to all of you Arabs you transfag”, while another proclaimed “Arabs may you be paralyzed & die with great suffering!” Another teen simply tweeted “Death to these f****** Arabs”, and attached a photo of themselves pouting alongside it.

Seeing these angelic faces of evil spouting such genocidal rhetoric, I pick up my Israeli passport and a box of matches. “Not in my name, people. Not in my name!”

View attachment 38483
godbless this lady..
im glad we have open minded people in this world or it will be a hellhole worst then it already is.
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Millions? o_O Where from u get such numbers. By the way, Arabs killed more Palestinians than Israel. But again no one cared.

It supported the murder of over half million Iranians, including with chemical weapons.

8 years war with 250000-300000 martyrs .
Millions? o_O Where from u get such numbers. By the way, Arabs killed more Palestinians than Israel. But again no one cared.

It supported the murder of over half million Iranians, including with chemical weapons.
Battle of karameh,fedayeen war,Arab Israeli war,Qibya massacre, war of attrition, operation pillar defence, Gaza- Israel clashes and now operation "protective" edge, the number of deaths known to the world are mostly combat deaths and not the actual civilian deaths.
finally I found an Indian criticizing Israel, you must be muslim
godless this lady..
im glad we have open minded people in this world or it will be a hellhole worst then it already is.
For decades Israel's presence in India was limited to an immigration office in Mumbai.
My country voted with the majority to pass UN resolution 3379....condemning Zionism as a form of racism and became one of the first non-Arab states to recognise Palestine's declaration of independence in 1988.
If at all Indian govt officials have turned a blind eye towards Israel's feral attacks its because they sell arms with which we fight guys from your side.
So I blame Pakistan for this India-Israel bonding (Kidding!!!)
Country where u live is responsible for murder of over half million innocent Iranians (they sponsored Saddam's aggression with billions of dollars). I bet lives of half million Iranians are much cheaper than 120 Palestinians.
what a bunch of non-sense . spewing BS is your thing nowadays .

UAE aint resposible for shyte , it was iran-iraq war that half million iranians were killed , and a good proportion of it were soldiers . on the other camp , too , there was 0.5 million ppl who were killed .

also iranians could fight back , we were a great nation and we clearly were able to defend ourselves cause we defeated saddam .

dont u fvcking dare to bring iranians into discussion cause the only thing we have for zionists is revenge .....

so brace for impact :lol:
I hope you know how it all started.

Who would account for the millions of Palestinian deaths that have happened in all these years???

State sponsored terrorism from Syria, lebanon. Jordan, iraq, Iran, Egypt. That in my opinion is the root cause, not Just Israel.
Syria, Jordan and egypt tried and failed miserable at conventional warfare, as we know around the world, when aggressors fail at conventional warfare, they more often resort to asymmetric warfare, and Israel has been facing that for a very long time. Realize this is war, and the results wont be rosy. Israeli actions will be ruthless, and will only look out for their own interests, and that is the rule of war.... when states dilly dolly with militants, events like 26/11 occur. Arab states will fight Israel till the last Palestinian.
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