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Why I wear a Burqa: Burqa gives protection and respect

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I like big ***** and I can not lie....
you other brothers can't deny...:))
Its just difference in upbringing .. people can be different you know .. How can you justify who is right or wrong in this instance?

Who needs justification that is the question. If any women muslim or non muslim wants to wilfully wear a Burkha, Go ahead and do it. Who is stopping you, not least in the subcontinent.

But if someone does not want to wear it dont preach to them - This is all that I ask you. Dont make them feel that they are going against religion (For Muslims) or Make then feel guilty (That they are losing respect) or Make the feel insecure (That they will be targetted for molestation or even Rape). Just let them be themselves.

It is a socio-cultural thing. For Indian women its like wearing a saree. Some like it and do it some dont like it and they must be free to make this choice.

Do the others agree to theese and we can call truce.

1) Women who wear Burkha are in no way better / worse than thse who dont.

2) Not Wearing Burkha does not make a woman less respectful or religious

3) Women should not be forced to wear something they are not comfortable doing.

4) Those who wear Burkha out of their free will are most welcome to do so

5) Those who Wear burkha out of their free will are not in any way less liberated than those who do.

Obviously we assume that while not wearing Burkha still they are wearing a costume which is not socially misplaced and yes.. No Bikinis in shopping malls(I dont think this trend has even caught up in Europe).
what ever u think about us we dont care..we are very happy thats all..and in saudia this is safest place for women..in ksa repist will think 1000times before rape...and your so called librated women of west how they are living do u know what are statics of rape there...
again saying u that we are ot force we wear burqa its our own choice...
ok tell me y dont men show their body y dont they wear bikini or shorts???????????????????????????? simple women are being selled in name of art and cultur..and thaks to Allah that i dont belong to such dirty culture

Well poor western women.. they can't get back home without being raped once dont they....:lol: And i will tell you i will give any thing for a few hours of freedom outside rather than be safe for life in a jail..!!!!! And dont tell me you are not forced, in saudi you have to wear and it is compulsoury... and i have seen the pervertness of saudi youth.. when they drive past a car of fully covered up burqua clad women..!!!! Sister the world outside is not that bad place.. only thing is that you have to just experience it to understand it..!!
Well poor western women.. they can't get back home without being raped once dont they....:lol: And i will tell you i will give any thing for a few hours of freedom outside rather than be safe for life in a jail..!!!!! And dont tell me you are not forced, in saudi you have to wear and it is compulsoury... and i have seen the pervertness of saudi youth.. when they drive past a car of fully covered up burqua clad women..!!!! Sister the world outside is not that bad place.. only thing is that you have to just experience it to understand it..!!

i m pakistani and i know what is life without covering your self well i dont want enjoy such freedom where i have to expose my body for others..
i hate it...
i m not forced .In pakistan many womens wear burka and cover theirselves.. in pakistan this rule is not compulsory...but we wear bcoz its our own choice..
we will live according to our own choice not by any1 specially we hate westrn culture,,
keep this culture dirty culture with u..
plz brother leave it on us...
peace on U
Published: September 28, 2005
JIDDA, Saudi Arabia, Sept. 27 - The audience - 500 women covered in black at a Saudi university - seemed an ideal place for Karen P. Hughes, a senior Bush administration official charged with spreading the American message in the Muslim world, to make her pitch.

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Carol T. Powers for The New York Times
Karen P. Hughes, the under secretary of state for public diplomacy, was hired to publicize American ideals in the Muslim world.
But the response on Tuesday was not what she and her aides expected. When Ms. Hughes expressed the hope here that Saudi women would be able to drive and "fully participate in society" much as they do in her country, many challenged her.

"The general image of the Arab woman is that she isn't happy," one audience member said. "Well, we're all pretty happy." The room, full of students, faculty members and some professionals, resounded with applause.

The administration's efforts to publicize American ideals in the Muslim world have often run into such resistance. For that reason, Ms. Hughes, who is considered one of the administration's most scripted and careful members, was hired specifically for the task.

Many in this region say they resent the American assumption that, given the chance, everyone would live like Americans.

The group of women on Tuesday, picked by the university, represented the privileged elite of this Red Sea coastal city, known as one of the more liberal areas in the country. And while they were certainly friendly toward Ms. Hughes, half a dozen who spoke up took issue with what she said.

Ms. Hughes, the under secretary of state for public diplomacy, is on her first trip to the Middle East. She seemed clearly taken aback as the women told her that just because they were not allowed to vote or drive that did not mean they were treated unfairly or imprisoned in their own homes.

"We're not in any way barred from talking to the other sex," said Dr. Nada Jambi, a public health professor. "It's not an absolute wall."

The session at Dar Al-Hekma College provided an unusual departure from the carefully staged events in a tour that began on Sunday in Egypt.

As it was ending Ms. Hughes, a longtime communications aide to President Bush, assured the women that she was impressed with what they had said and that she would take their message home. "I would be glad to go back to the United States and talk about the Arab women I've met," she said.

Ms. Hughes is the third appointee to head a program with a troubled past. The first, Charlotte Beers, a Madison Avenue executive, produced a promotional video about Muslims in America, rejected by some Arab nations and scoffed at by a number of State Department colleagues. Her successor, Margaret D. Tutwiler, a former State Department spokeswoman, lasted barely five months. A report issued in 2003 by a bipartisan panel chosen by the Bush administration portrayed a dire picture of American public diplomacy in the Arab and Muslim world.

Ms. Hughes, on this first foray, has churned through meetings in which she has tirelessly introduced herself as "a mom," explained that Americans are people of faith and called for more cultural and educational exchanges. Her efforts to explain policies in Iraq and the Middle East have been polite and cautious.

As a visiting dignitary, she had audiences in the summer palaces of this Red Sea coastal city with King Abdullah, Crown Prince Sultan and the foreign minister, Prince Saud al-Faisal. But mostly it was a day that underscored the uneasy Saudi-American relationship, fed by unsavory images the two countries have of each another.

In December, there was an armed attack on the American Consulate in Jidda, leaving five people dead, and that meant that the Americans traveling with Ms. Hughes were cautioned against traveling alone in the city.

At the meeting with the Saudi women, television crews were barred and reporters were segregated according to sex. American officials said it was highly unusual for men to be allowed in the hall at all.

A meeting with leading editors, all men, featured more familiar complaints about what several said were American biases against the Palestinians, the incarceration of Muslims at Guantánamo Bay and the alleged American stereotype of Saudis as religious fanatics and extremists after Sept. 11.

Ms. Hughes responded by reminding listeners that President Bush had supported the establishment of a Palestinian state and asserting that Guantánamo prisoners had been visited by the International Red Cross and retained the right to worship with their own Korans.

Americans, she said at one point, were beginning to understand Islam better but had been disappointed that some Muslim leaders had been "reticent" at first in criticizing the Sept. 11 attacks.

"Now, several years later, we're beginning to hear other voices," she said.

But it was the meeting with the women that was the most unpredictable, as Ms. Hughes found herself on the defensive simply by saying that she hoped women would be able to vote in future elections.

In June, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice talked of democracy and freedom in the Middle East but declined to address the question of driving. By contrast, Ms. Hughes spoke personally, saying that driving a car was "an important part of my freedom."

A woman in the audience then charged that under President Bush the United States had become "a right wing country" and that criticism by the press was "not allowed."

"I have to say I sometimes wish that were the case, but it's not," Ms. Hughes said with a laugh.

Several women said later that Americans failed to understand that their traditional society was embraced by men and women alike.

"There is more male chauvinism in my profession in Europe and America than in my country," said Dr. Siddiqa Kamal, an obstetrician and gynecologist who runs her own hospital.

"I don't want to drive a car," she said. "I worked hard for my medical degree. Why do I need a driver's license?"

"Women have more than equal rights," added her daughter, Dr. Fouzia Pasha, also an obstetrician and gynecologist, asserting that men have obligations accompanying their rights, and that women can go to court to hold them accountable.

Ms. Hughes appeared to have left a favorable impression. "She's open to people's opinions," said Nour al-Sabbagh, a 21-year-old student in special education. "She's trying to understand."

Like some of her friends, Ms. Sabbagh said Westerners failed to appreciate the advantages of wearing the traditional black head-to-foot covering known as an abaya.

"I love my abaya," she explained. "It's convenient and it can be very fashionable."
"There is more male chauvinism in my profession in Europe and America than in my country," said Dr. Siddiqa Kamal, an obstetrician and gynecologist who runs her own hospital.

"I don't want to drive a car," she said. "I worked hard for my medical degree. Why do I need a driver's license?"

Yes, driving cars leads to rape and objectification of women's bodies. It also makes women unhappy.

Thanks sis.
"There is more male chauvinism in my profession in Europe and America than in my country," said Dr. Siddiqa Kamal, an obstetrician and gynecologist who runs her own hospital.

"I don't want to drive a car," she said. "I worked hard for my medical degree. Why do I need a driver's license?"

Yes, driving cars leads to rape and objectification of women's bodies. It also makes women unhappy.

Thanks sis.

welcome brother...but we are very happy...I LOVE SAUDI ARABIA:smitten:
Ms. Hughes, the under secretary of state for public diplomacy, is on her first trip to the Middle East. She seemed clearly taken aback as the women told her that just because they were not allowed to vote or drive that did not mean they were treated unfairly or imprisoned in their own homes.
That's not the women talking, that's the indoctrination talking on their behalf.

And we have to believe that they chose burqa "voluntarily". Gives a whole new meaning to the word.
That's not the women talking, that's the indoctrination talking on their behalf.

And we have to believe that they chose burqa "voluntarily". Gives a whole new meaning to the word.

You really need to get a life!

How can you and who are you to qualify someones belief and way of life as indoctrination?

What if we say that butt naked indian and western girls roaming all around is indoctrination!

If someone choses to wear something or to life in a way that doesn't suites you, why would you term is a intimidation and indoctrination? Tomorrow you may also say that it is brain washing if someone voluntarily wears a burkha or covers herself according to the teachings of Islam.

Did anyone here on this thread, till now has termed the western or indian way of life as an imbuement of thoughts?
i m pakistani and i know what is life without covering your self well i dont want enjoy such freedom where i have to expose my body for others..
i hate it...
i m not forced .In pakistan many womens wear burka and cover theirselves.. in pakistan this rule is not compulsory...but we wear bcoz its our own choice..
we will live according to our own choice not by any1 specially we hate westrn culture,,
keep this culture dirty culture with u..
plz brother leave it on us...

peace on U

That was pretty harsh sis..!!! To each their own opinion..!! Well one thing, what you call dirty.. is the real life or a better life for that matter sis.. the life where women are independent..!!! If you are not forced and you are wearing burqa on your own good for you..!! But i still believe its only for those people who are not confident about themselves.. not confident to express themeslves.. not confident to interact with people....not confident about whehter they can survive in the world on their own.. According to me it will be always a symbol of discrimination and weakness..!!!!
LET's not talk about religion we all know what indian VIDVHAAS have to do.....i think an ABAYA BURQA whatever is better than getting burnt alife with your husband or living a life after his death with no FCKIN freedom.....white dress for life boiled food for life...sleep on the floor for life....no makeup or jewellry allowed.....OHHHH THE GREAT FREE INDEPENDT INDIA GIVING FREEDOM TO WOMENN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LET's not talk about religion we all know what indian VIDVHAAS have to do.....i think an ABAYA BURQA whatever is better than getting burnt alife with your husband or living a life after his death with no FCKIN freedom.....white dress for life boiled food for life...sleep on the floor for life....no makeup or jewellry allowed.....OHHHH THE GREAT FREE INDEPENDT INDIA GIVING FREEDOM TO WOMENN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wots your problem buddy????:lol:
i got no problem "buddy" but i am just saying people who take burqa and comment on religion like SHUKLA,FATEH etc....should notlook at BURQA as a religous thing and comment on it....because let's make a new thread about HINDU VIDVAAA...and let's discuss it in as great detail as you guys fondly did with the BURQA ISSUE!!!
Matter of fact is,it was one of you who created this thread,.........it backfired on you.........now you want another one of this kind of rubbish thread........bravo!!! religious insult is not welcome in this forum,i guess,so why allow....
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