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Why I think Pakistan is Ruled by Cowards?


Mar 30, 2010
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@AgNoStiC MuSliM you were saying that PTM should be banned

How can you ban it when establishment of this country has some fetish with this racist movement

Cucks all if them. From Bajwa to Imran
How can you ban it when establishment of this country has some fetish with this racist movement
Just 2 cents. A window should be available for 'extremists, effected, agitated, etc' so that all the froth can come to one place. So a central stage, which can be monitored, is important instead of splinter groups.
Give them a 'sense' of political struggle, and a gesture that in this way they can fight for their, legit or not, rights.
Think of it as grievance people have (due to centre, provincial, local policies etc). Those grievances can be hijacked by TTP, PTM, RAW and by many more. It is better, PTM is 'leading' them.
Cavalry can only be used if enemy is in a cluster at one place.
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Just 2 cents. A window should be available for 'extremists, effected, agitated, etc' so that all the froth can come to one place. So a central stage, which can be monitored, is important instead of splinter groups.

Daily sons of this nation are dying in just one region of this country

How much window you want to give and for how long?

Why not simply accept the fact that cucks are ruling this country?

Only good thing is that we have modi ruling India who himself is a big time chutya or else with Imran Bajwa duo another 1971 kind of debacle isn't impossible
If you think PTM is directly involved, then yes it is cowardice that we are not acting.

I don't think. It is a reality

Why do you think ptm is mostly active and supported in wazristan? Same Waziristan where 99% of our fatalities have happened in past two years?

Why ptm isn't in Bajaur or orakzai or kurram? Operations happened in these regions too? They don't want rights like these ptm swines?

It is all connected but sadly we want to look away
Here is the answer

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@AgNoStiC MuSliM you were saying that PTM should be banned

How can you ban it when establishment of this country has some fetish with this racist movement

Cucks all if them. From Bajwa to Imran
VOA and these people running the show from far away land .. Govts sometime under pressure in the name of democracy ...
Enjoy and analyze ... News origin is in India ... PTM getting full support from Indians.

Gulalai Ismail, Feminist Hunted by Pakistan’s Authorities, Escapes to U.S.


Gulalai Ismail in New York this month. Her ordeal sheds light on the state of human rights in Pakistan, a troubled nation with a history of brutal repression.

Gulalai Ismail in New York this month. Her ordeal sheds light on the state of human rights in Pakistan, a troubled nation with a history of brutal repression.Credit...Hilary Swift for The New York Times
By Jeffrey Gettleman
  • Published Sept. 19, 2019Updated Sept. 20, 2019

    • 36
NEW DELHI — Her face was everywhere — on the news, at police stations and at the airports where the Pakistani government had put her on a list of the nation’s most wanted.
She has been accused of treason, though human rights defenders said that the allegations were bogus and that she was being targeted for highlighting abuses committed by Pakistan’s military. Security services were searching for her in every corner of the country, raiding her friends’ houses and closing in on her family.
But somehow Gulalai Ismail, a 32-year-old Pakistani women’s rights activist on the run, managed to slip through the dragnet last month and escape to America. She is now staying with her sister in Brooklyn and has applied for political asylum in the United States.
She is still worried about her parents back home and the underground network that secretly protected her as she moved from house to house, city to city, through countless police checkpoints, always wearing a veil over her face, her eyes barely visible.
She did not reveal how she got out, except to say, “I didn’t fly out of any airport.”
“I can’t tell you any more,” she said in an interview this week. “My exit story will put many lives at risk.”
Her ordeal sheds light on the state of human rights in Pakistan, a troubled nation with a history of brutal repression. Ms. Ismail has campaigned aggressively for women’s rights, bringing attention to rapes, disappearances and other abuses that she and many others say have been committed by Pakistan’s security forces against their own people.

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The military is all-powerful in Pakistan and the country is approaching an inflection point. Pakistani officials do not like talking about Ms. Ismail — none would comment publicly for this article.
[How Ms. Ismail became Pakistan’s enemy of the state, accused of inciting rebellion.]
Her account of being chased out of the country does not help the government’s efforts to win diplomatic support at a time when the economy is tanking and Pakistan is begging the world to censure India for its recent moves on Kashmir, a disputed territory claimed by both Pakistan and India.
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It has taken Ms. Ismail some time to feel safe even in New York, she said, but she has begun to meet with prominent human rights defenders and the staffs of congressional leaders.


Ms. Ismail at a cafe. “I will do everything I can to support Gulalai’s asylum request,” Senator Charles Schumer said of Ms. Ismail. “It is clear that her life would be in danger if she were to return to Pakistan.”

Ms. Ismail at a cafe. “I will do everything I can to support Gulalai’s asylum request,” Senator Charles Schumer said of Ms. Ismail. “It is clear that her life would be in danger if she were to return to Pakistan.”Credit...Hilary Swift for The New York Times
“I will do everything I can to support Gulalai’s asylum request,” said Senator Charles Schumer, Democrat of New York. “It is clear that her life would be in danger if she were to return to Pakistan.”
Pakistani security officials said they had suspected for some time that Ms. Ismail had slipped through their fingers.
“Our guys have been after her, by all means, but she is not traceable,” said a Pakistani intelligence agent who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing intelligence protocols. “She has gone to a place beyond our reach.”
How she did that — whether it was crossing overland into Iran or Afghanistan and then onward to Europe or America, or perhaps getting smuggled out by sea — remains a tantalizing mystery. The Pakistani government had barred her from leaving the country and tried to seal all the exits.
Ever since she was 16, Ms. Ismail has been speaking out about human rights abuses, focusing on the plight of Pakistani women and girls who suffer all kinds of horrors including forced marriages and honor killings.
In January, she aired accusations, on Facebook and Twitter, that government soldiers had raped or sexually abused many Pakistani women. She has also joined protests led by an ethnic Pashtun movement that Pakistan’s military has tried to crush. Pakistani officials have accused Ms. Ismail of sedition, inciting treason and defaming state institutions.
In late May, she became a fugitive.
It started with a phone call from a friend to her house in Islamabad, Pakistan’s capital, where she lived with her elderly parents.
“It’s all over the media, a raid team is coming, you have to leave — now!” the friend said.
Ms. Ismail scrambled out the door with no spare clothes or even a phone. “They can trace you, even when it’s off,” she said.
Was she scared?
“It was one of those moments you don’t have time to feel,” she said. “You don’t have time to be frightened, you don’t have time to be brave, you just have to act.”
She spent the next three months moving from place to place, across many different Pakistani cities, never using a phone or touching a computer, she said. She turned to a small, trusted group of friends and their contacts, staying indoors, covering her face for the few moments when she did step outside, incredibly careful each time she changed locations.
Pakistan is a heavily watched place. Roadside security checkpoints are everywhere. Ms. Ismail said she crossed hundreds of them.


Ms. Ismail posing for a photo in Prospect Park in New York.

Ms. Ismail posing for a photo in Prospect Park in New York.Credit...Hilary Swift for The New York Times
She recalled one incident when she showed up at the house of a friend of her father’s and when the friend answered the door and saw her standing there, he froze.
“He was so scared that he would be arrested for supporting a terrorist and his children would be arrested,” she said.
The next day the friend called a taxi and Ms. Ismail left.
“Hiding is not pleasant,” she said.
She already had a visa to the United States, where she has visited regularly, meeting prominent women including Michelle Obama. After she arrived in New York in August, she immediately holed up in her family’s house in Brooklyn, where two brothers and two sisters live.
Still, she did not want to go outside. She felt depressed and anxious. She said she didn’t feel any huge gush of relief.
She was worried about her parents, who face charges of financing terrorism and remain under heavy surveillance in Islamabad. She was also worried that a Pakistani agent or someone on the government’s side might see her on a New York street and take a picture of her — or worse.
In recent days, she said, she has been feeling much better. She still spends most of her time inside the family home, cooking mutton achaari and other Pakistani dishes.
She is waiting on her asylum application. Lawyers said there was little chance that the United States would send her back to Pakistan.
“In Gulalai’s case, I understand that she is charged with anti-state activities, which obviously carry a death penalty,” said Masroor Shah, a lawyer in Islamabad who has dealt with many human rights cases. “There is no likelihood based on past policies and local laws that U.S. authorities would even consider an extradition request.”
Ms. Ismail has started a new research and advocacy group, Voices for Peace and Democracy, to protect women in conflict zones. She is also thinking of law school.
But it makes her sad, a constant shadow on her life ahead, that she might never see her parents again — or Pakistan.
“When I left, I knew this was a one-way trip,” she said. “And as I was leaving, I bent down and touched the soil, and told myself, ‘This is where I belong, this is my country.”’

Salman Masood and Ihsanullah Tipu Mehsud contributed reporting from Islamabad, Pakistan.
Here is the answer

View attachment 679540

@AgNoStiC MuSliM you were saying that PTM should be banned

How can you ban it when establishment of this country has some fetish with this racist movement

Cucks all if them. From Bajwa to Imran

I agree 100000%.

I had been saying this for years. Recently, getting the rap.

The fact of the matter is most of the issues faced by Pakistan are the creation of Pakistani military generals.

Lets start from Musharaf. He after the coup, let Nawaz get out of the country, instead of getting him in the grip of severe accountability. The result is that monster became PM again.

Then Kiyani's love affairs with the Sharifs. He helped them in "Kana Dajjal's" lawyer movement. Which provide no value to Pakistani society. On the contrary, it has brought lying, misleading, dishonest crooks to the forth.

He then with Musharaf arranged NRO for corrupt thugs. Enabling them to take baris and loot Pakistan further.

There is no doubt that the elections in 2008 and 2013 were rigged to give PPP and PMLN baris promised to them under NRO. They took the opportunities to loot Pakistan to their heart contents.

Worryingly, they didn't only loot, they were successful in devising a method to destablise and weaken Pakistan by passing 18th Amendment in the constitution. As a result, Zardari and his 40 thieves, would keep rapping Sind and Pakistan for decades to come, by rigging the elections and winning.

Raheel Sharif gave further concessions to Sharifs. As a result Maryam's name was excluded from the culprits in Dawn Leaks. It is reported that Raheel gave the good news to the Shairfs by himself that he has cleared the name of Maryam in Dawn Leaks.

Pakistan judiciary went a step further and released her on bail on incredible ground of her gender. This could only happen in Pakistan. The lying crook is now causing havoc in Pakistan and no one there to stop her or send her to jail for violating her bail's conditions.

Bajwa is continuation of that "appeasing policies" which has brought Pakistan near to the destruction.
He once again let Nawaz out of the country. It is now a confirmed news and knowledge that Shahbaz and lately Muhammad Zubair were trying to get another NRO for family Sharifs and let Maryam go to London.
This to give these thugs opportunity to escape and come back, when some nutcase judges would quash their convictions and let them on the helm of affairs to loot Pakistan again.

In what capacity and authority the Generals were doing all these activities!!

I repeat my pet sentence "Pakistani men have no balls". It is true, without shadow of a doubt.
They are only good to spout lies and fool innocent and uneducated Pakistanis.
This has to change for Pakistan to survive.
I agree 100000%.

I had been saying this for years. Recently, getting the rap.

The fact of the matter is most of the issues faced by Pakistan are the creation of Pakistani military generals.

Lets start from Musharaf. He after the coup, let Nawaz get out of the country, instead of getting him in the grip of severe accountability. The result is that monster became PM again.

Then Kiyani's love affairs with the Sharifs. He helped them in "Kana Dajjal's" lawyer movement. Which provide no value to Pakistani society. On the contrary, it has brought lying, misleading, dishonest crooks to the forth.

He then with Musharaf arranged NRO for corrupt thugs. Enabling them to take baris and loot Pakistan further.

There is no doubt that the elections in 2008 and 2013 were rigged to give PPP and PMLN baris promised to them under NRO. They took the opportunities to loot Pakistan to their heart contents.

Worryingly, they didn't only loot, they were successful in devising a method to destablise and weaken Pakistan by passing 18th Amendment in the constitution. As a result, Zardari and his 40 thieves, would keep rapping Sind and Pakistan for decades to come, by rigging the elections and winning.

Raheel Sharif gave further concessions to Sharifs. As a result Maryam's name was excluded from the culprits in Dawn Leaks. It is reported that Raheel gave the good news to the Shairfs by himself that he has cleared the name of Maryam in Dawn Leaks.

Pakistan judiciary went a step further and released her on bail on incredible ground of her gender. This could only happen in Pakistan. The lying crook is now causing havoc in Pakistan and no one there to stop her or send her to jail for violating her bail's conditions.

Bajwa is continuation of that "appeasing policies" which has brought Pakistan near to the destruction.
He once again let Nawaz out of the country. It is now a confirmed news and knowledge that Shahbaz and lately Muhammad Zubair were trying to get another NRO for family Sharifs and let Maryam go to London.
This to give these thugs opportunity to escape and come back, when some nutcase judges would quash their convictions and let them on the helm of affairs to loot Pakistan again.

In what capacity and authority the Generals were doing all these activities!!

I repeat my pet sentence "Pakistani men have no balls". It is true, without shadow of a doubt.
They are only good to spout lies and fool innocent and uneducated Pakistanis.
This has to change for Pakistan to survive.

My understanding was that Sharif was exiled to Saudi Arabia in 2000 due to American and Saudi pressure. It was not Musharraf's or Pakistani army's choice.
Increasing crude attacks on our military by hindjew agents and ignorant civilians who don't see the full picture. There are corrupts in Pakistan like all societies and corruption is widespread in Pakistan because of corrupt political parties who tried to destroy Pakistan through their greed, selfishness and disdain for religion and people. These money worshippers educated in western countries and endowed with free Pakistani peoples wealth looted and left Pakistan to escape accountability and prison and the cycle continues as the new breed of plunderers ruin the lives of the people into poverty.
These two seats were of PTI but Bajwa gifted them to PTM in 2018 elections. Similarly establishment pressurized IK govt to let Nawaz flee Pakistan. Now both the moves have backfired completely.
My understanding was that Sharif was exiled to Saudi Arabia in 2000 due to American and Saudi pressure. It was not Musharraf's or Pakistani army's choice.

So the Americans and Saudi came and released him and allowed him to go to SA!!
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