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Why I left India - white female traveler

Well she's pretty ugly regardless. You Turks and Arabs consider yourself white so how I am wrong?
Dude, relax.
everyone told me what are you doing dont go to India Alone its not safe and I knew its not safe but i came by myself....YOU GIRL ARE STUPID and that all I can say, stop complaining now
everyone told me what are you doing dont go to India Alone its not safe and I knew its not safe but i came by myself....YOU GIRL ARE STUPID and that all I can say, stop complaining now

If they know it’s not safe but they still go, I’ have nothing to add except go to see a psychologist.
This girl looks like a pig. I'm surprised bhartis are willing to even rape her, but then I realized that bhartis are even more desperate than most rapists are. :lol:
"O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule [another] people; perhaps they may be better than them; nor let women ridicule [other] women; perhaps they may be better than them. And do not insult one another and do not call each other by [offensive] nicknames. Wretched is the name of disobedience after [one's] faith. And whoever does not repent - then it is those who are the wrongdoers." (49:11)
Is this a white privilege thread?

Women of all color, race and ethnicity face similar issues in India. My personal theory postulates that the solar flares and bloody moon eclipses have driven the male gender inhabiting the country known as India, mad.

Propaganda, badnaam karne ki nakaam koshish
Sad, my friend's sister's best friend was raped and murdered in India. There is a serious issue that the Indian government, people and civil society need to discuss and address.
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