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Why I believe the Americans are droning the hell out of Wazirstan

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Jan 7, 2012
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The main reason why, I believe, that the Americans are targeting North Wazirstan is because most of our gun owners live there, most people own guns there. So, just imagine, when America decides to invade our nation on Israel's behalf on the pretext of taking out our nukes, they won't really have much of a civilian resistance.

They will find excuses to carry on more drone attacks for years. I remember in one interview a former CIA chief who was responsible for drones, said that the point of drones is if we blow up one 'terrorist' then the people around watching would want to stop 'picking up guns' and 'drop them all together'.

Your thoughts?
Care to explain what you mean?

pure insanity.

Someone who has no idea where the world is, and what it really means to study geography :lol:

Forget about everything else.

Just look at logistics.

so while Americans are utterly dependent on day to day supply of food and bullets via Karachi, they suddenly decide to invade Pakistani north????????????

because most of our gun owners live there, most people own guns there. So, just imagine, when America decides to invade our nation on Israel's behalf on the pretext of taking out our nukes, they won't really have much of a civilian resistance.

I agree.

When america comes to take out nukes in jets, these tribals are expected to come as big Tsunami like rally and start shooting at them.

Laugh at it. But the deeper point, though not well articulated, isn't far from the scenarios played out behind closed doors. Our nuclear assets so far haven't posed a threat to Israel, America or the west at large, because you bought off those who controlled this country's pulse since shortly after independence (only Zia tried to break the chains and see what happened), and it served Britain's aims in particular of keeping the subcontinent a step away from annihilating itself in perpetuity.

What's America really doing in Afghanistan? Dick Cheney's stand-down order to the air force during exercises on the morning of sept. 11 before planes hit the towers, and your controlled demolition of WTC 7 (common sense, let alone physicists, would laugh at the claim of falling debris from other towers damaging the foundation, starting fires and leading to a systematic collapse), was a short sighted ploy to garner an excuse. Greed is the name of the game.

America's revitalization of opium production not only softened the blow of 2007-8 financial crisis by pumping billions of dollars of their siphoned proceeds from it onto wall street, but also kept this region's youth, from Russia to Iran and South Asia, in a downward spiral of heroin related addictions- basically incapacitating a whole generation. All because our corrupt leaders let them stage their occupation of Afghanistan. No one can rule out adverse designs on our nuclear capability if our corps commanders would just get off the yankees' leash.

But we're probably not the big fish. they've designated that privelege to destroying whatever's left of Russia through its former republics, and to an increasing degree China. I'll give it to them that they're cunning, correctly anticipating the mad rush for declining hydrocarbons that will rear its ugly head in near future. Their pestering of Iran will not cease for this reason. All this is occuring at the hands of Bilderberg elitists in your countries. poking their disgusting noses where they don't belong in some sick nostalgia of an imperialist past. printing fiat money in trillions that gets pumped into world markets, causing massive inflation, starvation and bloodshed in poorer countries. slaughtering infants and causing generational deformities through depleted uranium. yet all you can do is laugh. Shameless creature.
The US is sending drones after drones because every young adult who walks tough is a suspected militant who threatens America's peace by growing a beard.

Thank you, Obama.
I remember in one interview a former CIA chief who was responsible for drones, said that the point of drones is if we blow up one 'terrorist' then the people around watching would want to stop 'picking up guns' and 'drop them all together'.

Pick up guns to fight the American perhaps? Those who leave it at home would be allowed to keep it there. And what can an Ak exactly do to fighter jets?
@pehgaam e mohabbat && @RayKalm

The two of you can not be serious !

Please tell me you were joking !

I'm dead serious, theyre facts. go research all the things mentioned. with regards to OP that's just conjecture and an opinion, would probably not materialize because they aren't suicidal.
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