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Why has Pakistan not tested a ICBM yet?

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An example...from DG Khan till Andaman Islands is 3100 kms....from DG Khan to India's EEZ south of Palk Strait is again 3000 km.....at this level countries arent a threat...real threat are their bases, their launch sites, docks....assets of their second strike capability...
An example...from DG Khan till Andaman Islands is 3100 kms....from DG Khan to India's EEZ south of Palk Strait is again 3000 km.....at this level countries arent a threat...real threat are their bases, their launch sites, docks....assets of their second strike capability...
You mentioning enemy base, which enemy is that India and that is my point... India can open a base 5000 km away from Pakistan but its still the only enemy, if we have capability to destroy main land India we don't need to destroy their base in Timbakto or Atlantic ocean, all we need to do is make sure main land India is well within range so we can have some crispy Indians, but Zarvan and others claim we have separate enemies which are far far away from Pakistan, and I know which enemies they are talking about... America and Israel most likely, now America and Pakistan is not even in a league to be enemies because USA can flat out of Pakistan with only couple of their Nuclear Subs, and Pakistan can not do anything to hit America besides hitting a bunch of its bases in ME, which in honestly will kill more Muslims than Americans, as for Israel again there is no comparison here because they not just have USA but the whole NATO behind them, and if anyone in Pakistan is delusional enough to even believe we can threat Israel than I would say, stop doing sasta nasha.
Please name them... I am counting
Read Obama Wars by Bob Woodward and David Sagner Confront and Conceal. Do you know in case of any other 9/11 type attack. USA first plan is to bomb the shi# out of Pakistan without even checking that whether it was an attack from outside or an inside job. Not to forget USA has special forces placed in UAE who train day in and day out to capture your nuclear weapons. In case of an emergency.

An example...from DG Khan till Andaman Islands is 3100 kms....from DG Khan to India's EEZ south of Palk Strait is again 3000 km.....at this level countries arent a threat...real threat are their bases, their launch sites, docks....assets of their second strike capability...

Sir what about this base ?
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Read Obama Wars by Bob Woodward and David Sagner Confront and Conceal. Do you know in case of any other 9/11 type attack. USA first plan is to bomb the shi# out of Pakistan without even checking that whether it was an attack from outside or an inside job. Not to forget USA has special forces placed in UAE who train day in and day out to capture your nuclear weapons. In case of an emergency.
Ok and If USA wants to attack Pakistan, a couple of ICBM's will not stop them, ask @PanzerKiel if under any circumstances Pakistan can even think of attacking US or even defending itself from an all out war, US has around 14 Ohio Class Submarines each carrying 20 ICBM's, and these Subs patrol across the world seas . Just take this information for a moment, 14 Subs with 20x ICBM's each with MIRV's....let that number sink in
Ok and If USA wants to attack Pakistan, a couple of ICBM's will not stop them, ask @PanzerKiel if under any circumstances Pakistan can even think of attacking US or even defending itself from an all out war, US has around 14 Ohio Class Submarines each carrying 20 ICBM's, and these Subs patrol across the world seas . Just take this information for a moment, 14 Subs with 20x ICBM's each with MIRV's....let that number sink in
ICBM and SLBM are a guarantee that if they can strike we can also strike back and their allies. And yes it will stop specially if we over USA and all its allies plus if have 500 Strategic nukes and deploy 150 of them. This will determine USA to quite a great extent. You need both MIRV having ICBM and SLBM.
ICBM and SLBM are a guarantee that if they can strike we can also strike back and their allies. And yes it will stop specially if we over USA and all its allies plus if have 500 Strategic nukes and deploy 150 of them. This will determine USA to quite a great extent. You need both MIRV having ICBM and SLBM.
You can build 10-15 Nuclear armed Subs in next 50 years, and each can carry 10-20 BM with MIRV, but as I said just imagine for a second 14 Subs with 20 ICMB's with MIRV capability and what's scary is that no one knows where these 14 subs are, they are not stationed in US naval bases, they patrol across the world , and anyone who even think of threatening US with a nuclear weapon, 2 subs will surface one in Atlantic and other in Pacific , launch 20 ICBM's each and there is no Pakistan on world map. And yes you can send your own 1-2 Subs at US coasts, which will be hunted and drowned long before they can even reach US mainland, even if by any miracle they did get close, so what will 10 Nukes do to US? lol just California is larger than Pakistan in both land mass and Economy, you know how big US is ? how scattered its population is ? how far stretched its military target is ? bro stop been delusional that you need ICBM's because America is your enemy and you can do anything against them. They can literally destroy Pakistan without even firing a single bullet, in just 3 simple steps... 1) Cut of Trade, and force EU and half the world to cut trade as well, 2) Stop selling spare parts for jets, bring back its crew from PAF bases, 3) massive cyber attacks..And basically you are done.
Read Obama Wars by Bob Woodward and David Sagner Confront and Conceal. Do you know in case of any other 9/11 type attack. USA first plan is to bomb the shi# out of Pakistan without even checking that whether it was an attack from outside or an inside job. Not to forget USA has special forces placed in UAE who train day in and day out to capture your nuclear weapons. In case of an emergency.
Usa was even planning on invading our tribal areas in the peak of afghan war in 2007-2009 ish. Salala was to test our reaction and defences. The only reason usa didn’t invade is because we had nukes and threatened us bases in the region.
Please name them... I am counting
Israel isn’t our friend. They were ready to bomb our nuclear sites while we were developing nukes.
With Quad now South Korea, Japan and Australia are potential enemies if they come to the help of India in any war against us.
West isn’t our friends either. Their not our open enemy at the moment but even a small baby in Pakistan knows no western country likes us having nukes and they
Sometimes you don't want to show..... A test is not everytime necessary. Let's keep it that way... for the moment.
It’s good to have the capability. We don’t want to end up like Libya 2.0. West gives us lollipop we lower our defences and they’ll make us Libya 2.0. Gaddafis biggest mistake was falling for west lollipop.

If we ever come to the point of nuclear war with india, we’ll be destroyed and india will be destroyed but while we’re going out we should take our Indias abba Israel and usa as well. If there’s no Pakistan there’s no usa or no Israel or no india!
I think everyone here knows that Pakistan has the capability to build a ICBM missile. Why has Pakistan not tested one yet? Are there poltical reasons? Maybe international sanctions? Building a MIRV is way way complicated than ICBM. So there is no reason to doubt that Pakistan does not have ICBM technology. Even North Korea has two operational ICBMs. The Hwasong-14 with 10,000 km range and Hwasong-15 with 13,000 km. Pakistan can easily test a 10,000 km ICBM.

P.S. I may have said something wrong. If you see a mistake correct me. I am new here.

may be if Israel pisses us off ..

Ok and If USA wants to attack Pakistan, a couple of ICBM's will not stop them, ask @PanzerKiel if under any circumstances Pakistan can even think of attacking US or even defending itself from an all out war, US has around 14 Ohio Class Submarines each carrying 20 ICBM's, and these Subs patrol across the world seas . Just take this information for a moment, 14 Subs with 20x ICBM's each with MIRV's....let that number sink in
Papu that’s the whole idea of having nukes with ICBMs. Deterrence via Mutual assured Destruction (MAD). It only takes few dozen nukes to annihilate the country. That’s why UK, France, china aren’t building more. Once major cities and military bases are gone country will cease to exist. Just because US and Russia have thousands of Nukes, doesn’t mean they will be using all of them for sake of nuking open land or empty deserted.
Papu that’s the whole idea of having nukes with ICBMs. Deterrence via Mutual assured Destruction (MAD). It only takes few dozen nukes to annihilate the country. That’s why UK, France, china aren’t building more. Once major cities and military bases are gone country will cease to exist. Just because US and Russia have thousands of Nukes, doesn’t mean they will be using all of them for sake of nuking open land or empty deserted.

It takes more than few dozen nukes to "annihilate" a country. Even at the peak of cold war, nor US, not USSR had arsenal big enough to completely destroy each others' militaries.

WW3 would've turned into trench warfare once both sides would've ran out of nukes.
An example...from DG Khan till Andaman Islands is 3100 kms....from DG Khan to India's EEZ south of Palk Strait is again 3000 km.....at this level countries arent a threat...real threat are their bases, their launch sites, docks....assets of their second strike capability...

Seriously, what do you need it for? You want to bomb Russia or the United States?
The better question would be why: "Why has Pakistan not tested a SLV yet"?

Please for God's sake dont say sanctions. A SLV would send the message. If you can put a satellite into orbit. You can target any place on earth with a ICBM.

Many SLV's can be used as ICBM'S. For example, Israel's Jericho 3 is based on the Shavit SLV.
Papu that’s the whole idea of having nukes with ICBMs. Deterrence via Mutual assured Destruction (MAD). It only takes few dozen nukes to annihilate the country. That’s why UK, France, china aren’t building more. Once major cities and military bases are gone country will cease to exist. Just because US and Russia have thousands of Nukes, doesn’t mean they will be using all of them for sake of nuking open land or empty deserted.
No need to have nukes when a foreign country can change your goverment.
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