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Why don't America sell Detroit or Michigan state to China in return for Loan forgiveness

I am just suprised how calm people are in USA , considering how much debt is piling up
If it was me I would prioritize debt payment up to

  • 3-4 Trillion Dollars immediately

  • Turn off NASA for 3-4 years
  • Turn off Mars mission
  • Turn off unnecessary military expenses around globe
  • Keep Navy Locked down near ports
  • May be even Sell off the F35 fleet , and move to a cheaper plane
  • May be turn keys off the Aircraft carrier ...as it cost 1 billion per year to run
. .
300 Million is peanuts.....

Zeros in 300 Million

300,000,000 (8 zeros in 300 million), this is like just 30 minutes of debt service

Debt rising 2.3 Billion per hour
2,300,000,000 (9 Zeros in 2.3 Billion)

1 Day = 24 hours

USA reduces 300 million in aid saves it
But that only covers new debt rise in mere 30 minutes of a single day
300 Million is peanuts.....

Zeros in 300 Million

300,000,000 (8 zeros in 300 million), this is like just 30 minutes of debt service

Debt rising 2.3 Billion per hour
2,300,000,000 (9 Zeros in 2.3 Billion)

Life is good when you own the money printer, you know?
To me , USA looks like in serious financial limbo and images from Detroit can suddenly expand to other metro areas of USA in 12 month cycle , at least that is what it looks like if the current trend is not stopped

Warning Signs , Europe discouraging reverse migration from USA to Europe, Europe is quietly introducing these measures so they would not get migrants from USA moving back to Europe

Europe is treating or planning to treat Americans same as illegal Migrants from Africa
This is significant

US Debt 21 trillion Dollars in 2019
US debt 24-25 Trillion Dollars in 2021 (Point of no return)

Americans Will Soon Need a Visa to Travel to Europe

Starting on January 1, 2021, Americans will need a special visa in order to visit 22 different European countries, per new guidelines just issued by the European Commission, a body that oversees the day-to-day business of the European Union. These new visas, known as the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS), will be enforced in an effort to improve border security. Any travelers who haven't applied for and been granted a valid ETIAS before their trip will not be allowed to board a plane or cruise ship bound for any of the countries where they're required, according to a report by Travel & Leisure.

Sometimes the soft indicators are a sign , of impeding problems
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. .
I am just suprised how calm people are in USA , considering how much debt is piling up
If it was me I would prioritize debt payment up to

  • 3-4 Trillion Dollars immediately

  • Turn off NASA for 3-4 years
  • Turn off Mars mission
  • Turn off unnecessary military expenses around globe
  • Keep Navy Locked down near ports
  • May be even Sell off the F35 fleet , and move to a cheaper plane
  • May be turn keys off the Aircraft carrier ...as it cost 1 billion per year to run

. .
What kind of idiotic thread is this? :cuckoo:

He's a weirdo

Why don't we sell FATA to someone to forgive all the loans of Pakistan. Let me tell you been living in the US for a long time no Chinese will ever go back to China that's the Fact. We can all debate about it but they don't even want to visit back.

I totally agree. I have yet to meet one Chinese person who has lived here for longer than 20 years who thinks China has improved enough to go back.

To me , USA looks like in serious financial limbo and images from Detroit can suddenly expand to other metro areas of USA in 12 month cycle , at least that is what it looks like if the current trend is not stopped

LOL!! We are fine. Actually poverty was far worse in the 1960's. You have a better chance of the Taliban running amok in Pakistan. I suggest you worry more about that then Detroit.
The murican beggars should just give up and sell all their farmlands to China to pay their debts.
I am just suprised how calm people are in USA , considering how much debt is piling up
If it was me I would prioritize debt payment up to

  • 3-4 Trillion Dollars immediately

  • Turn off NASA for 3-4 years
  • Turn off Mars mission
  • Turn off unnecessary military expenses around globe
  • Keep Navy Locked down near ports
  • May be even Sell off the F35 fleet , and move to a cheaper plane
  • May be turn keys off the Aircraft carrier ...as it cost 1 billion per year to run
Why should they sell anything? The US central bank can print $1 trillion with a klick on the keyboard. For a total sum of $4 trillion is just 3 klicks more.

Yes It is faster before I empty my bowl of pho. In fact the US can buy the entire China with just few klicks on the keyboard.
We can pay for Russian price for Ariazona state. Not interested in other states full of overweighted natives!
We can pay for Russian price for Ariazona state. Not interested in other states full of overweighted natives!
probably cuz China doesn't wanna deal with millions of useless ghetto and trailer trash idiots who are too addicted to bear, weed and welfare checks and just don't wanna work!
probably cuz China doesn't wanna deal with millions of useless ghetto and trailer trash idiots who are too addicted to bear, weed and welfare checks and just don't wanna work!

We will build walls to fence out unwanted Trump followers...

Our Per-Capita income is 6x higher....I would be upset if I was Chinese and my government was supporting foreigners.

But you pay a lot more for everything. What's the price you pay for a cab ride? 1.2 dollars for 3km?For Chinese you are backward society now.
If you owe the bank a few thousand dollars, it's your problem.
If you own the bank a few million dollars, it become's the bank's problem!

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