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Why doesn’t everyone study the West, like we study Ancient Egypt?

Luffy just proves this characterization right:


"Fundementally an ideology of resentful humiliation, unable to accept the weak place of Islamic civilization and determined to act destructively, often self destructively, believing domination is the birthright of the doctrine"
1. Please don't read my posts if you find them waste of your time; it is as simple as this.

2. Your injured ego is hindering you from comprehending my arguments that are put together in fairly standard English. Your issue is not Russian technology, but your resentment (which maybe justifiable) against Russia and any and everything related to Russia.

Not really.The whole system devised by the USSR colapsed on itself after 1990.So many people in my country were/arguing why weren't our factories selling anymore,our giant industry was collapsing.Why when we've built such an enormous industrial base were we sinking? Because we were not competitive outside captive markets,simple really.I am amazed that people still don't see this obvious truth.

The Yugo ? We have shitty cars but dang -- the Yugo quickly became the only car for those who cannot afford one of our shitty cars.

No...Soviet bloc consumer products would have no chance on the Western free market system where the consumers have the power of the purse. That is why communist countries can only foist their crap on each other. When I played tourist in East Germany when it existed, the East Germans wanted my Levi's jean, not just because it is a status symbol, but because they knew that it was superior to what they have on their markets.

Yep...and on captive African,Arab,South American markets."You're against the US,imperialists?...Here,have a Dacia on credit"
Islam simply doesn't take material interest into consideration , but takes both this world and the here after , when dealing with human problem. We believe this world is a test for the here after where humans will get their due for their acts in this world. Its only Islam that can give izza and honor to muslims as it has in the past. Not following Allah's law lead to problems & humiliation for the muslim world as is now the case. There r so many problem bcs muslim lands r ruled by colonized secular "muslims" who needs to resort to tyranny and power of the gun to keep their power.

Make a list of the liberal Muslim countries and conservative Muslim countries to check who have a better future. Your Saudis also will either liberalize or end up riding camels on desert sand once they run out of oil or technology replaces the use of oil.
Not really.The whole system devised by the USSR colapsed on itself after 1990.So many people in my country were/arguing why weren't our factories selling anymore,our giant industry was collapsing.Why when we've built such an enormous industrial base were we sinking? Because we were not competitive outside captive markets,simple really.I am amazed that people still don't see this obvious truth.
I agree with you on this; Russian system collapsed, no denying. But then it was the system that collapsed and not the technology per se. It is not that Russian technology was incapable of bringing out something competitive in the Western market, it did not because it did not have to; communist Russia never believed in the free economy and trade. If the Russians could send their cosmonauts in the space, designed world's larges and heaviest helicopters and airplanes, fielded world's largest and deadliest subs, they could very well employ the same or related technologies for building luxurious cars or Levi's jeans.
I agree with you on this; Russian system collapsed, no denying. But then it was the system that collapsed and not the technology per se. It is not that Russian technology was incapable of bringing out something competitive in the Western market, it did not because it did not have to; communist Russia never believed in the free economy and trade. If the Russians could send their cosmonauts in the space, designed world's larges and heaviest helicopters and airplanes, fielded world's largest and deadliest subs, they could very well employ the same or related technologies for building luxurious cars or Levi's jeans.

No they couldn't.If they could they would have done it preventing the economic collapse of the 90's.Even better they would be doing so today instead of relying on a raw materials exporting economy.It's easy to say "we could do it",far easier than actually doing it.Don't get me started on the whole system.When you're providing state housing/jobs for ALL the people it leads to people being complacent.You work differently when you know that no matter how you desinterested you are at your work place they wouldn't actually lay you off and you'd be out of a job tommorow.Nor do some people try to achieve much in life because,"hey,i'd still have a job and a house no matter what".

P.S. I didn't said Russian tech was inferior because Russians are dumber but because the system they've built held them back.
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Mullahism 101 securalism in the west is halal but in your own countries is haram

Why don't u define these vague terms "Mullah" , "mullahism" etc? Ranting on like this won't make much sense.

Why is it necessary for muslim countries to adopt a western system/ideology in the first place? U could not refute any of my points in the previous post # 36 and retreated to posting irrelevant pics.

As i said u dug yourself in a hole. First of all the no. 3000 is highly dubious and i could not find similar news in bengali newspapers dating to 5th may 2014. And the news link u shared is a well known Indian yellow propaganda outlet. Any way In BD vandalizing temples has a lot to do with awami politics. Awami secular cadres r well known for vandalizing temples:

Hindu houses vandalized in Narail

And Btw last year a minority org. named BAMAPA said that 83% attacks on minorities are done by secular AL. Its a well known AL tactic of attacking hindu temples and then putting the blame on the opposition.

And finally how is this even relevant to this thread? This thread is abt colonized secular/liberal "muslims" and their blind acceptance of all things western.
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Let's put it this way, 10-15 years back, EU sanctions would hurt a country very badly, now since other parts of the World has developed (especially in Asia), EU sanctions means that a country now has to focus more trade with Asian or other countries.

Look at Russia, sure EU sanctions has hurt them but if the GCC didn't lower oil prices, it would have very little effect on the Ruble.

There is very small number of countries in the world which actually accumulate wealth at any given movement. And the location of the money inflow changes with the time. However the money only flows to a country which is generally productive. So it is hopeless to wait for an unproductive country to become richer.
@Mugwop Why the negative rating here
Why doesn’t everyone study the West, like we study Ancient Egypt?
@waz please see

Luffy just proves this characterization right:


"Fundementally an ideology of resentful humiliation, unable to accept the weak place of Islamic civilization and determined to act destructively, often self destructively, believing domination is the birthright of the doctrine"
absolutely .... also if you see ... their main victims are other muslims ... as they have already killed everyone else.
I agree with you on this; Russian system collapsed, no denying. But then it was the system that collapsed and not the technology per se. It is not that Russian technology was incapable of bringing out something competitive in the Western market, it did not because it did not have to; communist Russia never believed in the free economy and trade. If the Russians could send their cosmonauts in the space, designed world's larges and heaviest helicopters and airplanes, fielded world's largest and deadliest subs, they could very well employ the same or related technologies for building luxurious cars or Levi's jeans.
You can divorce technology from the political/social system from which it came, but that would be a superficial defense of the Soviet system.

Is commercial space travel available in the West ? No. What that mean is that when it is about highly dangerous and esoteric technologies, such as space travel, the government will be the best executor of those technologies. It has the power to either attract or coerce the finest minds in the country to a particular endeavor and it is the final decision maker on economic allocation to make possible the goals. The US Moon landing program, for example.

When it is about technology, the best indicator of a country's progress is the scope of technology -- in general -- to benefit the common people. This is where the microwave oven is so fine an example of the failure of the Soviet system.

1) Is EM radiation a dangerous and esoteric technology ? Hardly. In some specialized situations, yes.

2) Is the manipulation of EM radiation a dangerous and esoteric technology ? Hardly. In some specialized situations, yes.

So let us expand the 2nd question.

1) Is the effect of EM radiation on substances unknown ? No. Scientists knew those behaviors for decades.

2) Is the effect of EM radiation on biological organisms unknown in the Soviet Union ? No. Soviet scientists knew those behaviors for decades.

Then why did the microwave oven came from the West instead of the Soviet Union ? Is it a lack of material to make the physical structure that is the casing for the device ? Of course not. Aluminum and glass are plentiful in communist countries. Is electronics unknown in the Soviet Union ? Absurd question. Of course the Soviets knew of electronics and they were quite good at it.

Here are the general engineering issues for the microwave oven...

1) EM radiation must be contained.

2) EM radiation must be of a safe frequency.

3) EM radiation containment must be absolute, meaning no leaks above a certain threshold allowed. This is for safety for humans and to minimize interference to other electronics.

4) Customer want to see their food. It does not matter if the food is visible cannot help heating it up any faster, people just have a quirk of wanting to see their food under cooking.

5) There must be a timing mechanism to automatically turn off the EM radiation.

6) There must be different power level to compensate for different food density, such as meat from liquid.

NONE of these items are technologically beyond Soviet minds. Item 4 is interesting. Glass is the obvious choice, but then plain glass would allow EM radiation to pass through, violating item 3. The solution: Insert a metal grill/mesh where the gaps between the wires are less than the operating EM freq.

Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ: Notes on the Troubleshooting and Repair of Microwave Ovens
There *is* a wire mesh embedded in the glass panel. Since the holes in the mesh are much much smaller than the wavelength of the 2.45 GHz microwaves (about 5 inches or 12.5 cm), it is essentially opaque to microwaves and essentially all the energy is reflected back into the oven cavity.
The boasting/defense of Soviet intellectual might is useless in the face of consumer demands for making their lives easier, and those demands are relentless. If your political/social system cannot meet those demands, your system is an abject failure compare to the one that can -- for its people. When a technology is taken for granted by the people, like the microwave oven or the telephone or the internal combustion engine have, the technology is an utter success. In other words, the political/social system must provide the necessary environment to where technology can serve the people in complete anonymity.

This is why the Soviet system failed, the free market capitalist system succeeded, and the socialist system lies somewhere in the middle.
Look at post 10 and 12
The situation in syria is bad,Innocent people are dying and this sadistic troll finds it funny.I suggest a permanent ban.
Yo,genius ! Look at how the world advanced in the last 100-150 years when it was guided by Western democracy ideals as opposed to the 2000 years before them.There in lies the difference.And no,if simpletons like you would be listened to free thinking would be restrained which in turn would bring a stand still in development.You are the past,a failed ,absolete way of thought,deal with it.

So its western democracy that allowed advancement? :woot: But UK wasn't even a democracy till the late 19th century, well after the steam engine. :unsure: Do people stop thinking without democracy? :rolleyes: And what is democracy? Rule of the elite few? Do people really have power to change their gov? UK saw the largest demonstration in its history against the Iraq war with 0 effect on lunny bare faced balir.

Btw china & russia are not democracy. No wonder they r so primitive. :rofl:

As for development , does it involve a totally broken society mired by depression, drug, alcohol and sex related offences and rising unemployment? Your kind of development cost one of your liberal secular societies i.e UK 50 Billion pounds/year in alcohol related harm while the annual health budget for the NHS is around £100 billion. Is this the future u r alluding to? :undecided:

As for free thinking? Is it up to the arbitrary definitions of secular/liberal hypocrites ? :D

The western materialistic society is inherently unsustainable requiring use of force and slaughter of millions of muslims to keep their broken consumerism based society going. Islam is the exact opposite of your hedonistic unsustainable materialistic ideology and as such it is the future and will remain so till the end of time.

Btw this is what one of your own historian Samuel P Huntingdon said abt your civilization: ‘The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion (to which few members of other civilizations were converted) but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do. - Obviously when u loot u have cash to pour into industrial research and scientific development. Its nothing to do with vague notions of democracy and freedom of speech- which at the end of the day are left to arbitrary interpretations by the elite few of the society.

Why don't u define these vague terms "Mullah" , "mullahism" etc? Ranting on like this won't make much sense.

Why is it necessary for muslim countries to adopt a western system/ideology in the first place? U could not refute any of my points in the previous post # 36 and retreated to posting irrelevant pics.

As i said u dug yourself in a hole. First of all the no. 3000 is highly dubious and i could not find similar news in bengali newspapers dating to 5th may 2014. And the news link u shared is a well known Indian yellow propaganda outlet. Any way In BD vandalizing temples has a lot to do with awami politics. Awami secular cadres r well known for vandalizing temples:

Hindu houses vandalized in Narail

And Btw last year a minority org. named BAMAPA said that 83% attacks on minorities are done by secular AL. Its a well known AL tactic of attacking hindu temples and then putting the blame on the opposition.

And finally how is this even relevant to this thread? This thread is abt colonized secular/liberal "muslims" and their blind acceptance of all things western.
The western materialistic society is inherently unsustainable requiring use of force and slaughter of millions of muslims to keep their broken consumerism based society going.
That is so absurd that it is a wonder that you can entertain that in your head. :sick:
You don't immediately mass produce any innovation in China.Once you have it first,it takes time for others to have it,and that time gives you the edge over others...and profits.The economic crisis is just that,an economic crisis which have been met before,even from the tullip drop in the Netherlans in the 18th century which left many bankrupt,to the one in 1933.It doesn't take away the scientifical edge the West has.Plus,many so much praised developing countries still hit an economic stagnation when they hit a 6k-10k GDP per capita and you woder why countries with 30k-50k per capita encounter problems.Many countries growth is just because the West outsourced labour to them not because they brought something at "humanity's table".An example of countries that "brought something" is Japan,or South Korea.You're acting out just out of petty envy and frustration but that won't change the world we live in.

You don't produce immediately but when you do, my logic does apply.

Really, then why does China make iPhones and all of Apple products. Yes, some do, not many, for example China has a GDP growth rate of 7+% (GDP per capita is over $6,000), Qatar's is over 6% (their per capita is $93,000). They all need to adapt, for example Qatar use foreign labour who are very cheap. Also remember that GDP per capita isn't nothing more than total GDP divided by population in the country. As long as you have cheap labour, you can make things for cheap. Also note that $6,000 in 20 years time isn't going to have the same value as it does now.

I am not acting out of jealousy, it's you who has ran out of logical thinking ability and thus making stupid claims about jealousy to bring legitimacy to yourself.
Back to liberal bashing from the resident Jamatis. Nothing new to see here.

I am a "liberal" Muslim.

WHen did u accepted islam & changed your religion? Last i checked u were a follower of the qadiani faith. :what:

Btw the term liberal "muslim" is such an oxymoron. :lol:

I do not consider the west as some sort of a teacher. I consider studying it a matter of academics. I have studied many ancient civilizations. Jamatis are deluded if they think they know what a liberal muslim does or thinks. I don't consider western interpretations of morals particularly correct but then again I just don't blame the west for the deficiencies present in every Muslim society.

U don't mock hijab/niqab and the beard? Not to mention islamic principles regarding inheritance, gender issues and sexuality. U don't look down on them? Indeed seculars believe in the fallacy of their values being universal.

For example, did George Bush tell you to do corruption in your country? OR did he tell the milk vendor to mix water with milk? :whistle:

But my country is ruled by secular laws. :lol: Interesting u mention corruption. Our bald headed secular finance minister recently said that taking bribe is OK as it speeds up the work process in return for monetary benefits.

Are ISIS liberal muslims? Are the taliban? Are Al qaeda? Are Boko Haram? Are LeT? Are SSP? JeM? Do liberal muslims honour kill? Do liberal muslims rape kids in madrassahs?

ISIS/Boko haram are the extremist counter part of secular/liberals in the muslim world. Liberals not only rape but are proponents of blatant hedonism. They promote rape via their ideology.

Only the Jamatis are not colonized and free, right? Like when they got billions from the same kafir west to do backdoor jjihad for them?

Indeed compared to seculars/liberals they r relatively free.
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