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Why doesn't Brazil attract immigrants?


Mar 10, 2013
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Brazil is also a country of immigrants and part of the new world but unlike Canada, Australia, USA it does not attract many immigrants from 3rd world nations. Brazil is not as rich as these other countries but it is not so bad either and a growing economy. So why?
Brazil is also a country of immigrants and part of the new world but unlike Canada, Australia, USA it does not attract many immigrants from 3rd world nations. Brazil is not as rich as these other countries but it is not so bad either and a growing economy. So why?

Maybe your policies are not as open.
Brazil is also a country of immigrants and part of the new world but unlike Canada, Australia, USA it does not attract many immigrants from 3rd world nations. Brazil is not as rich as these other countries but it is not so bad either and a growing economy. So why?
Because there are Oceans between Brasil and most third world countries.
I would go there if you had English as one of your national language.

But i guess Brazil is not in such a condition where one would like to migrate.

Maybe in next 40 years when things will change , people would go.
Aye they should invite me i'll pack my bags and catch a cab beautiful beaches beautiful ladies who would not want to go there!..

Their auto industry and technical industry is expanding along with aviation industry it is a good place for skilled people or those who have moeny and just want to invest in banks and sleep all day long.
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I love Brazil, I like be their beaches,. I like be their culture. I would totally move there.
I love Brazil, I like be their beaches,. I like be their culture. I would totally move there.

Also the OP is kind of wrong. Many immigrants from other Latin American countries go their to work.

In fact, when the Brazilian economy was booming, Haitians went there in froves.

I also have an opinion that India can learn more from Brazil than with China. Multi-cultural society, and all that jazz.

Though |Indians are nowhere near cool as Brazilians.

They do have a lot of social problems. Gang violence, and world' highest number of crack addicts.

Brazilians have a strong presence in the UFC too :P and their women :smitten:
It's a beautiful country and has a good economy, the problem is that people would have to learn a new language. Most of immigrants move to the west like US and UK and such because they already know English, since it is one of the most commonly spoken language so there is a ease of mind. Then there is also the point (from what I hear from my friends) Brazil is quite expensive to live in.
Language barrier ,No job opportunities for foreigners and not good pay rate compare to US/Canada/europe/Austrlia . what visa schemes you have got for foreign nationals?
I'm gonna post pictures of Brazilian cities

Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais



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