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Why does Russia, population 146 million, have fewer coronavirus cases than Luxembourg?

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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Moscow (CNN)Russian President Vladimir Putin said this week his country managed to stop the mass spread of coronavirus -- and that the situation was "under control," thanks to early and aggressive measures to keep more people from getting the disease.

Does Russia have coronavirus under control? According to information released by Russian officials, Putin's strategy seems to have worked. The number of confirmed Russian coronavirus cases is surprisingly low, despite Russia sharing a lengthy border with China and recording its first case back in January.
The numbers are picking up, but Russia -- a country of 146 million people -- has fewer confirmed cases than Luxembourg, with just 253 people infected. Luxembourg, by contrast, has a population of just 628,000, according to the CIA World Factbook, and by Saturday had reported 670 coronavirus cases with eight deaths.

Russia's early response measures -- such as shutting down its 2,600-mile border with China as early as January 30, and setting up quarantine zones -- may have contributed to the delay of a full-blown outbreak, some experts say.


Russian President Vladimir Putin responded to criticism over the number of recorded cases.
A strong record on testing
"The director-general of WHO said 'test, test, test,'" Dr. Melita Vujnovic, the World Health Organization's representative in Russia, told CNN Thursday. "Well, Russia started that literally at the end of January."

Vujnovic said Russia also took a broader set of measures in addition to testing.
"Testing and identification of cases, tracing contacts, isolation, these are all measures that WHO proposes and recommends, and they were in place all the time," she said. "And the social distancing is the second component that really also started relatively early."
Rospotrebnadzor, Russia's state consumer watchdog, said Saturday that it had run more than 156,000 coronavirus tests in total. By comparison, according to CDC figures, the United States only picked up the pace in testing at the beginning of March, while Russia says it has been testing en masse since early February, including in airports, focusing on travelers from Iran, China, and South Korea.

That's not to say there were no holes in Russia's defenses. Russia didn't start testing those arriving from Italy or other badly affected EU countries immediately, limiting its controls for arrivals from Europe to taking temperatures and imposing two-week quarantines. The majority of the coronavirus cases reported in Russia were brought from Italy, according to health officials.
Distrust among the population

People have still been crowding the Moscow metro system.

Still, Russia contends with widespread public skepticism, a legacy of its Soviet past. On social media, Russians have raised questions referring to their country's poor track record of transparency, such as the coverup around the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in 1986 and the country's botched response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the 1980s.

Authorities have moved swiftly to counter what they see as misinformation. In early March, Russia's Federal Security Service and internet watchdog moved to take down a viral post claiming the real number of coronavirus cases was 20,000 and that the Russian government was covering it up. Facebook and Instagram users in Russia then started to see coronavirus awareness alerts linking to Rospotrebnadzor's official website.

News reports of shortages in protective equipment have also fueled skepticism. And some experts have raised doubts about the reliability of Russia's testing system, which depends on a single laboratory. A report by PCR.News, a media outlet for medics and healthcare professionals, pointed out that the only approved coronavirus testing system, produced by Vector in Novosibirsk, has a lower sensitivity than other virus tests, raising concerns about false negatives.

David Berov, the first confirmed coronavirus patient in Moscow, wrote on Instagram that his second test showed a negative result, while the first and third tested positive for coronavirus.

"The virus was confirmed in my third test, it was not seen in my blood but was in my saliva," Berov wrote on March 5. "As I was told, they could barely see it so that's why they were in doubt for so long."

Vector did not respond to a request for comment. The Russian branch of the WHO, however, told CNN it received the specifications for the Vector test kits and the laboratory had been placed on the list of approved institutions used to confirm the coronavirus.
Westerners don't go to Russia so Russia has been safe

Russia also had closed their borders

They also did not had many tourist in their country

Many tourist who have taken back the virus to Europe and USA and world were older folks travelling and thus helped spread the virus
I think this infection has been spreading in Europe and USA for many weeks prior to any true official response. Other countries less international travelers going in and out, most probably saw infected peoples later on and identified it earlier do to all the headlines. They will be more able to contain this with early action.
Countries were more interested in getting their people back instead of realizing the problem and danger, at hand and did not shut the airports down quickly

  • It was in the pandemic video game folks you had to have played it to know what was the correct response, "plague inc" available PS4 I played it in 2019

Because the virus has now crossed the continents and sea, now it is out of control and every country will have to battle the devil 1 vs 1

In the game you are taught, how virus propagates and one of the most dangerous occurrences is when it jumps continents

If it is contagious
If it is air born

Then all hell breaks loose

The only positive thing so far is that it only has 3% mortality

If mortality hits 50% mark you are staring at a global extinction

You are looking at World Wide Chaos , street fights , killings etc food transport failing , human transport systems failing , Schools closing , University closure , Food shortages
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Moscow (CNN)Russian President Vladimir Putin said this week his country managed to stop the mass spread of coronavirus -- and that the situation was "under control," thanks to early and aggressive measures to keep more people from getting the disease.

Does Russia have coronavirus under control? According to information released by Russian officials, Putin's strategy seems to have worked. The number of confirmed Russian coronavirus cases is surprisingly low, despite Russia sharing a lengthy border with China and recording its first case back in January.
The numbers are picking up, but Russia -- a country of 146 million people -- has fewer confirmed cases than Luxembourg, with just 253 people infected. Luxembourg, by contrast, has a population of just 628,000, according to the CIA World Factbook, and by Saturday had reported 670 coronavirus cases with eight deaths.

Russia's early response measures -- such as shutting down its 2,600-mile border with China as early as January 30, and setting up quarantine zones -- may have contributed to the delay of a full-blown outbreak, some experts say.

Inspite of russi-chini bhai bhai, russians were smart enough to keep the chinese at bay. The whole world should have promptly done that; keeping the chinese and anyone who had been to china away could have certainly stopped this disease. But alas in todays' interconnected world....

I think this infection has been spreading in Europe and USA for many weeks prior to any true official response. Other countries less international travelers going in and out, most probably saw infected peoples later on and identified it earlier do to all the headlines. They will be more able to contain this with early action.
In the initial phases the chinese were lying to WHO saying there was no human-to-human transmission. They were feeding false data to the world and suppressing information coming from doctors and reporters from within china. Becoz of this people in italy and iran and everywhere are dying and the chinese are "donating supplies" pretending to be innocent victims of the disease, when in reality if it weren't for their initial actions and opacity the disease could have been controlled at an earlier stage.
Only after situation became uncontrollable did the chinese start giving more information.
And to compensate for their initial lies and deceit they started releasing propaganda stories like "US army is source of virus"
Inspite of russi-chini bhai bhai, russians were smart enough to keep the chinese at bay. The whole world should have promptly done that; keeping the chinese and anyone who had been to china away could have certainly stopped this disease. But alas in todays' interconnected world....

It is not that others did not know but were either being politically correct or economically dependent on China (and wanted to avoid the wrath of China) to bite the bullet and take strict measures.
Not much traffic in Russia from and to the USA

Coincidence or a lead?
It is not that others did not know but were either being politically correct or economically dependent on China (and wanted to avoid the wrath of China) to bite the bullet and take strict measures.
That's true. Agreed.
But its too late.
Shits hittin' the fan. Real hard.
Not much traffic in Russia from and to the USA

Coincidence or a lead?

Trump banned traffic to China not Russia. By you logic Russia should have been greatly impacted. The main culprits were not US or Russia but EU which did not enforce any strict measures towards China. Not only EU got infected by the Chinese but people from EU have infected rest of the world. What a mess we have now on our hands.
Inspite of russi-chini bhai bhai, russians were smart enough to keep the chinese at bay. The whole world should have promptly done that; keeping the chinese and anyone who had been to china away could have certainly stopped this disease. But alas in todays' interconnected world....

In the initial phases the chinese were lying to WHO saying there was no human-to-human transmission. They were feeding false data to the world and suppressing information coming from doctors and reporters from within china. Becoz of this people in italy and iran and everywhere are dying and the chinese are "donating supplies" pretending to be innocent victims of the disease, when in reality if it weren't for their initial actions and opacity the disease could have been controlled at an earlier stage.
Only after situation became uncontrollable did the chinese start giving more information.
And to compensate for their initial lies and deceit they started releasing propaganda stories like "US army is source of virus"


What does the bhai bhai has to do with it---nothing---.

Seems like you don't understand the CDC or WHO---. They have the information months ahead of time---. Their analysts are studying each virus that has gone out of control and will go out of control depending at the level of potency and ease of spread---.

To these organizations---it was known what was coming---.

The problem was these medical entities making the govts believe in what was in the making---.

The CD informed its govt ahead of time---but the Trump organization did not believe them---. The chinese had their issues as well---.

The americans have the belief---we are strong---we are powerful---we will obliterate it---send a division of marines.

Well this time the Virus sent in Marine killers---.

The americans have a tendency to solve Virus problems with a US marine mindset---they have a habit of laughing off the problems and taking everything from a military weapons point of view---like we have better BVR weapons---we have standoff weapons---we have laser guided sh-t and what not.

The have all that but the only problem is that american do not have the brains to tackle this problem head on---ahead of time---in a proactive manner---american brains do not work on a proactive basis---.

If you look at their military excursions---they have a GENETIC reactive mentality---. They traditionally wait for the enemy to strike and then use their supposed GUNGHO mindset to tackle the enemy---.

Incidently & sadly---in this case---the Corona virus did not play by the american rules---and tragically---most of the world also was trying to act american and has paid a very heavy price---.

Nations like russia---acknowledged the problem and took action---.

The chinese almost acted like the americans---the wuhan police dept and other wuhan administrators---but then acted very fast after the fact to take charge---.
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