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Why does China support Syria's Assad?

very imteresing thought
some national interest come to play no doubt
Why does China support Syria's Assad?
Because it serves Chinese interest simple as that.

I must say Asad is better politician he sent his ambassador to New Delhi, when BRIC submit was going on. This resulting China and Russia declaring full support to him right from brics platform. Other brics countries also said violence should be stopped immediately :azn:
Why does China support Syria's Assad?
Because it serves Chinese interest simple as that.

I must say Asad is better politician he sent his ambassador to New Delhi, when BRIC submit was going on. This resulting China and Russia declaring full support to him right from brics platform. Other brics countries also said violence should be stopped immediately :azn:

Correct. Whatever serves China´s interest, they do that, without scruple if necessary.
China protect Syria and Iran is all about OIL, also keep U S financial, military drain in a struggle war, and in the mean time US put all the attention in Middle East, China can claim all islands in Asia for it naval strategy to the west plus all the natural resources that South China Seas. That why US asked Japan and other countries have dispute with China to solve the problem peacefully, because US can't afford another war.

When the middle East settle then US will concentrate on dismantle China, as for one US just wanted to contain China.
Just my thought from the out side looking in.
It's a Chinese website about oil import of China.
In 2010,largest oil import country is Saudi Arabia 18.6%,
NO.2,Angola 16.5%
NO.3,Iran 8.9%
Oman, Iraq ,Kuwait,6.6%,6.1%,4.1%
As far as I know,All middle east country are Chinese friend,Saudi Arabia,Iran,Turkey, Israel.Iraq and Egypt
It's a Chinese website about oil import of China.
In 2010,largest oil import country is Saudi Arabia 18.6%,
NO.2,Angola 16.5%
NO.3,Iran 8.9%
Oman, Iraq ,Kuwait,6.6%,6.1%,4.1%
As far as I know,All middle east country are Chinese friend,Saudi Arabia,Iran,Turkey, Israel.Iraq and Egypt

For now yes
Interesting thought. You mean China won´t intervene if similar riots happen again, in Indonesia or Malaysia for instance?
I remember one of the reasons why China invaded Vietnam in 1979 was "mistreatment" of Chinese-Vietnamese citizens.

Why in 1979?

Invaded?For what?
because vietnam signed a treaty with Soviet union and Rental Cam Ranh Bay to the Soviet Union in 1978,
invaded Cambodia in 1979.
Invaded?For what?
because vietnam signed a treaty with Soviet union and Rental Cam Ranh Bay to the Soviet Union in 1978,
invaded Cambodia in 1979.

Weird, the topic is about China & Syria, has now suddenly changed to China, Vietnam and Soviet Union.
Can I ask you when China will invade the Philippines because it has a treaty with the US? and the next possible target Japan?
Our intervention stopped the genocide in Cambodia. China supported the killings.

Is China not concerned that it is causing scratching of head, puzzlement, anger and loss of support among the 1.4 billion Sunni Muslim world most of whom are in friendly and partner nations, whereas even if all Shia's who support Assad are only about 200 million or less in number?

The flip side of your argument coin would be China to lose the support of 0.2 billion Shia. Why can't China get supported by all 1.6 billion Muslims, all together?

China is obviously not concerned in terms of religious aspects in Syria, as to which religion to support or not support, or which religion to suppress or not suppress. China perhaps believes that ideological differences between religions, or religion sectors, are to be talked by religion leaders, not secular state leaders of China.

Thus, their leaders' wisdom is likely not to be compromised by any religious propensities when they judging secular matters such as those in Syria.

China will be seen as the new US soon, and it will be "jihad" on China.


China is not western democracy.

If you want to turn China into US, first turn China into western democracy.
The Chinese are a very pragmatic and liberal minded people. Most Chinese are godless atheists. Religion is of no much importance to them.
For all his faults, Assad regime is very secular and liberal as compared to the wahabi Sunnis. The only reason the west is against Assad regime is because of their closeness to the Iranians.

Funny (and sad) thing is those self-claimed god-full kill more among themselves or each other than those labelled god-less.

Tell us what is God?

Back to the topic.

China is not supporting Assad. China is objecting to foreign interference of Syria internal affairs. Period!
It's important to know that China is not taking one side or the other in particular on Syria. The Syrian opposition, as well as Assad's regime, has met with Chinese officials to talk about how to facilitate dialogue and transition.

Syrian opposition group to visit China next week | Reuters

Even if China throws its support for one side, it will not be a game changer; that would have to come from other parties with more power or leverage over Syria, like Russia, Iran, or NATO. Unlike the other parties, China does not have significant political, military, or economic interests or investments in Syria, so there really is not much China can do to shape the situation.

As for the practical effects of recent UN talks, most nations do not have the stomach for military action in Syria. As long as that remains the case, any UN discussions on the conflict are a sideshow compared to the ongoing conflict in Syria. The way things are going at present, it is the Syrians themselves who will determine the course of the conflict.
Weird, the topic is about China & Syria, has now suddenly changed to China, Vietnam and Soviet Union.
Can I ask you when China will invade the Philippines because it has a treaty with the US? and the next possible target Japan?
Our intervention stopped the genocide in Cambodia. China supported the killings.

Funny (and sad) thing is those self-claimed god-full kill more among themselves or each other than those labelled god-less.

Tell us what is God?

Back to the topic.

China is not supporting Assad. China is objecting to foreign interference of Syria internal affairs. Period!

The flip side of your argument coin would be China to lose the support of 0.2 billion Shia. Why can't China get supported by all 1.6 billion Muslims, all together?

China is obviously not concerned in terms of religious aspects in Syria, as to which religion to support or not support, or which religion to suppress or not suppress. China perhaps believes that ideological differences between religions, or religion sectors, are to be talked by religion leaders, not secular state leaders of China.

Thus, their leaders' wisdom is likely not to be compromised by any religious propensities when they judging secular matters such as those in Syria.


China is not western democracy.

If you want to turn China into US, first turn China into western democracy.

That's how the west think, but for China they think China can take over US by financial, and by military force. China will try to take 1 country at a time. China wanted to all Asia countries under control of China.

Does any of you guys and gals remember China wanted to control of pacific ocean all the way to Hawaii? This was mention when two leader meet in Washington last year.
because assad have "OIL"
and china and rusia needs oil to support their economic
because assad have "OIL"
and china and rusia needs oil to support their economic

Just a couple points that should be made clear.

Russia already has a ton of oil, and that's not including potential reserves in Arctic territory.

Also, nearly all Syrian oil exports went to the EU under Assad.
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