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Why do western women feel inferior to men?

Men and Women are different and have different rights and responsibilities ordained by God.

  • I am a desi liberal. I believe whatever is in trend set by modern west.

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I dont think they feel inferior. Most of them want equal opportunity wherever its humanly possible. Women in west as well as east have been traditionally barred from many activities for reasons that are not true anymore.
Anyway, which practices OP think western women should not do(because its a man's job.)
Is this a troll thread? Western Women feel inferior to Men? :disagree: If anything it is the other way around.

Feminism, Matriarchy, Equality lasts till a big war erupts. War and emergency sets the things straight again

Not if the war is fought with missiles and drones as the future wars will be

The first person to guess my "true' vote gets a cookie.

Your vote is public, can I have my cookie please?
. .
“The granting of equal rights to women, which Marxism demands, in reality does not grant equal rights … it instead constitutes a deprivation of rights, since it draws women into realms of society where they are inferior. The woman has her own battlefield. With every child that she brings into the world, she fights her battle for the nation.”


@Luffy 500 @Psychic @The Sandman
They don't feel inferior at all but they think they are not always treated on an equal footing with men.

Try to say to my wife that she is inferior and you'll received a part of her "inferiorness" straight in your face.

that's because we use wrong terminology, they are not inferior but weaker in some aspects and stronger in some.
Why do western women feel inferior to men?



In the name of Allāh, all praise belongs to Allāh, an may his peace and blessings be upon his final Messenger Muhammad, sallAllāhu ‘alayhi wasallam)

When a person attempts to imitate another person, he or she normally believes internally that the other person is better than them. In a race, the winning individual looks towards the end while those behind him look at him. He thinks of the finish line while they think of him. The great Muslim philosopher and sociologist, Ibn Khaldūn, stated centuries ago that the weaker is inclined to imitate the stronger.

The stronger-weaker relationship can exist due to a number of factors, ranging from physical subjugation and domination of one by another, to internalised inferiority complexes. Centuries—and possibly millennia—of subjugation and oppression of women in the history of Europe—and therefore the West—has led to a phenomenon that we must approach with caution and sensitivity. Somewhere in the story of the modern western world, the struggle for women to be freed of oppression and subjugation became conflated—for some—with a desire to be like men.

It is a subtle difference, but those women who want to do everything men do because men do them, have internally made men their benchmark. Whether they recognise it or not, there exists a sense of inferiority towards men. On the other hand, it is far less common to find men that are keen to imitate women, demonstrating a level of self-confidence and comfort in their own sex. This shows that generally men do not feel inferiority towards women and thus a need to compete with them. Wherever it is the case that men and women compete against each other, due to whatever oppression, learned behaviours or other dynamics, the moral equilibrium between the main two components of any society is always disturbed and hence the stability and health of the society sacrificed. That is why Islām is strictly against women imitating men and men imitating women. The Prophet (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) said

Allāh cursed men who imitate women and those women who imitate men”.

Outward, intentional imitation of the opposite sex is not just a physical activity that has limited impact on the personality; rather, it is a symbolic representation of destroying the natural social structure that is mandatory for any social development.

It is very unfortunate that some women have been fooled into thinking they are less than men and hence—for some—their fight for their God-given rights became a fight to become equal to men. In fact, to even point this out normally triggers fierce reactions from those who have bought into this con created by those who benefit from such a scheme. They were fed a notion by capitalist, neoliberal men in suits that in order to be equal to men, women needed to do whatever men do; thus conveniently supporting those who profit from the destructive cycle of hyper-consumerism and global capitalism that scores of women (and men) are enslaved by. It is no surprise since neoliberal ideology naturally and by design pits people against each other as competitors, leading to an epidemic of loneliness, atomisation and countless other social ills.[1]

Those who are not aware of this simply see the outcome of such a scheme. Men become presidents, so women have to become presidents. Men work hard outside the home, women have to work hard outside the home. The value of men and women both now is determined according to how faithfully they serve the cycle of production and consumption. If a woman works in her home to serve her husband and family, she is now often socialised into looking down upon that: “not reaching her potential”. But if she expends the exact same amount of energy working to serve the pompous shareholders of her corporation: “she is a successful woman”. I am certain that, if there were profit to be made in it, we would certainly have come across people even telling women to learn to urinate standing up as some western men do!

Men are more dignified when they stay as men and similarly women are more dignified when they stay as women. It is ironic that some so-called feminists accuse Islām and Muslims of promoting a patriarchal society or male-dominated system when the fact of the matter is that aiming for parity with men without addressing the underlying fallacy, leads to an aggressive and unfair competition between men and women. The competition is unfair as it runs according to the terms and conditions of men—anyone who plays a game that they got to write the rules for will automatically have an advantage. Although the society as a whole is negatively affected by this unfair competition, women and children are its biggest losers.

Western women are unfairly left with few choices; they either have to struggle hard to “catch up” with men in the corporate world or they have to work like medieval slaves to maintain their nature as mothers and wives. Imagine how many things a working mother and wife has to do on a daily basis in a society skewed against them. If she accepts the career-punishment of taking time out to have children, she has to go through the indescribable difficulty of carrying her children and giving birth to them, which is followed by years of work nurturing and raising them (far more effort than a “normal” full-time job). On top of that she has to work outside the home from nine to five. SubḥānAllāh, what oppression and subjugation western women face!

Unfortunately, instead of embracing and catering for the fundamental differences between men and women, some people who wish to make life easier for women encourage men and women to share in all of the activities. However what we see played out time and time and again on the ground is that it still leads to a form of oppression of women, since men are biologically unable to do some of those things which women do, from pregnancy to breastfeeding to even multitasking. Furthermore, I regularly receive complaints from women that when their menfolk do try to help them in some of jobs that they are not capable of they end up making a bigger mess for the poor women to fix!

In Islām, men and women do not compete with each other, rather they complete each other. This partnership creates a positive feeling and atmosphere between both sides and helps in stabilising the society as a whole. Men are responsible for the gruelling toil outside the house and serving the lady within the house. Women will take on the most important role in this life that no one else can do: motherhood. They need not worry about making someone else a profit or bearing financial responsibility themselves, which are the most stressful activities human beings do.

Allāh says,

Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allāh has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth”.[2]

Furthermore, Islām does not compare men and women as both are different. This is a rational concept. You cannot compare apples with bananas; each has its own taste. Allāh summarised the dynamic of the relationship between men and women that great philosophers failed to understand in a very short Quranic verse. Allāh says,

And do not wish for that by which Allāh has made some of you exceed others. For men is a share of what they have earned, and for women is a share of what they have earned. And ask Allāh of His bounty. Indeed Allāh is ever, of all things, Knowing.”[3]

Understanding this dynamic helps us to understand so many guidelines Islām laid down to maintain a healthy relationship between both sexes. However we often see people failing to understand it, for one particular, sinister reason, leading to a number of major problems. This is by imposing a Eurocentric lens on Muslims and Islamic practices, forcing even Muslims themselves not to view their own tradition according to its own epistemological framework. As a result, for example, Muslims are often otherised and demonised by those in whose heart is this insidious motive reinterpreting and spinning simple Islamic practices such as the separation of unrelated men and women, as some kind of discrimination against women by men.

Of course, not all of those who fall for this narrative are evil or indeed realise what they are doing. It is well known that people naturally interpret things according to their own experience, history, feelings, beliefs and values. In fact, as is said in Arabic, we see things by our own eyes. This means that we do not see things as they are rather we see them as we are. The non-Islamic elements of the West have for thousands of years discriminated against women in the most horrific ways, in many ways which still endure. As a result, Muslims need to be aware of this baggage that the average person will bring to the subject, and present Islam and its values with non-Muslims’ previous presumptions and projections in mind. The worst thing we can do in such a scenario, is ignore such lenses and to force such Eurocentrism upon our own tradition.

In conclusion, the best formula for both sexes is to accept what their creator has given them and not to try to change their very nature. Men are not unconditionally better than women and similarly women are not unconditionally better than men. Each has a role to play in this life in order to fulfil the main aim of creation; worshiping Allāh. In the Qur’ān we are reminded,

The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakāh and obey Allāh and His Messenger. Those – Allāh will have mercy upon them. Indeed, Allāh is Exalted in Might and Wise.[4]

As for the plight of western women, far from passively accepting western narratives about our own tradition, we in fact need a campaign to save western women.


@Akheilos @Zarvan @Khafee @Stannis Baratheon @Apprentice @dsr478 @Erhabi @Aslan @Tipu7 @Al-zakir @Talwar e Pakistan @Saiful Islam @HAKIKAT @jamal18 @Psychic @Desert Fox @nightRider @Lagay Raho @Djinn @LeGenD @asad71 @monitor @lastofthepatriots @war&peace @Mrc @Azad-Kashmiri @Azadkashmir @Major Sam @Ghareeb_Da_Baal @hussain0216 @Genghis khan1 @Suff Shikan @Assailiant @abdulbarijan @AUz @That Guy @mb444 @Sparkle229 @TMA @T-Rex @graphican @JonAsad @abbasniazi @My-Analogous @Timur @PaklovesTurkiye
Western women have more rights today than Muslim women ever had and ever will have I can guarantee you that. Look at the state of Muslim women compared to Western women. You don't see Western women getting acid thrown on their faces or being murdered by obsessive male relatives over some "honor" BS. Finally, Mullahs need to stop spreading their propaganda. Its time we bring the Muslim world into the 21st century.
The world would've been a much better place if women were the dominant gender in Human society.. Women in charge of all militaries and all governments etc..

PS -- Bangladesh is an exception.. :D

you are not just happy enough with family infighting, you want to see that on national and world level :)

Western women have more rights today than Muslim women ever had and ever will have I can guarantee you that. Look at the state of Muslim women compared to Western women. You don't see Western women getting acid thrown on their faces or being murdered by obsessive male relatives over some "honor" BS. Finally, Mullahs need to stop spreading their propaganda. Its time we bring the Muslim world into the 21st century.

come on man, its just that those incidents in west are labelled differently. Human nature doesn't change only because you put it in different category.
“The granting of equal rights to women, which Marxism demands, in reality does not grant equal rights … it instead constitutes a deprivation of rights, since it draws women into realms of society where they are inferior. The woman has her own battlefield. With every child that she brings into the world, she fights her battle for the nation.”


@Luffy 500 @Psychic @The Sandman
Wow, so now we got people idolising a mass murderer.

So Hitler was against women's equality? All the more reasons to support feminism!
come on man, its just that those incidents in west are labelled differently. Human nature doesn't change only because you put it in different category.
Sorry but which "incidents" are you exactly referring to?
Western women have more rights today than Muslim women ever had and ever will have I can guarantee you that. Look at the state of Muslim women compared to Western women. You don't see Western women getting acid thrown on their faces or being murdered by obsessive male relatives over some "honor" BS. Finally, Mullahs need to stop spreading their propaganda. Its time we bring the Muslim world into the 21st century.

Well, they do get murdered by their partners. 2,000 partner homicides in the US each year.

Sorry but which "incidents" are you exactly referring to?

2,000 homicides by partners each year in just US.
a foolish article written by a mullah..there is nothing attractive about a sexuality less woman draped in black trash bag...
Hence why Muslim women have simply become human reproduction zombies....and their children also come into society as a zomibe...blind , deaf , mute and impaired from self consciousness to think intelligently...the aggregate melt down is a society infested with terrorism, suicide bombings and sick militant cults like ISIS!
Thank you!!! Perhaps the only sane post on this thread!!!

A woman's sexuality plays a major part of in her self esteem. She has the right to express her sexuality as she pleases just as Muslim men do and have been doing. Mullahs need to drop the hypocrisy and double standards.
Well, they do get murdered by their partners. 2,000 partner homicides in the US each year.

2,000 homicides by partners each year in just US.
Sure, and the perpetrators are rightfully punished and made examples out of. And society does not approve of such behavior. Can't say the same about Muslim countries where women are blamed and their murderers/oppressors are sympathized with and even pardoned by the mysogynistic courts.

Also, I can assure you that the honor killings in the Muslim world are 100x the number you quoted in the West, only difference being Muslim countries don't record these incidences like the West.
“The granting of equal rights to women, which Marxism demands, in reality does not grant equal rights … it instead constitutes a deprivation of rights, since it draws women into realms of society where they are inferior. The woman has her own battlefield. With every child that she brings into the world, she fights her battle for the nation.”


@Luffy 500 @Psychic @The Sandman
Thanks for the tag and nice share.
Sure, and the perpetrators are rightfully punished and made examples out of. And society does not approve of such behavior. Can't say the same about Muslim countries where women are blamed and their murderers/oppressors are sympathized with and even pardoned by the mysogynistic courts.

Also, I can assure you that the honor killings in the Muslim world are 100x the number you quoted in the West, only difference being Muslim countries don't record these incidences like the West.

You seem to be exaggerating the things in Muslim countries and low balling the problems in western countries.

First, the perpetrators get caught in western countries do get punished if there's solid evidence against them, but the the amount of crime is unchanged. It's the same as it has been for many, many years.

Second, if the perpetrators are caught in muslim countries, they also get punished. There are tons of examples that you can find on google. The problem is law enforcement is weak in muslim countries in ALL areas, not just when it comes to domestic violence or spousal murder. This is why a lot of times the perpetrators don't get caught. You cannot single out one area and claim there's some conspiracy to deny justice to victims when it comes to particular type of crimes, when there obviously is a bigger problem.

Third, no muslims in general do not approve such behaviour. That is a myth. There is a large minority that does, probably 10-20% of the public, but not the majority. The victim blaming, sympathizing with murderers, etc happens in small numbers by a minority again.

As for pardoning the alleged perpetrator, this is because not enough evidence is found against the alleged perpetrator. This is no different in the west. Do look up on google feminists crying about how only small percent (i.e. less than 15%) of sexual assault allegations result in convictions. There have been several high profile cases involving celebrities recently. Bill Cosby, Jian Ghomeshi, Bill Clinton, just to name a few off the top of my head. None were punished. You think it's all hunky dory, transparent, clear in the west. It is not. And why would you expect conviction to happen without evidence anyway?

When you say that you can "assure me that honour killings in muslim world is 100x", trust me you cannot assure me of that. Because it is not even remotely true. Things like murder are not something that go unrecorded. It's not like assault or rape. Get the numbers from all countries and do the math. The western countries will not be too far behind muslim countries when it comes to partner killing. And this is after their much talked about law enforcement and justice system.

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