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Why do Subcontinentals suck as Sports?

Same Reason we are good at producing Engineers and Doctors (not scientists, scholars, writers) .... MINDSET ! (Personal, Community, Society sab ka)

Read it somewhere ..

Elvis Born again in Small village in Sudan, he Died Hungry @ age 9, never knowing what Guitar is.

MichaelAngelo was Drafted in Military in Korea age 18, he painted his Face black & learned to kill.

Jackson Pollock got told somewhere in Russia to stop Making Mess.

Hemingway to this Day Write DVD instructions manuals somewhere in China, he is an oldman on a factory line, you won't recognise him.

We also had our M. Ali, Fredrer, and bradman ... but they are instead Making Naan, Programming software or Running Drug Cartels or are just plain an average joe !

IF ONLY we gave them a chance !
The Problem with Indian football is incompetent men at the higher ladder .
WIth People like Praful Patel , God save Indian Football .

Making Nita Ambani as the first lady of Indian Football :D She brings in Money fine but her antics make ISL circus :rolleyes:
Indian (or Pakistani for that matter) food (not snacks) is among the healthiest in the world.

When America with more than 50% obesity can produce world class athletes, you know sports has not much to do with food.
Because sports is largely considered a waste of time and very few parents want their kids to make career in sports....
1. Unfortunately, poor genetics. Go to a any commercial gym in Pakistan, then in a western country. You'll know what I mean. These people (especially blacks and white) are exceptionally well muscled and tall. I mean more than average. I'm talking North Punjabi/Potohari type heights. Average height is around 5'10, while guys >6'2 is very common

2. Most important -> Poor Diet/Nutrition. These western governments enrich every single food. From milk to vegetables to grains. They know pesticides leech nutritional benefits of foods, so the companies have to re-inject these nutrients. All foods are tested for poisonous substances (over years of consumption ) especially due to fertilizers/pesticides. Water there is also purified and enriched. In the subcontinent, the government couldn't care less. It has bigger problems to tackle such as terrorism etc.

There diet is somewhat lower in carbs, leading to less glycogen storage, so more fat cells are used for energy. Less fat = less estrogen activity = Higher LH and FSH hormones = Higher testosterone.

Also, fewer vitamin deficiencies = healthier body functions = better hormone balance = better athletes

3. They have this ....culture of being hardy. They like being exposed to cold. They like the challenge of a good hard run, a good lifting session

4. Of course, those countries are richer (by exploiting poorer nations), they fund their sports way more. Less corruption, so more funds go to athletes

5. Exceptional nutritional and fitness regimes crafted by career specialists who do decades of research which is used to help athletes

6. Some 'enhancements' ;). A little HGH, MK-677, Halotestin etc never hurt

Im not an expert, just done some reading
Thanks for tagging. 'Honton pe kabhi unke mera naam bhi aye, aye tu sahi barsare ilzaam he aye???' 0.o

OP means why do Subcontinent sucks in football. Football is king of sports and we are sissi in front of Messi.
Wah wah. I would love to have a cup of coffee with you someday.
Football is a craze in Kerala, Goa and may be in some areas of W.Bengal too. Unfortunately, rest of India fools around useless lazy man's game called cricket. :
From ISL (Indian Super League), Kochi:

Football is a craze in Kerala, Goa and may be in some areas of W.Bengal too. Unfortunately, rest of India fools around useless lazy man's game called cricket. :
From ISL (Indian Super League), Kochi:

Yeah but Indians are pretty shyt at playing it, So is rest of the sub continent.. I heard soccer(Football) is pretty big in Bangladesh too

I guess sub continentals are very good sports fans with millions ardently folowing foreign domestic leagues and gloabal events like F1, They are just not very good atheletes though

Only reason they make headlines in Cricket is apart from 9 Commonwealth countries nobody else really plays it
Only reason they make headlines in Cricket is apart from 9 Commonwealth countries nobody else really plays it
Not true. Many other countries play Cricket and its similar to how it is in Football. In Football apart from a dozen of countries, non of them has any success in major tournaments. Its not as if non-subcontinent people are superhumans. Its lot more to do with the culture.
You have to look at the best region in the sports in the entire south asia and why they are better than the rest - HARYANA.
and you will get your answer.

2016 south Asian games.. although you are right this negative mindset of the OP is not good.

As I've always wondered, Sri Lanka is almost at the top of the medal tally despite it's puny size compared with India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Perhaps Pakistan and Bangladesh have cultural or religious obstructions when it comes to sports?

Physical fitness and food have a relationship don't they?
And fitness is related to good performance in any sport.

Foods have a strong relationship with the physical fitness. But it doesn't mean what type of food you eat as long as you get the vital ingredients for physical fitness in your diet.

Not true. Many other countries play Cricket and its similar to how it is in Football. In Football apart from a dozen of countries, non of them has any success in major tournaments. Its not as if non-subcontinent people are superhumans. Its lot more to do with the culture.

That's not true. Cricket is largely played by the people in countries where British domination was present. In the rest of the world majority people don't even know what is cricket means. But, everyone around the globe knows what is football and how to play it.
Not true. Many other countries play Cricket and its similar to how it is in Football. In Football apart from a dozen of countries, non of them has any success in major tournaments. Its not as if non-subcontinent people are superhumans. Its lot more to do with the culture.

Not really, Apart from the commonwealth nations No one else plays cricket, Even if they do it's based on the diaspora of mainly the subcontinental people and a few Caribbeans.. Football is played competitively in over 160 odd nations, Rugby Union in over 130 and others like Basketball, Volleyball, in similar vain as far as team sports go

Cricket is a global minority Sport, Just because billions follow it as a religion in the sub continent and it's diaspora doesn't make it a global sport
Why Bangladesh sucks at sports?

Look at the budget for sports ministry, 922 Cr Taka.


With this little money we can't produce good players, sports research & development facilities, commercialise different types of games which can be financially helpful in the long run. And let's not forget most of these monies ends up as cricket budget & obviously a big chunk of them goes to the politicians pockets.

And nevermind the organisers & higher officials of different sports body, they're politically selected peeps who knows nothing about the organisation they're working for. I don't like to get in details but from my observation, our sport culture is a fucked up biproduct of our incompetence. The problem isn't genetic, its money.
Not really, Apart from the commonwealth nations No one else plays cricket, Even if they do it's based on the diaspora of mainly the subcontinental people and a few Caribbeans.. Football is played competitively in over 160 odd nations, Rugby Union in over 130 and others like Basketball, Volleyball, in similar vain as far as team sports go

Cricket is a global minority Sport, Just because billions follow it as a religion in the sub continent and it's diaspora doesn't make it a global sport
Even if we go by your argument that subcontinent people are not athletes (whatever that means) please explain us why is that no country from athletic continent Africa has ever won FIFA World Cup or why is that only a handful of countries do good at it again and again? Maybe something to do with culture? Skills? Tactics? Or nah?

Here is the full ODI rankings for cricket

Too many off us .. A combined population of 2 billion people !
Have to say over population is a burden. People over world expect that with more numbers more superhumans with superhuman skills will come out. :cry::enjoy:

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