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Why Do So Many Chinese Expect War?

China has right to protect its national interest, and that includes all of Tibet and All the Chinese sea access
By print maps like they want and robbed Islands from others with military forces. LOL

Continue jumping up and down, monkey

We know you're monkey , thank to present yourself, but for what !? I mean we all know that fact from long time ago ... :cheesy:

Vietnamese militant is notoriously.Why Do So Many Vietnamese Expect War?The history of Vietnam 's neighboring countries have attempted annexation.U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War and therefore.Vietnam began a show of force。Vietnam defeated the United States is indeed a miracle。You will engage the United States in retaliation for color revolution dismembered Vietnam.China does not participate.

If you want to be a clown, so make a new theard like "Why Do So Many Vietnamese Expect War?" and wrire anything you want to please yourself .... :partay:
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Continue jumping up and down, monkey
that's the real retarded viets that I wanna see.
if they stop jumping up and down sumday,and stop bringing fun to us,I'll feel very sad.
watching them bragging is the funniest thing of this forum,and that's why I'm loving this websites.
Because war is peace



war is basic human nature
without war human still live in caves
Pakistan has problem with Indian, Afghanistan and now Iran.
China has problem with India, Vietnam, Japan.
India has problem with Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Myanmar.

Actually, every country in Asia has problem with its neighbours.
Pakistan has problem with Indian, Afghanistan and now Iran.
China has problem with India, Vietnam, Japan.
India has problem with Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Myanmar.

Actually, every country in Asia has problem with its neighbours.
China has many problems with many others: South Korea, Japan, USA, Taiwan, Philippine, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, ....
I guess they adhere to the saying "Si vis pacem, para bellum" or "If you want peace, prepare for war."
I guess they adhere to the saying "Si vis pacem, para bellum" or "If you want peace, prepare for war."
However, I believe Napoleon once said something along the line: the better the strategist is, the more bullets flying, the less people dieing. Also an arm race only ends with one side totally collapsing, with or without war. And on the verge of being collapsed, there is a high chance that they will resort to violence. Not every country can go down without a bang like the CCCP.
China has many problems with many others: South Korea, Japan, USA, Taiwan, Philippine, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, ....
Viet has also many problems persist with many others or region:china ,taiwan , cambodia,malaysia,laos,Philippine....
I'm sorry ,forget French, has also claims right to you country
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viet has also many problems persist with many others or region:china ,taiwan , cambodia,malaysia,laos,Philippine....
Who's complain about us but PRC !???
Small khmer group can't harming to Cambodia - Vietnam relationship.
Who's complain about us but PRC !???
Small khmer group can't harming to Cambodia - Vietnam relationship.
Who's complain about tailand but viet ! ?
You driving a wedge between china and the others relationship , except some individual countries people without kindness are willing to echo your sentiments , do you think you will be successful?
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Who's complain about tailand but viet ! ?
You driving a wedge between china and the others relationship , except some country people without kindness are willing to eco your sentiments , do you think you will be successful?
So you didn't know what's Mr. Marty said about PRC action !? (Not include SriLanka agreed with us, but Japan, Philippine, India ... concern about PRC action.) :coffee:

P/S: what's tailand!? google was not work with it ... :cheesy:
So you didn't know what's Mr. Marty said about PRC action !? (Not include SriLanka agreed with us, but Japan, Philippine, India ... concern about PRC action.) :coffee:

P/S: what's tailand!? google was not work with it ... :cheesy:
Tailand!! i said that except some individual countries people without kindness are willing to echo your sentiments. your tricks will not succeed. I have to say that viet are very crafty, on the basis of past experiences
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