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Why do indians hate pakistan army so much ?

That's one of their ghisa pita sentence when they're out of logical argument.

Actually I use to love Pakistan's Army. I started to hate them only in the recent years as they have lost their mojo and are no longer able to enforce their rule in Pakistan. The last macho man was Musharraf. It been a decade since.. Reflects their said state of affairs.
We don't hate your army because they don't let us occupy your land. We are apprehensive about it because on three distinct occasions it caught us completely off guard and tried to solve Kashmir problem by force. Hate is a strong word, and better we refrain from using it against a thoroughly competent and professional institution like your armed forces. Other members might differ but this is what first came to my mind.

Agree with you, but things like beheading, mutilation of enemy soldiers put question mark on the professionalism of PA. We can argue that its only a few people who do that but that shows lack in discipline and lack of respect in commander authority.
i find the problem and its very simple

they have lost their mojo
They haven't they've earned tremendous amount of respect and trust after Operation Zarb-E-Azb in public eyes.
no longer able to enforce their rule in Pakistan.
Military is continuously distancing itself from internal politics since 2008 and the biggest credit for this goes to RS 2014 sit-in is an example of that.

The last macho man was Musharraf.
RS was the best guy we can have after Ayub.
Reflects their said state of affairs.
yadav got caught because he got cocky and he admitted everything out of his own free will.
Admission on video stand zero credibility around the world. You can torture him into admitting anything, even 9/11.
It's a Pakistani website which is for everyone except haters of Pakistan.
It's a free internet.

i find the problem and its very simple

View attachment 410966
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetics_and_archaeogenetics_of_South_Asia :lol:
Hi indians ...
So it was only through interacting with you that I realised that my army is the terror sponsor millitary and that instead of protecting us our army has given funds to terror organisations to kill the ordinary citizens in pakistan.
I heard you that every terror activity happening in the world has been financed by pakistan army and that from bangladesh war to afghan war to balochistan operation , only that is guilty is pakistan army , others have been very good pure souls but it was only pakistan army , the only evil in pakistan and all over the world . You blame pakistan army for the taj hotel attack but you've zero proofs for that , from al qaeda to lashkar taiba to jamat ul ahrar to ISIS, all have been created by pakistan army .

And all you do is whine whine whine without even providing strong proofs about this all , you just omit illogical filth that you've been keeping .
So my question is why this much hate for pakistan army ? Do you hate it cause they don't let you occupy land of pakistan ? Or cause it show you the equal power and military with eye in eye with you ? Or you hate it cause they oppose you at kashmir issue ?
What's the reason , and plz talk with evidences ,
I'm eager to look at all logical proofs of indians against pakistan army because here we don't talk nagative about our army cause we're the eye witness to their goodness to us .
Like I'm from balochistan , and pakistan army is really good to us . Though I do have some concerns about their unlimited power and budget but maybe im too young to understand the defence matters .. overall , they've been good to us . Helped us in floods, saving us from terrorists, joined the operation against terrorists on police centre , gave lot of money , aid , education , they have even opened many institutions in area like gawadar and helped developing it , it's like they'll give you everything you'll ask .
I even met gen. Lft. Aamir Riaz in our university at his visit in caligraphy function , trust me he was the most pious muslim I ever saw. He talked piously good , positive, encouraging,
I see no reason to doubt such people .

Hi, first of all i don't hate your army.


But articles such as above, and many more by you own source speakes badly about professionalism of Pak's army where they openly support and endorse armed rebellion, putting the lives of people in jeopardy.

And please be more positive about your own country. I m nt telling you to stop hating India. But don't necessarily exist just to be concerned only about India. Speak about developement, economy and overall betterment of society. Now thats what i call progressive thinking.

Wish you luck.
Is that her? She is pretty.


Can you fucking behave and stop commenting on her personality..? Or is it too much to ask?
What sort of an idiot copy pastes someone's profile photo and start commenting on it? Thank you for your commentary we all can see the profile pic ourselves ...............
Look, it's pretty simple. Pakistan and India are long-standing adversarial nations. Either side has built their armed forces to counter the other's realized or perceived threat and either side has done some questionable things to the other. Hate might be a strong word, but the rational is so opaque that even an outsider and novice on regional politics and dynamics like myself can see what'd cause enmity between either side.

It's just bad blood, a torrent of it more then a trickle, but long-standing negativity none-the-less.

What sort of an idiot copy pastes someone's profile photo and start commenting on it?.

One of several reasons I'd never use a picture of myself as my profile picture. It invites creepy comments, I'm too prim and would never be satisfied with my looks in the picture, it's poor from a security standpoint, and most importantly, the one I have perfectly fits my personality in real life:partay:. I find there to be little to no incentive to use my actual self as the basis for any avatar or display picture, even on websites like Facebook where being more public is encouraged.


That expression is the perfect encapsulation of who I am as a person.

However, there are a couple of people on this forum that do know what I look like, but I've only ever shared such in private, not out on the open forum. That's too weird.
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Tharakpan kabi na chorna :astagh:o_O
On topic...I think it has become that way because their general population is fed with a steady stream of anti-Pakistan dose. Since most of this propaganda is directed towards the army because of its relatively larger share in policy making, they naturally have a very negative opinion about the Pakistan Armed forces. I mean, we have a very negative opinion about Modi cause of his actions in Gujrat. But, we tend to focus more on Indians politicians as they make policies on national level.
Settle down, let Well.Wisher defend herself. No need to get all worked up over the comments of some anonymous voices.

I'm on your side for the most part, but if Well.Wisher is concerned she'll take it up with the appropriate powers that be, no need for you or I to get involved as a third party.

Thanks for your advice.

I have no intentions of defending any member here, everyone here (I believe) is mature enough to act and decide on their own ......... neither I asked anybody to support me ...... being a reader of content on this forum, I commented on something that I found distasteful ......... that's all.
Look, it's pretty simple. Pakistan and India are long-standing adversarial nations. Either side has built their armed forces to counter the other's realized or perceived threat and either side has done some questionable things to the other. Hate might be a strong word, but the rational is so opaque that even an outsider and novice on regional politics and dynamics like myself can see what'd cause enmity between either side.

It's just bad blood, a torrent of it more then a trickle, but long-standing negativity none-the-less.

One of several reasons I'd never use a picture of myself as my profile picture. It invites creepy comments, I'm too prim and would never be satisfied with my looks in the picture, it's poor from a security standpoint, and most importantly, the one I have perfectly fits my personality in real life:partay:. I find there to be little to no incentive to use my actual self as the basis for any avatar or display picture, even on websites like Facebook where being more public is encouraged.


That expression is the perfect encapsulation of who I am as a person.

However, there are a couple of people on this forum that do know what I look like, but I've only ever shared such in private, not out on the open forum. That's too weird.
I have always considered you to be a fox Techno and quite a clever one at that.:D
What's wrong? Really?

Do you know this person? Has she / he solicited your views on her / his beauty? And how her looks or personality is your business ........... I hope you people don't work in organisations where there are females around you ........

And finally I didn't want to say this but some people won't understand unless they are made to realise ...... I am sure you won't like your family females being appreciated for their beauty in public places by some random dudes.
You're taking the comments way out of proportion dude. I have always found females to be appreciative of a genuine complement to her beauty but having said that would like to apologize to well wisher if she found it inappropriate.
Well don't like Pak army because of their unprofessional dominance over the civilian elected govt and the continued support they provide to the jihadis and Mujhadeens against India and to destabilise Afghanistan.

Is that her? She is pretty.
You are not a civilian of Pakistan and who in their right mind would support militancy in india.
india itself is a catalyst for it's own cannibalism. Btw jihadi is the corruption of the arabic word jihad which means to struggle.

Can you fucking behave and stop commenting on her personality..? Or is it too much to ask?
What sort of an idiot copy pastes someone's profile photo and start commenting on it? Thank you for your commentary we all can see the profile pic ourselves ...............
kya ho gya, -ve thread mein ek positive comment, and people are mad ?

Tharakpan kabi na chorna :astagh:o_O

no creepy intent, it was just a compliment.

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