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Why Do Houthi Insurgents Insist on War?

2009-2010: Operation Scorched Earth – In August 2009, the Yemeni military launches Operation Scorched Earth to crush the Houthi rebellion in Saada. At this point, Houthi rebels begin fighting with Saudi forces in cross-border clashes. Fighting continues until, after rounds of offers and counteroffers, Saleh’s government agrees to a ceasefire with Abdul-Malik al-Houthi and the rebels in February 2010. The Yemeni military simultaneously carries out Operation Blow to the Head, a crackdown on both the rebels and al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).


You should have done your work..

Thankyou very much for that link, which does nothing but prove my point further. Again, I asked WHO STARTED THE CURRENT SAUDI-HOUTHI conflict which began on March 26, 2015, after 5 years of no fighting between the two? Now you're quoting an incident that happened 5 years earlier which was actually what houthis claim was in response to Saudi Arabia allowing it's land to be used to launch attacks on the houthis and even some claims of them firing shots themselves across the border earlier:

Now here I can concede that it's a matter of he said she said about who fired first in 2009 so it depends on who you want to believe or side with. But either way that episode had ended with the ceasefire. Why did Saudi then launch an airstrike campaign after 5 whole years?
Thankyou very much for that link, which does nothing but prove my point further. Again, I asked WHO STARTED THE CURRENT SAUDI-HOUTHI conflict which began on March 26, 2015, after 5 years of no fighting between the two? Now you're quoting an incident that happened 5 years earlier which was actually what houthis claim was in response to Saudi Arabia allowing it's land to be used to launch attacks on the houthis and even some claims of them firing shots themselves across the border earlier:

Now here I can concede that it's a matter of he said she said about who fired first in 2009 so it depends on who you want to believe or side with. But either way that episode had ended with the ceasefire. Why did Saudi then launch an airstrike campaign after 5 whole years?
Ask the UN..
Ask the UN..

Thankyou, I'll take that as a concession that Saudi Arabia started the Saudi-Houthi conflict as you still didn't answer the question.

In the letter, President Hadi asked the UN Security Council to authorise "willing countries that wish to help Yemen to provide immediate support for the legitimate authority by all means and measures to protect Yemen and deter the Houthi aggression".

That's what you are referring to probably. The UN authorizing all WILLING countries that wish to help the saudi backed president of Yemen. Now everyone has the right to back whoever they want, the Saudis backed Hadi while the Iranians backed the houthis. And the Iranian backed ppl were winning, now if Saudi wished to get involved directly that's fine, but then don't go crying and lying that the Houthis attacked the Saudis first.
Thankyou, I'll take that as a concession that Saudi Arabia started the Saudi-Houthi conflict as you still didn't answer the question.

In the letter, President Hadi asked the UN Security Council to authorise "willing countries that wish to help Yemen to provide immediate support for the legitimate authority by all means and measures to protect Yemen and deter the Houthi aggression".

That's what you are referring to probably. The UN authorizing all WILLING countries that wish to help the saudi backed president of Yemen. Now everyone has the right to back whoever they want, the Saudis backed Hadi while the Iranians backed the houthis. And the Iranian backed ppl were winning, now if Saudi wished to get involved directly that's fine, but then don't go crying and lying that the Houthis attacked the Saudis first.
Told you the matter is beyond your scoop of knowledge..don't quote me again..
lol translation: I can't refute your points so am just going to give rhetoric arguments like "Ask the UN", "matter is beyond your scoop (scope?) of knowledge" and "don't quote me again" :laughcry:
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