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Why did not a single country back India when forced to surrender Galwan Valley?

Pakistan Space Agency

Apr 22, 2019
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United Kingdom
How has India ended up so isolated?

This is what they used to say about Pakistan not getting any foreign help in a conflict but how have they ended up in that same situation themselves?

I found Indians clutching straws desperately over the last couple of months looking for some pro-Indian articles from Western media but none came. When some random articles came here and there, by then Indian Government had already renegged it's claim on the surrendered territory.

Also notice, how Russia did not approve the military spares until after India surrendered.
India strategy has backfired big time. Its constant rants about its neighbor has gone wasted on deaf ears.

India is a like that big fat bully in the classroom we all knew. Would shout the loudest - would scream the loudest - would threaten the loudest - until eventually 1 child decided to speak back or dare to take the bully on leaving him rampant with rage and in tears because he had been exposed as a lard a*rse loser.

A nation that has border disputes with ALL its neighbors - a country that has a governance filled with racial hatred towards minorities and lower castes - a nation left isolated. India today is attempting to buddy up to the USA - wonder what India gwaat fend Donut Twamp has in stall for them. Using and abusing them for potential containment of China. When will India ever learn?
How has India ended up so isolated?

This is what they used to say about Pakistan not getting any foreign help in a conflict but how have they ended up in that same situation themselves?

I found Indians clutching straws desperately over the last couple of months looking for some pro-Indian articles from Western media but none came. When some random articles came here and there, by then Indian Government had already renegged it's claim on the surrendered territory.

Also notice, how Russia did not approve the military spares until after India surrendered.

india is a meaningless severely impoverished nation that doesn't serve any real purpose on the global stage apart from having a population that blows a lot of hot air and talks too much. NOTHING more.
Nobody supported China as they didn't end up with 20 dead soldiers, 80 injured, 10 captured and 60 sq km area surrendered.

They just ended with 40 dead. Just ask your master to refute my claims if you can. Officially, I mean.

They captured 60 sq kms of joint patrolled area. That's some machismo only cheerleaders can cheer about.

What happened to China taking over Ladakh and gifting Kashmir to Pakistan claims from 2-3 weeks ago. Suddenly China got weak kneed since?

Lol. Yes, the Chinese were just too scared to relieve their actual dead numbers.
They claim the reason for not doing so, is to provide some face saving to India. This is after India openly came out with their own death numbers. Stupidity of some cheerleaders is beyond me.
How has India ended up so isolated?

This is what they used to say about Pakistan not getting any foreign help in a conflict but how have they ended up in that same situation themselves?

I found Indians clutching straws desperately over the last couple of months looking for some pro-Indian articles from Western media but none came. When some random articles came here and there, by then Indian Government had already renegged it's claim on the surrendered territory.

Also notice, how Russia did not approve the military spares until after India surrendered.

Haha, cheerleaders don't have daring to ask numbers of death Chinese soldiers suffered.
Only a coward national required to hide causality of its soldiers.
Normally Indian soldiers take plenty of videos of pushing and shoving with chinese soldiers. What happened this time?

Batteries must've died at the same time... or froze maybe?
Yes. Taking videos while Pushing and shoving and when they are trying to kill each other is the same. Point well made.
Normally Indian soldiers take plenty of videos of pushing and shoving with chinese soldiers. What happened this time?

Batteries must've died at the same time... or froze maybe?
This time they were busy killing Chinese. Can you blame them? Obviously they were pretty successful with 40 killed. So when is China coming out with their official death numbers. Are they still worried about their enemy's honour. LOL.
This time they were busy killing Chinese. Can you blame them? Obviously they were pretty successful with 40 killed. So when is China coming out with their official death numbers. Are they still worried about their enemy's honour. LOL.

When will the Indian military / Hindu Extremist Government claim/confirm they've actually killed even a single Chinese soldier?

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