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Why China wants to take India's territory, India's geopolitical dilemma|DW Analysis

It is not India's territory to begin with. It's like trying to explain why the earth is flat. The proof of an untrue statement no matter how amusing, is always wrong. Is your populace that easy to be fooled? LOL:lol:
After China banged your army, indian government and general population was crying like a fugly wh*re. You were crying to boycott china. Now as we all know your trade deficit with China is record high. lol

Have some shame...
“Now go and cry a river” he mean this.

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India wants to inherit all land claimed(not controlled) by the biggest land grabber, liar and bully in the human history---British empire.

"China stole land from British" VS "British stole land from China"----Which one you will choose to believe?
After China banged your army, indian government and general population was crying like a fugly wh*re. You were crying to boycott china. Now as we all know your trade deficit with China is record high. lol

Have some shame...

Some skirmishes and you call it banging an army...... Don't forget both sides had casualties and also remember modern arms were not used in the skirmish...... Problem with you guys is you never try to discuss in a decent manner required on defence forum and with a point..... Just it's about India use whatever language and gain cheap laughing smilies from kids...
It is not India's territory to begin with. It's like trying to explain why the earth is flat. The proof of an untrue statement no matter how amusing, is always wrong. Is your populace that easy to be fooled? LOL:lol:
No one takes the Chinese claim on Arunachal Pradesh seriously, including the locals. It is an Indian state under Indian control with an Indian population. So yes, China wants to take Indian territory. The Chinese are known for land grabbing whether it's in the South China sea or India. I understand it might be difficult for a vassal state like Pakistan with no independent foreign policy to understand but China is the aggressor in this case which is why you see groupings like QUAD and others forming.
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Some skirmishes and you call it banging an army
Yep, you folks are very loud mouth.
Don't forget both sides had casualties
Normal thing. But, indian humiliation is well documented.
remember modern arms were not used in the skirmish
Good for you.
Problem with you guys is you never try to discuss in a decent manner required on defence forum and with a point..... Just it's about India use whatever language and gain cheap laughing smilies from kids...
Sir ji, Im yet to interact with a decent indian. So, it is normal if I bash india whenever I get a chance...
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