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Why China wants to take India's territory, India's geopolitical dilemma|DW Analysis

The kind played by Indians should be called circus. A group of clowns, some fat and some thin, are obviously malnourished.

This is the real military parade:

Look at this, lol.


You better give back all your Russian SAM systems then;

Russian missile fires and does boomerang hitting friendlies.


It's hard for me to understand Indians. When all Indian officers were killed by the Chinese army. Indians believe they kill more Chinese soldiers. And start editing Wikipedia.... They think China has no camera like India?

From 2020. India changed their lies more than 1000 times. Even in 2020, India openly made international jokes ~ India killed 108 PLA soldiers of the Song Dynasty in galwan. wtf.


Look at these names. 及时雨 宋江,玉麒麟 卢俊义,智多星吴用,大刀关胜........ Try Google them. lollllllllllllllll

I don't know how many jokes there are in India. But every time Indians start making jokes. We all know. India lost the war again. lol.

where's the US intelligence report though? the papers? I'm not asking about your wiki entry with paid irrelevant underground news like usnews.

If US intelligence had any proper intel about 35 casualties,it should be on official pentagon report .
US intelligence don't claim 35 chinese casualties in their official report.
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And Russian TASS already claimed they quoted indian figure of 45 ,which was posted by media NDTV.

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Only some Indians are dumb enough to think the US or Russia,their white overlords have magical power to know chinese pla border brawl casualties .

So as you can see,not all Indians are certified morons and accepts the official Chinese casualty numbers. No scholar will accept those 35-42-45 bs figures without any evidence.

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This is in 2020.


Look at these names. 及时雨 宋江,玉麒麟 卢俊义,智多星吴用,大刀关胜........ Try Google them.
where's the US intelligence report though? the papers? I'm not asking about your wiki entry about payola irrelevant underground news like usnews.

If US intelligence had any proper intel about 35 casualties,it should be on the official Pentagon report.
US intelligence doesn't claim 35 Chinese casualties in their official pentagon report as you can see here.
So your US intelligence claim is fake.
View attachment 863661

And Russian TASS already claimed they quoted indian figure of 45 ,which was posted by media NDTV.

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Only some Indians are dumb enough to think the US or Russia,their white overlords have magical power to know chinese pla border brawl casualties.

So as you can see from the linked dw video of the thread,not all Indians are certified morons and accept the official Chinese casualty number as 4. No scholar will accept those 35-42-45 wishful figures without any evidence.

View attachment 863666
It isn't my entry in Wikipedia. You do realise that some articles are protected from vandilism on Wikipedia right? What is this a screenshot of? An official report from the Pentagon? The sources for Wikipedia quotes NY Times as well? Is that a payola irrelevant news source for you too? You're gonna blindly accept CCPs claim about 4 casualties but everything else requires evidence for you.

Also this is the link for the original TASS article: https://tass.com/world/1254813 not whatever you posted. The only certified moron is you who doesn't dare question the veracity of CCP claims.

Adding my reply to the below post here as I've exceeded the max number of posts for today: @Leishangthem
No, NYT quoted "An American intelligence official said last summer that China had deliberately concealed its soldiers' deaths, suggesting that between 20 and 30 had perished." (This is in the bibliography at the bottom. At least look at Wikipedia bibliography if you don't have access to NYT instead of posting these low effort garbage posts). I'm not a big fan of NYT either but shall we say it holds more credibility than Global Times for example? Yes, official numbers from India is 20 and official number from China is 4. However it's unheard of for either side to lie about their casualties in these situations right? Especially an authoritarian regime like CCP? Any level of IQ should be able to work that out I would've thought.

My point is these propaganda pictures can hardly be used to support wolf-warrior claims of total victory over Galwan. It's not my fault that you're incapable of critical thought and choose to accept official CCP statements as fact especially in the context of Galwan where there is no clear victor. Come back when you have a better argument than "muh official figures".
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It isn't my entry in Wikipedia. You do realise that some articles are protected from vandilism on Wikipedia right? What is this a screenshot of? An official report from the Pentagon? The sources for Wikipedia quotes NY Times as well? Is that a payola irrelevant news source for you too? You're gonna blindly accept CCPs claim about 4 casualties but everything else requires evidence for you.
Newyork times isn't exactly a beacon of truth but even they didn't peddle your 35/40 etc figure from thin air, they simply quoted the official figure from china and then added the ''Indian'' media claim part as stated.

( your nyt article linked in the wiki)

An official report from the Pentagon?
And, I already posted the pentagon report of the galwan clash .

BTW it is impossible for any side to know how many died in such a clash,unless one side prevails and then does body count after treating those injured but which can be saved ,any one with working lvl of I Q should get that .

And ofcourse anyone that sticks to fact and logic will accept the official figures,u have no evidence to claim otherwise.
Official numbers of Indian casualties from Indian side is 20,Chinese side is 4. That's the only fact.
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Indians are making jokes again. baby. Look where galwan is!

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Little Indian baby, let Indian jokes stay in India. OK?

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Kneel down! indian! lol

You think in the whole world. Who would believe that MIG 21 could shoot down the F-16?
Do you know the dimensions of Galwan valley ? If not then shut up , to give you a hint , it's 10s of kms long and most of it has been under chinese control since 1962. taking a photo on your side of the valley dosen't prove anything
Newyork times isn't exactly a beacon of truth but even they didn't peddle your 35/40 etc figure from thin air, they simply quoted the official figure from china and then added the ''Indian'' media claim part as stated.

( your nyt article linked in the wiki)
View attachment 863679

And, I already posted the pentagon report of the galwan clash .

BTW it is impossible for any side to know how many died in a clash,unless one side prevails and then does body count after treating those injured but can be saved ,any one with working lvl of I Q should get that .

And ofcourse anyone that sticks to fact and logic will accept the official figures,u have no evidence to claim otherwise.
Official numbers of Indian casualties from Indian side is 20,Chinese side is 4. That's the only fact.
How are you still allowed the Indian flag in pdf ? I have to know the trick to long lasting false flaggerz
China also has a stake in Kashmir, but it already holds what it claims which is Aksai Chin.

Also this is the link for the original TASS article: https://tass.com/world/1254813 not whatever you posted. The only certified moron is you who doesn't dare question the veracity of CCP claims.

Indians have been using this "another article" excuse for disinfo, but from the prior article, it's obvious where TASS got the 45 figure from,i.e., Indian media NDTV https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/fou...adakh-news-agency-ani-quoting-sources-2247475 , one has to lack common logic or be utterly dishonest to peddle the disinfo .Tass never claimed it as Russian claim as Indians insinuates.



No, NYT quoted "An American intelligence official said last summer that China had deliberately concealed its soldiers' deaths, suggesting that between 20 and 30 had perished."
First,NYT has a history of saying anything against China ,as I've said it's no beacon of truth but the so called American intelligence official apparently only said "China had deliberately concealed their soldier's death,(which can be true back then since China only claimed they faced casualties without mentioning numbers) ",NYT anti china writers added anything else from specualtion, he doesn't mention any figures, not that there's any evidence or official report,or offcial statement, let alone one backed by evidence.

US department of defense official report from the Pentagon never mentions any
of your speculative figures in their 2021 annual report, as no serious report would. If the US had actual intel (not that they have) it should be mentioned in the official Pentagon report. So,u can't pull the baseless excuse that "US intelligence claims",when it officially doesn't ,nor do they have any evidence.

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In the past, the United States and Japan were enemies, but now, they are brothers.

This may be true for China and India in the future.
In the past, the United States and Japan were enemies, but now, they are brothers.

This may be true for China and India in the future.
Maybe when Indians finally realize China is too powerful for India to compete with. I mean when China replaces Anglo-Saxon as the God for Indians to worship.
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It isn't my entry in Wikipedia. You do realise that some articles are protected from vandilism on Wikipedia right? What is this a screenshot of? An official report from the Pentagon? The sources for Wikipedia quotes NY Times as well? Is that a payola irrelevant news source for you too? You're gonna blindly accept CCPs claim about 4 casualties but everything else requires evidence for you.

Also this is the link for the original TASS article: https://tass.com/world/1254813 not whatever you posted. The only certified moron is you who doesn't dare question the veracity of CCP claims.

Adding my reply to the below post here as I've exceeded the max number of posts for today: @Leishangthem
No, NYT quoted "An American intelligence official said last summer that China had deliberately concealed its soldiers' deaths, suggesting that between 20 and 30 had perished." (This is in the bibliography at the bottom. At least look at Wikipedia bibliography if you don't have access to NYT instead of posting these low effort garbage posts). I'm not a big fan of NYT either but shall we say it holds more credibility than Global Times for example? Yes, official numbers from India is 20 and official number from China is 4. However it's unheard of for either side to lie about their casualties in these situations right? Especially an authoritarian regime like CCP? Any level of IQ should be able to work that out I would've thought.

My point is these propaganda pictures can hardly be used to support wolf-warrior claims of total victory over Galwan. It's not my fault that you're incapable of critical thought and choose to accept official CCP statements as fact especially in the context of Galwan where there is no clear victor. Come back when you have a better argument than "muh official figures".

Chinese are simple people. Don't write such long paras. It's difficult for them to comprehend.

In the past, the United States and Japan were enemies, but now, they are brothers.

This may be true for China and India in the future.
We've always considered China to be a younger, albeit retarded brother.
I'm not a big fan of NYT either but shall we say it holds more credibility than Global Times for example? Yes, official numbers from India is 20 and official number from China is 4. However it's unheard of for either side to lie about their casualties in these situations right? Especially an authoritarian regime like CCP? Any level of IQ should be able to work that out I would've thought.

My point is these propaganda pictures can hardly be used to support wolf-warrior claims of total victory over Galwan. It's not my fault that you're incapable of critical thought and choose to accept official CCP statements as fact especially in the context of Galwan where there is no clear victor. Come back when you have a better argument than "muh official figures".
BTW How did you came to the conclusion that nyt has more credibility than global times? because it's your Anglo overlords?
You are from a state regarded as backwater globally , which annexed like a dozen independent states to become what is now geographically India ,the gov literally bombed a region into subjugation ,all of which will be considered illegal and crime against humanity on any international laws , and you talk about authoritarian like you're representing some state with better records?

My point is these propaganda pictures can hardly be used to support wolf-warrior claims of total victory over Galwan. It's not my fault that you're incapable of critical thought and choose to accept official CCP statements as fact especially in the context of Galwan where there is no clear victor. Come back when you have a better argument than "muh official figures".
Why not? because you say so? you don't wanna accept reality and clutch for fairytales? you certainly don't have any evidence ,only the Chinese have.

What do you mean by propaganda pictures?
Those pictures are simply pictures,right from the aftermath of galwan clash,how do u suggest the chinese takes pictures of the captured Indians to not be regarded as propaganda?

Why don't you exhibit your exceptional ability of critical thinking and showcase some evidence to back your claim?
What better argument does one need to make when the evidence are self-explanatory.
Other than the dozen of casualties , 40 + soldiers got captured at the conclusion of the clash . Chinese returned Indian soldiers and changed the control of areas in LAC in favor of China compared to pre Galwan clash status.

There's photos,there's videos,there's 40 odd Indian soldiers captured which were then returned by China ,what more does one have to make?

You are like a kid ,n0 means No !!!!!!
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BTW How did you came to the conclusion that nyt has more credibility than global times? because it's your Anglo overlords?
You live in a state regarded as backwater , which annexed like a dozen independent states ,and literally bombed a region into subjugation ,all of which will be considered illegal on any international laws ,and you talk about authoritarian like you're representing some state with better records?

Why not? because you say so? you don't wanna accept reality and clutch for fairytales? you certainly don't have any evidece ,the chinese have.

What do you mean by propaganda pictures?
Those pictures are simply pictures,right from the aftermath of galwan clash,how do u suggest the chinese takes pictures of the captured Indians to not be regarded as propaganda? maybe Indian personnel shouldn't have gotten captured? or maybe The Indian army shouldn't have lost the area of clash to Chinese where Indians aren't allowed to patrol anymore.

Why don't you exhibit your exceptional ability of critical thinking and showcase some evidece to back your claim? how's there no clear victor?
What better argument do I have to make when the evidence are self explanatory.
Other than the dozen of casualties , 40 + soldiers got captured at the conclusion of the clash . Chinese returned Indian soldeirs and changed the control of areas in LAC in favour of China compared to pre galwan clash status.

There's photos,there's videos,there's 40 odd Indian soldiers captured and then returned by China ,what more do one need? lol .

You are like a kid ,n0 means No !!!!!!
Perhaps it has to do with the fact that papers like NYT and Washington Post have gone against their Govt and even brought down a President like Nixon by reporting on Watergate. Not to mention reporting on Vietnam, Abu Gharib etc. Has the Global Times ever gone against any Chinese regime? And I mean PRC regime, not Republic of China regime.
Chinese are simple people. Don't write such long paras. It's difficult for them to comprehend.

We've always considered China to be a younger, albeit retarded brother.
To be honest, you filthy Indians are both most repugnant and repulsive narcissistic clowns to Chinese ! You don't know how ugly you are, just look yourself in the mirror and wash your mouth with salt before each time you open your foul mouth on Chinese.

Take a look at the video of what the international experts/commentators and others think of your country: ugly !

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