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Why China is losing the coronavirus narrative


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
When Roger Roth received an email from the Chinese government asking him to sponsor a bill in the Wisconsin state legislature praising China’s response to coronavirus, he thought it must be a hoax. The sender had even appended a pre-written resolution full of Communist party talking points and dubious claims for the Wisconsin senate president to put to a vote.

“I’ve never heard of a foreign government approaching a state legislature and asking them to pass a piece of legislation,” Sen Roth said told me last week. “I thought this couldn’t be real.” Then he discovered it was indeed sent by China’s consul-general in Chicago. “I was astonished . . .[and] wrote a letter back: ‘dear consul general, NUTS’.”

It is impossible to see this episode as anything but another disastrous own goal in Beijing’s attempts to boost its global standing in the time of coronavirus.

From the deplorable treatment of African citizens in southern China to the export of faulty medical equipment, or the official endorsement of conspiracy theories blaming the US military for the outbreak, most of the Communist party’s efforts to control the international narrative have backfired.

Some assume the west’s chaotic and early response allows China to step into the global governance vacuum. Even allowing for questionable data, China has so far reported under 5,000 deaths, versus almost 30,000 in the US and nearly 20,000 each in Italy and Spain. But Beijing’s attempts to take advantage of the situation are more likely to leave it isolated and distrusted on the world stage when the crisis recedes.

Wang Jisi, a legendary scholar at Peking University, says the virus fallout has pushed Sino-US relations to their worst level since formal ties were established in the 1970s. He describes bilateral economic and technological decoupling as “already irreversible”.

The shift has been striking in the UK too, where influential Conservatives have called on the prime minister to be tougher on China, the British press has become more critical, and intelligence agencies have promised to focus on the threat from Beijing. In Europe and Australia, governments have rushed to block Chinese companies from buying assets cheaply amid economic carnage. And Tokyo has set aside $2.2bn explicitly to help Japanese companies move their supply chains out of China.

But it is not just the US and its allies that have soured on Beijing. North Korea, China’s only treaty ally, was the first country to close its northern border at the start of the outbreak, despite Beijing’s objections to international travel bans. Russia quickly followed. Even Iranian officials have criticised China for hiding the extent of the outbreak.

Some of the criticism is clearly unfair. Populist western politicians such as US president Donald Trump have attacked Beijing to deflect and distract from their own failings. There is also a hint of racism in the calls to shut down “disgusting wet markets”. But Beijing could have gained far more sympathy if it had switched quickly to a strategy of transparency and co-operation. Instead, it arrested people who criticised its cover-up, and launched a global propaganda campaign to raise doubts about the Chinese origin of the virus and assert the superiority of its authoritarian system.

Many multinational companies have been badly burnt since Beijing effectively sealed its borders and cancelled visas last month. The expulsion of much of the US press corps from Beijing will also harden international attitudes. China’s main government mouthpiece has even threatened to withhold medical supplies and block medical exports to the US so it can “cast America into a novel coronavirus hell”.

All this will accelerate calls in Washington and elsewhere for rapid decoupling from Chinese supply chains. This apparently self-defeating behaviour makes more sense when you consider the domestic political context.

This is the biggest crisis that President Xi Jinping has faced since he took power in 2012. The Communist party’s legitimacy has been damaged by early mistakes and the crackdown that followed. Mr Xi knows the coming economic crisis will erode support further. In the 2008 financial crisis, Beijing identified 8 per cent annual growth as the minimum to stave off social unrest. China’s economy shrank 6.8 per cent in the first quarter of this year.

Doubling down on vituperative nationalism can distract the populace, even if it damages China’s global reputation in the medium term. That explains why diplomats risked turning someone such as Senator Roth, a hitherto neutral bystander or even potential ally of Chinese trade diplomacy, into an enemy.

China’s goal was to publicise the resolution in state propaganda to validate party rule back home. But now the Wisconsin senator plans a very different bill. While praising the Chinese people, it will “strip the brutal Chinese Communist party naked for the world to see . . . as well as the damage it has done to the whole world through covering up this coronavirus,” Sen Roth said. It is likely to pass with a hefty majority.

When Roger Roth received an email from the Chinese government asking him to sponsor a bill in the Wisconsin state legislature praising China’s response to coronavirus, he thought it must be a hoax. The sender had even appended a pre-written resolution full of Communist party talking points and dubious claims for the Wisconsin senate president to put to a vote.

“I’ve never heard of a foreign government approaching a state legislature and asking them to pass a piece of legislation,” Sen Roth said told me last week. “I thought this couldn’t be real.” Then he discovered it was indeed sent by China’s consul-general in Chicago. “I was astonished . . .[and] wrote a letter back: ‘dear consul general, NUTS’.”

It is impossible to see this episode as anything but another disastrous own goal in Beijing’s attempts to boost its global standing in the time of coronavirus.

From the deplorable treatment of African citizens in southern China to the export of faulty medical equipment, or the official endorsement of conspiracy theories blaming the US military for the outbreak, most of the Communist party’s efforts to control the international narrative have backfired.

Some assume the west’s chaotic and early response allows China to step into the global governance vacuum. Even allowing for questionable data, China has so far reported under 5,000 deaths, versus almost 30,000 in the US and nearly 20,000 each in Italy and Spain. But Beijing’s attempts to take advantage of the situation are more likely to leave it isolated and distrusted on the world stage when the crisis recedes.

Wang Jisi, a legendary scholar at Peking University, says the virus fallout has pushed Sino-US relations to their worst level since formal ties were established in the 1970s. He describes bilateral economic and technological decoupling as “already irreversible”.

The shift has been striking in the UK too, where influential Conservatives have called on the prime minister to be tougher on China, the British press has become more critical, and intelligence agencies have promised to focus on the threat from Beijing. In Europe and Australia, governments have rushed to block Chinese companies from buying assets cheaply amid economic carnage. And Tokyo has set aside $2.2bn explicitly to help Japanese companies move their supply chains out of China.

But it is not just the US and its allies that have soured on Beijing. North Korea, China’s only treaty ally, was the first country to close its northern border at the start of the outbreak, despite Beijing’s objections to international travel bans. Russia quickly followed. Even Iranian officials have criticised China for hiding the extent of the outbreak.

Some of the criticism is clearly unfair. Populist western politicians such as US president Donald Trump have attacked Beijing to deflect and distract from their own failings. There is also a hint of racism in the calls to shut down “disgusting wet markets”. But Beijing could have gained far more sympathy if it had switched quickly to a strategy of transparency and co-operation. Instead, it arrested people who criticised its cover-up, and launched a global propaganda campaign to raise doubts about the Chinese origin of the virus and assert the superiority of its authoritarian system.

Many multinational companies have been badly burnt since Beijing effectively sealed its borders and cancelled visas last month. The expulsion of much of the US press corps from Beijing will also harden international attitudes. China’s main government mouthpiece has even threatened to withhold medical supplies and block medical exports to the US so it can “cast America into a novel coronavirus hell”.

All this will accelerate calls in Washington and elsewhere for rapid decoupling from Chinese supply chains. This apparently self-defeating behaviour makes more sense when you consider the domestic political context.

This is the biggest crisis that President Xi Jinping has faced since he took power in 2012. The Communist party’s legitimacy has been damaged by early mistakes and the crackdown that followed. Mr Xi knows the coming economic crisis will erode support further. In the 2008 financial crisis, Beijing identified 8 per cent annual growth as the minimum to stave off social unrest. China’s economy shrank 6.8 per cent in the first quarter of this year.

Doubling down on vituperative nationalism can distract the populace, even if it damages China’s global reputation in the medium term. That explains why diplomats risked turning someone such as Senator Roth, a hitherto neutral bystander or even potential ally of Chinese trade diplomacy, into an enemy.

China’s goal was to publicise the resolution in state propaganda to validate party rule back home. But now the Wisconsin senator plans a very different bill. While praising the Chinese people, it will “strip the brutal Chinese Communist party naked for the world to see . . . as well as the damage it has done to the whole world through covering up this coronavirus,” Sen Roth said. It is likely to pass with a hefty majority.

Why would people even talk about China wining the Covid-19 narrative ?
Western media dominate the world-wide information flow. They can create any narrative they want, even out of thin air. China has no voice.

Orang ni memang betul betul Otak-Kepala.
How could China win?

Their filthy eating habits allowed virus to spread from bats to humans.

They peddled nonsensical man-made theory about virus.

They banned research papers about origin of the virus.

They acted like racists towards foreigners, allowed the spread of virus to other countries.

What has China done right in this pandemic? Nothing

Why would anyone believe China?
Western media controls the narrative, but their narrative may not reflect reality and the world knows it.

When Western media was panicking over ISIS infiltrating the West around 2015, Russia's intervention in Syria showed that the narrative was fake. ISIS was deliberately being spared by Western military in order to create a chaotic situation and push for further military action. This gave Putin immediate credibility as a man of action when he actually did strike ISIS forcefully, and even with ISIS mostly gone he retains a permanent foothold in the Middle East between Israel and American-occupied Iraq. It has taken years for Western media to undo this damage by making Putin seem like a troublemaker in the West through endless accusations of "hacking" and "election interference".

Now China is emerging from today's health crisis faster and could actually gain economic market share around the world. Western companies operating in China have been upbeat about their business there in recent days. No Western company will leave China and will continue to expand their presence there which will increase their dependency on the Chinese market.

Look at Tesla which is building a second massive facility right next to their first one in Shanghai (which itself was only completed 4 months ago). America's largest carmaker GM actually sells more cars in China and will see a boost there while its American factories and auto dealers are closed. Boeing counted China as its biggest market two years ago before the trade war caused China to favor Airbus, and now both companies are looking to survive thanks to Chinese aviation market which is coming back online quickly.
One of these is an animal in Java. The other is an organutan.



One NMSL had came, sure Xi jin poo paid you per post
Trump win. Oh Yeah! MAGA.

I do hope Trump reelected. Sincerely.

Biden is from the administration that sent the horseshoe bat coronavirus to China in around 2014 to frame the Chinese:


Biden is trying to out trump trump. Biden's campaign is to be around the idea that trump likes China and Biden does not. There is a move to bring Michelle into the ticket. biden-obama 2020. biden has something to hide and defend the obama legacy from Chinese allegations that Obama developed the bioweapon and sent the virus to China to frame them.

trump could be perceived as better because Biden is new slate with new agenda against China. Better the devil you known than the devil you don't know. Especially if biden is campaigning that trump is weak on hating China. That is some red flags.

What a sh*tshow: November 2020 Selection is between a candidate whose deep state developed the bioweapon and framed China vs a candidate whose deep state released the virus on China.

Shows the narrative of stop the rise of China.
How could China win?

Their filthy eating habits allowed virus to spread from bats to humans.

They peddled nonsensical man-made theory about virus.

They banned research papers about origin of the virus.

They acted like racists towards foreigners, allowed the spread of virus to other countries.

What has China done right in this pandemic? Nothing

Why would anyone believe China?
See, people are right about neo con US propangada trying to brainwashed others. Always slander other with the so called bat soup origin from Wuhan which is proven nothing but hoax.


The real disgusting is liar like you creating fake news and fear which hide rest of the world from truth.


Why US not telling us about Maatje Benassi? Maybe too shameful to tell rest of the world of spread virus in Wuhan in November 2019 by US military? Why no news from her from US military.

Beware CCP Wumao NMSL army will flooding this thread View attachment 625282
You yet to reply me about Indonesian bat market after slandering China.

Maybe u want to claim this Wuhan and those are Chinese happily pending bat? Who shall be shameful? Chinese or Indonesian like you?
See, people are right about neo con US propangada trying to brainwashed others. Always slander other with the so called bat soup origin from Wuhan which is proven nothing but hoax.


The real disgusting is liar like you creating fake news and fear which hide rest of the world from truth.


Why US not telling us about Maatje Benassi? Maybe too shameful to tell rest of the world of spread virus in Wuhan in November 2019 by US military? Why no news from her from US military.

You yet to reply me about Indonesian bat market after slandering China.

Maybe u want to claim this Wuhan and those are Chinese happily pending bat? Who shall be shameful? Chinese or Indonesian like you?

China has banned now research about origin of virus.

Now why would they do that? Simple. Because they don't want to link wuhan wet market to the virus and peddle their nonsense.

It's the damn dictatorship that Xi Jinping have to run and always have to look good. Africa never became such a drama queen and objected to ebola being linked to bats and bushmeat. Saudi Arabia didn't whine about MERS being linked to bats and camels.

But Xi Jinping suffers from a severe face saving problem. That's why he will ban scientific research, murder and kill everyone and do everything in his power to show he has the upper hand over Trump.

Sadly for him, nobody believes his bullcrap outside China and perhaps even Chinese only believe him because they don't want to end up in bodybags
US is always trying to 'control the narrative', fight a media/propaganda/information war, but that comes at the cost of neglecting to take concrete action to combat the real war on the ground. So now it had 750k+ infections and 40k+ deaths, a humiliating public health failure and truly more incompetent than many third world countries. And even now the rate of infection shows no signs of abating, so the bodies will just keep piling up.

Sorry to US members here that your govt regards US lives as cheap and dispensable as used condoms.
China has banned now research about origin of virus.

Now why would they do that? Simple. Because they don't want to link wuhan wet market to the virus and peddle their nonsense.

It's the damn dictatorship that Xi Jinping have to run and always have to look good. Africa never became such a drama queen and objected to ebola being linked to bats and bushmeat. Saudi Arabia didn't whine about MERS being linked to bats and camels.

But Xi Jinping suffers from a severe face saving problem. That's why he will ban scientific research, murder and kill everyone and do everything in his power to show he has the upper hand over Trump.

Sadly for him, nobody believes his bullcrap outside China and perhaps even Chinese only believe him because they don't want to end up in bodybags
China banned research of origin of covid-19? That is a good willed from Chinese to further save American from embarassment. I guess u haven read the report by David Forster from Cambridge. Sure, trump give Xi a call to ask him to help USA. :lol:

You haven answer me when US are going to clear it crime by revealing Maatje Benassi. We are still waiting for her whereabout and her health. Sure the rest of the world are waiting. But I guess US are too afraid to reveal the truth. :enjoy:
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