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Why China is losing the coronavirus narrative

American needs to blame someone otherwise the cognitive dissonance is too much to handle. Trump is a failure of a president. The enemy of American are the elite politicians who peddles in distractions.
China should apologize to the world.

They must accept and do the proper investment if it had leaked from the lab or oriented from wet-market.

The World would not accept any usesles stories/claims
While US - China political feuds are a reality, I request contributing members to not resort to flame bait tactics. Try to have rationale conversations.
While US - China political feuds are a reality, I request contributing members to not resort to flame bait tactics. Try to have rationale conversations.
Chinese member have been given free rein to go off topic, insult people and do what ever they want.
Note how not a single of the of them has addressed the topic. It's all "west bad, you are *insert insult here*, blah blah blah.
China do not need to do much.
Recent uncovered details have shown it is very likely the origin of Covid-19 is from the US.

Judging from the increasingly erratic outbursts from the Dotard, its evident their blatant lies are undemining their narative.

One consolation for the US is that it is winning at the top of the charts in numbers of Covid-19 cases and deaths.
1.3 million cases with 77,562 dead as of today and rising.
No one comes close.
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