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Why China can bark but can't bite?

Doesn't stop you harping on about 1971 against a much smaller adversary
:lol: Pakistan was larger and could've opened a two front war. But couldn't do that, without Bangladesh.

Pak had all the conventional weapons, Support from all around the world, including US tried to send a war ship for your aid, but the 1971 war is not our war. It's Bangladesh's war. :-) Everyone failed to understand that, and hence you lost.
haha while Nawaz licking chinese and pakistanis busy in offering pot holes for drones and missiles from US. you can only produce terrorists and its purley made in Pakistan

indians like to flock here on pdf and insult pakisanis, a bunch of shameless monkeys.

haha, why would i insult anyone lol instead you should ask this question to yer PM and have a long and detailed discussion

you only just joined and have posted 34 posts. why cant indian piece of sh it go to thier own forums why flock here? , is indian defence forum low on bandwidth? is the indian internet call centre on strike?

please feed your troll army first before you speak.

indians are so desperate to get the boot mark on their back, indian newspaper is actively asking for it. Will China give the boot mark at the time india wishes or choose its own time? That indians could not figure out. 15 minutes of indian lap dance in Washington and TelAviv has its diminishing effect and indians are desperate for something to happen in that 15 min.
indians are so desperate to get the boot mark on their back, indian newspaper is actively asking for it. Will China give the boot mark at the time india wishes or choose its own time? That indians could not figure out. 15 minutes of indian lap dance in Washington and TelAviv has its diminishing effect and indians are desperate for something to happen in that 15 min.
China and it's evil regime is a threat to Global peace.

How about India do something about it :lol:

Nope... China will never allow us to move forward. China know India will be the next rival to them, Hence they block us everywhere they get a chance. India should increase its GDP build up its military strength

We never allow India to move forward or If India is jealous of China's rise and do everything to slow us down?, you better be clear on your assessment of the reality.
But it is a walk in the park since you yourself has admitted that its sparsely populated.

That is the problem with sparsely populated regions, anyone can squat and stake claim and then its very difficult to dislodge them :P

I guess since you would be bombing India, our millions of Indians will have to move to Tibet to keep themselves safe. :lol:

I will leave the bombing strategies to my generals and air marshals.

Indians are welcome to form a human wave to stake claim Tibet because Tibet Vultures are staving, You shall see if we can dislodge them or properly arrange them to a safer place :lol:

I admit they make a cute couple :P


a good friendship worthy to be held hand on hand as we did during Sino-Soviet good time unlike Indians what people will get mile away from them...Pakistanis or Chineses would never held Indian's hand like that...LMAO

Indian and Chinese soldiers falling in love ??? Dude that's so gay :lol:

Only gay mind will interpret that as gay...am I surprise of what Indians think ? :disagree:

Maybe its not a pose,


You see how peaceful we're with our Pakistanis friends, sit and relaxed, that how we should be with our friendly nation.
Just wondering what will be headlines of news reports from Indian media once china actually will have bitten them.

"When China bites India becomes an eternallybleeding chihuahua"
Must watch ZTV for entertainment then.

haha while Nawaz licking chinese and pakistanis busy in offering pot holes for drones and missiles from US. you can only produce terrorists and its purley made in Pakistan
And india can deploy 800k terrorist in uniform to kill unarmed civilians in Indian occupied Kashmir, while modi is licking Netanyahu's and Trump.
India is like a dog barking at a giant. It already got slapped right in the face in 1962 when its GDP was way higher than China. And now when China turns into the 2nd world power, India wants to try their luck again? India can only attack China's *** (Tibet) or use their limited long range missiles to reach eastern China but China can use short range missile or even multiple rocket launcher to destroy India's heart. What are Indians thinking?
India is like a dog barking at a giant. It already got slapped right in the face in 1962 when its GDP was way higher than China. And now when China turns into the 2nd world power, India wants to try their luck again? India can only attack China's *** (Tibet) or use their limited long range missiles to reach eastern China but China can use short range missile or even multiple rocket launcher to destroy India's heart. What are Indians thinking?

Indians claim that they were ill equipped and didn't use Airforce so their lost in 1962.
China is only good at bullying countries like Bhutan , Vietnam and Philippines .

War with nuclear armed nations is MAD mutual assured destruction.

War in the chickens next means India will pull out all its guns. China won't risk it, war at such scale will send countries back to the stone ages.
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