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Why can't we manufacture weapons ourselves asks Modi

Why does Modi think he can do what no other Leader could do in almost 70 years?? What makes him think that?? I am an engineer, and I have worked in the industry in Canada. Simply put India is just not capable of large scale manufacturing of weapons. The entire value chain just doesn't exist there. The logistics are third world standard. It is incapable of manufacturing even basic LCD screens. All this can be built but who will stop the red tape and corruption existing in this multi billion$ business.
Then you are against my faith, the Sikh community and the Hindu community.

It simply brings it out in the open.

That is exactly what I wanted to get out of your mouth.


Oh and it is not your country.

It is everyone's country. Our cultures precede thousands of years before your bullshit nehruvianism came against us.

So you're just a passing phase.

You vote for anti-Indians to power because that's your vision while we will vote for Modi because we want to see India as a power not just economic and military but a cultural power as well.
it's everyone's country, if you meant what you said then you wouldn't have supported the ajaenda of RSS,VHP, and bjp communal ajendas, yes voting for bjp/Modi, is just a matter of choice between two evils, congress or bjp both having different communal ajandas, but not criticising their communal politics or one sided criticism shows that you don't really believe in everyone's India, you just believe in Hindu revival, inclusion of every possible Hindu practices and rituals in govt affairs, public affairs , text books, demolition of mosq's , etc and treatment of Christian and Muslims as second class citizens living under the mercy of Hindu majority.
Why does Modi think he can do what no other Leader could do in almost 70 years?? What makes him think that?? I am an engineer, and I have worked in the industry in Canada. Simply put India is just not capable of large scale manufacturing of weapons. The entire value chain just doesn't exist there. The logistics are third world standard. It is incapable of manufacturing even basic LCD screens. All this can be built but who will stop the red tape and corruption existing in this multi billion$ business.

Brother I seriously don't know how and how much Modi will do 'if' he become PM but atleast he thinks about these things and that guy is famous for doing something with planning and not/least corrupt. So atleast we can expect him to improve such sectors. See do we have any option left?? I personally don't see how UPA govt or Third front will improve such sectors so atleast we should give a chance to Modi lead NDA for 5 years and if he failed then kick him out to Gujarat again.
Why does Modi think he can do what no other Leader could do in almost 70 years?? What makes him think that?? I am an engineer, and I have worked in the industry in Canada. Simply put India is just not capable of large scale manufacturing of weapons. The entire value chain just doesn't exist there. The logistics are third world standard. It is incapable of manufacturing even basic LCD screens. All this can be built but who will stop the red tape and corruption existing in this multi billion$ business.

I believe to do better one has to put personal gains below nation, and this I have failed to see in any leader since last 2 decades. I don't know how modi will turn out, but seeing his vibrant Gujarat development I certainly have no doubt about choosing him as new leader. About weapon development he is right to some extent see our industry is already capable of developing sophisticated missiles and ammunitions this clearly means with right kind of determination and investment this industry can be turned into a dark horse. China is now in different league altogether there leaders have put development above entire people no matter what cost, we don't need this but yes things has to be prioritized .
it's everyone's country, if you meant what you said then you wouldn't have supported the ajaenda of RSS,VHP, and bjp communal ajendas, yes voting for bjp/Modi, is just a matter of choice between two evils, congress or bjp both having different communal ajandas, but not criticising their communal politics or one sided criticism shows that you don't really believe in everyone's India, you just believe in Hindu revival, inclusion of every possible Hindu practices and rituals in govt affairs, public affairs , text books, demolition of mosq's , etc and treatment of Christian and Muslims as second class citizens living under the mercy of Hindu majority.

Okay first.

I am myself not a Hindu. I am a Buddhist and proud to be one.

Second, I know what it is like being a minority.

Unlike Muslims and Christians, we don't keep whining for reservations, quotas, discrimination, this and that. We work for what we deserve.

Third, Whoever told you that RSS wants to exterminate all non-Hindus?

They could have done that easily after independence when public opinion was more communal. But nothing happened.

Fourth, you are believing the words of the same media that will never tell you the plight of what Assamese, faced last year and KPs did 20 eyars ago or the attacks my Buddhist community has been facing at the hands of your darling Muslims and Christians...

but even in 2013, this same media will keep harping 2002 even if the court of law has proved Modi NOT guilty.

Modi says why we cannot make weapons; you say 2002 riots.

Modi says we can make good roads you say 2002 riots.

Modi says we can provide electricity 24*7 you say 2002 riots.

Modi says we should retaliate against Pakistan the way they killed our countrymen in Mumbai (which included Muslims and other non-Hindus as well); you again wail 2002 riots.

Bottomline is your type is only against Modi because Congress has said so despite the fact that even law has declared him clean.

This obsession with loving the traitors and corrupt is called Secularist ideology.
Okay first.

I am myself not a Hindu. I am a Buddhist and proud to be one.
I am aware as I have come across you before also.
Second, I know what it is like being a minority.

Unlike Muslims and Christians, we don't keep whining for reservations, quotas, discrimination, this and that. We work for what we deserve.
Again talking about the others mis deeds to support and justify your's, I am ready to say religious quota on jobs, separate civil code,minority religious politics, religious conversion by force, bribery etc is wrong, are you willing to accept ban of cow slaughter,demolition of babari masjit , majority religious politics etc is wrong ? if you don't then don't say words like " India is for everybody " tag lines anymore.. just say India is for people who follow native religions only, who ever follow other religions are second grade citizens.
Third, Whoever told you that RSS wants to exterminate all non-Hindus?

They could have done that easily after independence when public opinion was more communal. But nothing happened.
RSS tried it's best to make India a Hindu rashtra yet failed miserably.
Fourth, you are believing the words of the same media that will never tell you the plight of what Assamese, faced last year and KPs did 20 eyars ago or the attacks my Buddhist community has been facing at the hands of your darling Muslims and Christians...
If you think all media is against Hindus and budhists then go start a channel, or several channels, is on nobody in Hindus, budhists, bjp, RSS, VHP, and god knows how many org more, not capable of starting privates and party media houses and counter the so called congress, Christian, Muslim media nexus ?
isn't anybody in your party and community capable of register case against those Muslims and Hindus ? when they are very much capable of burning missionaries, churches, killing Muslims, etc ? in these two options what is more difficult and needs more more political, organisational power and man power ?
but even in 2013, this same media will keep harping 2002 even if the court of law has proved Modi NOT guilty.
we will see it when it happens
Modi says why we cannot make weapons; you say 2002 riots.

Modi says we can make good roads you say 2002 riots.

Modi says we can provide electricity 24*7 you say 2002 riots.
One word politics, happens both ways, nothing new.
Modi says we should retaliate against Pakistan the way they killed our countrymen in Mumbai (which included Muslims and other non-Hindus as well); you again wail 2002 riots.

we did very good without firing a single bullet.
Bottomline is your type is only against Modi because Congress has said so despite the fact that even law has declared him clean.
I criticise both parties, all matters, incidents according to it's merit on cause by case, but you don't, you just sight all kind of wrong doings by other communities, parties, conspiracy theories about media nexus, etc to justify the wrong doings and wrong ideology your party have and do, you yourself believe that wrong doings of others are better counter balanced by doing the same wrong doings for opposites ideology, you don't believe in secularism, you only believe in replacing minority politics with majority politics.
This obsession with loving the traitors and corrupt is called Secularist ideology.
IF democracy doesn't function very well in a country then that's not the problem democracy but the problem of it's parties,leaders, constitution, etc solution for that is not opting for theocracy or dictatorship, solution is it bring real democracy by fixing or replacing the existing condition.similarly if what congress is following is not " real secularism " that's not the problem of secularism, but problem of congress or other parties and existing conditions in India. does that mean the original idea of secularism or people who talk about secularism is bad or wrong ? No. What's the solution to fix the existing "pseudo secular, minority appeasing political condition " ?

is " a openly claiming to be majority appeasing, right wing politics is a right replacement or substitute for " that ? or a " truly secular, no religious nonsense party and govt ? which one do you think is the right replacement ????
if you choose right wing, then I must say that you are no better than those islamists who accuse France for hypocrisy because despite claiming to be secular they are not truly secular, where as Muslim countries never claimed to be secular, so they appreciate the brutal honesty and it's ok to do what ever discrimination they are doing , not guilty at all.
I am aware as I have come across you before also.


Again talking about the others mis deeds to support and justify your's, I am ready to say religious quota on jobs, separate civil code,minority religious politics, religious conversion by force, bribery etc is wrong, are you willing to accept ban of cow slaughter,demolition of babari masjit , majority religious politics etc is wrong ?

Here there are two opposite elements to it.

One is hurting Hindu sentiments which is cow slaughter.

India is historically Hindu and no matter what secularists call it, it will always be majority that way.

Whether you hate the Hindus or not it doesn't matter.

I am fully ready to accept a ban on cow slaughter if it hurts the sensitivities of my fellow countrymen who have protected my culture for centuries.

Babri Masjid is wrong. I agree.

Now do you have the courage to say that Muslim behaviour in India as a whole community against the Hindus and now us, is wrong?

Do you have the courage to say that what happened in Kashmir was wrong?

Do you have the courage to say that what happened in Assam was wrong by Muslims?

Do you have the genuine neutrality to say that Muslims targeting Northeasterners and later Buddhsts is wrong?

Do you?

if you don't then don't say words like " India is for everybody " tag lines anymore.. just say India is for people who follow native religions only, who ever follow other religions are second grade citizens.

Are Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs treated even ONCE has first class citizens in Muslim countries?!

We were exterminated from Afghanistan, Hindus and Sikhs have already spread out in the world in Panic.

Pakistan has no more Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs are on the brink.

Bangladesh had a flourishing Buddhist minority in CHT region. Today they are no more and Hindus are being lynched in the name of Islam.

What do you say?

Do you have any courage to defend us or the hindus or Sikhs?

Or are you only secular for Muslims and Missionaries?

Because if it is the latter, you are just like the rest; a typical secular bigot who lacks an honourable stand

RSS tried it's best to make India a Hindu rashtra yet failed miserably.

RSS is proud of India's Hindu origins and traits of culture which is not at all wrong.

Only secular apologists who want to show Abrahamic communities as superior have this fear of insecurity.

The funny part to your parroting here is that RSS has a Muslim and a Sikh division as well.

Beat that.

Or are you calling them closet Hindus like our hosts here?


If you think all media is against Hindus and budhists then go start a channel, or several channels, is on nobody in Hindus, budhists, bjp, RSS, VHP, and god knows how many org more, not capable of starting privates and party media houses and counter the so called congress, Christian, Muslim media nexus ?

isn't anybody in your party and community capable of register case against those Muslims and Hindus ? when they are very much capable of burning missionaries, churches, killing Muslims, etc ? in these two options what is more difficult and needs more more political, organisational power and man power ?

Prove me ONCE when did the rule of law prove RSS or the Sangh as a whole officially orchestrating these attacks?

You have nothing but Burkha Dutt's paid-wailing as a proof to say the same.

we will see it when it happens

Don't convince yourself so much of something that is not going to happen.

One word politics, happens both ways, nothing new.

Escaping the truth won't undo it.

we did very good without firing a single bullet.

Patting your back doesn't avenge the deaths of those who lost their lives.

It only makes us a loser in front of the whole world.

You might as well do away with our military if your way could happen.

I criticise both parties, all matters, incidents according to it's merit on cause by case, but you don't, you just sight all kind of wrong doings by other communities, parties, conspiracy theories about media nexus, etc to justify the wrong doings and wrong ideology your party have and do, you yourself believe that wrong doings of others are better counter balanced by doing the same wrong doings for opposites ideology, you don't believe in secularism, you only believe in replacing minority politics with majority politics.

Yes I don't believe in secularism.

Because of you secularists.

Because how you wish to look away from atrocities that happen to us, Hindus and Sikhs while you wail and howl about what is happening with radicals in Kashmir, those who rioted and attacked our sacred places and those who have no respect for our culture in OUR OWN LAND.

That's the reason why secularism is the enemy of Indian cultures and by yours and the statements of that guynextdoor2, I can clearly see how you hate us to the core and want to see our culture destroyed.

Right wing politics emerged because of people were fed up minority appeasement.

As much as you hate us and the Hindus, we will remain the majority of this country and we will ensure that we are not entering another Mughal era even if we have to take extreme measures for it.
* * * Here there are two opposite elements to it. * One is hurting Hindu sentiments which is cow slaughter.
as I understand Hinduism is a loose word for different religion and culture existed in India, often they fought against each other ideologically as well as physically, it had thousands of gods with varying significance alone with the changed time period, history of budhism itself was a struggle against Hindu brahminikkal supremacy *and cast system, so is many other *nastika ideologys like carvakas,aajivika, lokayata etc, so cow slaughter doesn't necessary hurt many of them, even Hindus slaughtered cows. The Myth of the Holy Cow | Sangh Samachar http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...ppeal-muslims-11.html#post3534141#post3534141
India is historically Hindu and no matter what secularists call it, it will always be majority that way.
I am as proud as you are about Indias Hindu tradition and ever ever evolving culture of India,and I have no problem with India being a majority Hindu population country, but people of India today are of various religions today so secularism is best for it. So once again do you agree that majority religious politics is as bad as minority religious politics ??
Whether you hate the Hindus or not it doesn't matter.
I don't hate Hinduism, even if I hate Hindus, my hate and your love towards Hinduism has more or less same significance.
I am fully ready to accept a ban on cow slaughter if it hurts the sensitivities of my fellow countrymen who have protected my culture for centuries.
You have all the right to decide you yourself, but don't insist others should also do the same, allow everybody the freedom of choice. I oppose cow slaughter as much I oppose reservations for minorities.religious sentiments is very subjective, for Muslims it could be a cartoon of prophet muhmad, Christians it could be *da vinci code, or a book about inter cast marriage in schools(a incident in my state ), everybody claim to be hurt by all these, should we then ban all this ? all *these sentiments are *triggered by lack of tolerance or wrong understanding of one's own traditions. Even Brahmins ate cow meat, then there were various nastikas who didn't believe in holy cow concept. further more India today is a *secular country, people of India converted to different belief systems, and they have as much right as a Hindu majority have, nobody is forcing Hindus to eat cow meat, what I or others eat is should not be a concern of others, at best only possible regulation which is sensible is *to ban serving of cow meat in hotels in front of temples.
Babri Masjid is wrong. I agree.
that much is good, finally we could agree on something.
Now do you have the courage to say that Muslim behaviour in India as a whole community against the Hindus and now us, is wrong?
I agree, Muslims attitude is wrong towards many more things,but I don't think you would say that attitude of VHP,RSS, shiv sena,etc is wrong. *
Do you have the courage to say that what happened in Kashmir was wrong?
Are you kidding *me ?
Do you have the courage to say that what happened in Assam was wrong by Muslims?
not sure if they were local Muslims or Bangladeshis, any way yes.
Do you have the genuine neutrality to say that Muslims targeting Northeasterners and later Buddhsts is wrong? * Do you?
I guess I have already said, once again yes.
* Are Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs treated even ONCE has first class citizens in Muslim countries?!
*There are numerous secular countries with Muslims and Christians as majority population, I am not sure how many of those are populated with Hindus, sikhs, and budhists,but any way it's apples and oranges,talk about India and Indians.
We were exterminated from Afghanistan, Hindus and Sikhs have already spread out in the world in Panic. * Pakistan has no more Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs are on the brink. * Bangladesh had a flourishing Buddhist minority in CHT region. Today they are no more and Hindus are being lynched in the name of Islam. * What do you say?
YOU Unknowingly disclosed your though process, you considers Hindus and budhists in other countries as people who belongs to you and considers Christians and Muslims in India as foreigners..very good then, when a Pakistani Hindu gets killed in Pakistan you should kill a Indian Muslim, In fact that's what Muslim militants all around the world has been doing, including the latest blast in the Buddhist temple.
* Do you have any courage to defend us or the hindus or Sikhs?
I always stood by what I think is right, if you mean to say a physical fight I am not the man.
* Or are you only secular for Muslims and Missionaries? * Because if it is the latter, you are just like the rest; a typical secular bigot who lacks an honourable stand *
what's your pick ?
RSS is proud of India's Hindu origins and traits of culture which is not at all wrong.
yes they can be proud as much as they want, my only opposition is when they *drag it into politics and govt, religion is personal and should be kept personal.
Only secular apologists who want to show Abrahamic communities as superior have this fear of insecurity.
I don't think any religion is superior or inferior,and i can't speak for others. let people choose what ever they want.
The funny part to your parroting here is that RSS has a Muslim and a Sikh division as well. * Beat that. * * Or are you calling them closet Hindus like our hosts here? * * :D
popular front does many good social works, does that make them good ? such token *inclusion of a minority *division or persons doesn't make any difference.
* Prove me ONCE when did the rule of law prove RSS or the Sangh as a whole officially orchestrating these attacks?
is it proven that congress party officially *did the killings of Sikhs? I don't think so,any way, I didn't accuse RSS of any attacks, but their politics of Hindu dominance and ideology, similar to many Christian Muslim org in politics.
You have nothing but Burkha Dutt's paid-wailing as a proof to say the same. *
if you avoid such typical slogans which you make at regular intervals, we can concentrate on what we are talking. * *
Don't convince yourself so much of something that is not going to happen.
??? what not happening?
* * Escaping the truth won't undo it.
what truth ? I just said it's part of politics, that's the reality ,like it or not.
* Patting your back doesn't avenge the deaths of those who lost their lives. * It only makes us a loser in front of the whole world.
war is just one tool to gain a victory, so is diplomacy, media, etc *what tool against whom at what time etc is a clever choice assessing our own as well as enemy's strengths and weakness.. **I think we did well by not choosing war this time. you may want to read chanakkya.
You might as well do away with our military if your way could happen.
* I am for strong military, spending up to 3% of our GDP.
Yes I don't believe in secularism.
Because of you secularists.
No, you just want to project it so, but that is not the truth, truth is you don't believe in secularism regardless of who is doing what.
Because how you wish to look away from atrocities that happen to us, Hindus and Sikhs while you wail and howl about what is happening with radicals in Kashmir, those who rioted and attacked our sacred places and those who have no respect for our culture in OUR OWN LAND.
WHO IS THIS YOU ? *I am nobody's spokes person.I am talking to as an individual, and I treat you as an individual, and debating about something, it's not a party vs party or my community vs your community debate, so don't use those "YOU" as if I am a representative of x,y,z community.
That's the reason why secularism is the enemy of Indian cultures and by yours and the statements of that guynextdoor2, I can clearly see how you hate us to the core and want to see our culture destroyed.
Right wing politics emerged because of people were fed up minority appeasement.
same can be said about cast politics every body can claim that I am doing "X cast politics " because *others are doing "Y cast " politics I am not asking why right wing politics emerged, I am asking whether it's the right approach or not, even Muslim fundamentalists around the world will claim they are there because of America,Israel, and x,y,z. Question to you is simple, what do you think is right solution for minority politics ? and why ?and why not the other option which you didn't choose. options - 1) true secularism, 2) right wing Hindu politics.
As much as you hate us and the Hindus, we will remain the majority of this country and we will ensure that we are not entering another Mughal era even if we have to take extreme measures for it.
* did I tell you that "I" hate you, budhists, Hindus etc ? Fortunately secular Hindus in India doesn't think that people of other faith hates them,they are aware of the minority politics but they realise that doing just the opposite is not the answer for that, the answer is doing the right thing by upholding the secular nature of our country, that way people from minority as well as majority well feel home, but unfortunately we don't have a truly secular national party, what have is parties for majority and minority.
as I understand Hinduism is a loose word for different religion and culture existed in India, often they fought against each other ideologically as well as physically, it had thousands of gods with varying significance alone with the changed time period, history of budhism itself was a struggle against Hindu brahminikkal supremacy *and cast system, so is many other *nastika ideologys like carvakas,aajivika, lokayata etc, so cow slaughter doesn't necessary hurt many of them, even Hindus slaughtered cows. The Myth of the Holy Cow | Sangh Samachar http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...ppeal-muslims-11.html#post3534141#post3534141 I am as proud as you are about Indias Hindu tradition and ever ever evolving culture of India,and I have no problem with India being a majority Hindu population country, but people of India today are of various religions today so secularism is best for it. So once again do you agree that majority religious politics is as bad as minority religious politics ?? I don't hate Hinduism, even if I hate Hindus, my hate and your love towards Hinduism has more or less same significance. You have all the right to decide you yourself, but don't insist others should also do the same, allow everybody the freedom of choice. I oppose cow slaughter as much I oppose reservations for minorities.religious sentiments is very subjective, for Muslims it could be a cartoon of prophet muhmad, Christians it could be *da vinci code, or a book about inter cast marriage in schools(a incident in my state ), everybody claim to be hurt by all these, should we then ban all this ? all *these sentiments are *triggered by lack of tolerance or wrong understanding of one's own traditions. Even Brahmins ate cow meat, then there were various nastikas who didn't believe in holy cow concept. further more India today is a *secular country, people of India converted to different belief systems, and they have as much right as a Hindu majority have, nobody is forcing Hindus to eat cow meat, what I or others eat is should not be a concern of others, at best only possible regulation which is sensible is *to ban serving of cow meat in hotels in front of temples. that much is good, finally we could agree on something. I agree, Muslims attitude is wrong towards many more things,but I don't think you would say that attitude of VHP,RSS, shiv sena,etc is wrong. * Are you kidding *me ? not sure if they were local Muslims or Bangladeshis, any way yes. I guess I have already said, once again yes. *There are numerous secular countries with Muslims and Christians as majority population, I am not sure how many of those are populated with Hindus, sikhs, and budhists,but any way it's apples and oranges,talk about India and Indians. YOU Unknowingly disclosed your though process, you considers Hindus and budhists in other countries as people who belongs to you and considers Christians and Muslims in India as foreigners..very good then, when a Pakistani Hindu gets killed in Pakistan you should kill a Indian Muslim, In fact that's what Muslim militants all around the world has been doing, including the latest blast in the Buddhist temple. I always stood by what I think is right, if you mean to say a physical fight I am not the man. what's your pick ? yes they can be proud as much as they want, my only opposition is when they *drag it into politics and govt, religion is personal and should be kept personal. I don't think any religion is superior or inferior,and i can't speak for others. let people choose what ever they want. popular front does many good social works, does that make them good ? such token *inclusion of a minority *division or persons doesn't make any difference. is it proven that congress party officially *did the killings of Sikhs? I don't think so,any way, I didn't accuse RSS of any attacks, but their politics of Hindu dominance and ideology, similar to many Christian Muslim org in politics. if you avoid such typical slogans which you make at regular intervals, we can concentrate on what we are talking. * * ??? what not happening? what truth ? I just said it's part of politics, that's the reality ,like it or not. war is just one tool to gain a victory, so is diplomacy, media, etc *what tool against whom at what time etc is a clever choice assessing our own as well as enemy's strengths and weakness.. **I think we did well by not choosing war this time. you may want to read chanakkya. * I am for strong military, spending up to 3% of our GDP. YES EXACTLY, YOU SAID IT, No, you just want to project it so, but that is not the truth, truth is you don't believe in secularism regardless of who is doing what. WHO IS THIS YOU ? *I am nobody's spokes person.I am talking to as an individual, and I treat you as an individual, and debating about something, it's not a party vs party or my community vs your community debate, so don't use those "YOU" as if I am a representative of x,y,z community. again typical rants about this " YOU ", I can understand that unless you affiliate *me with some party or religion you can't make excuses of how my("YOU") party or community is doing wrong things.AND ONCE AGAIN, IF YOU THINK CURRENT SECULARISTS ONLY TALK ABOUT MINORITIES THEN WHO IS STOPPING THE YOU AND CURRENT RIGHT WING IDEOLOGIETS FROM BEING SECULAR *BY KEEPING YOUR HINDU IDEOLOGIES AT HOME AND TALK ABOUT THE ISSUES OF HINDUS AND SIKHS LIKE ANY POLITICAL PARTY TALK ABOUT ANY ISSUES OF ANY GROUP OF PEOPLE IN INDIA WITH OUT PATRONIZING THEM. same can be said about cast politics every body can claim that I am doing "X cast politics " because *others are doing "Y cast " politics I am not asking why right wing politics emerged, I am asking whether it's the right approach or not, even Muslim fundamentalists around the world will claim they are there because of America,Israel, and x,y,z. Question to you is simple, what do you think is right solution for minority politics ? and why ?and why not the other option which you didn't choose. options - 1) true secularism, 2) right wing Hindu politics. * did I tell you that "I" hate you, budhists, Hindus etc ? Fortunately secular Hindus in India doesn't think that people of other faith hates them,they are aware of the minority politics but they realise that doing just the opposite is not the answer for that, the answer is doing the right thing by upholding the secular nature of our country, that way people from minority as well as majority well feel home, but unfortunately we don't have a truly secular national party, what have is parties for majority and minority.

That's a wrong understanding of Hinduism or for that matter other Dharmic paths.

I don't want to drag this into a cultural thread more than it is already, but bottomline is that if it hurts the sentiments of majority then those professing secularism for SELECTED communities have no right to expect all kingly treatment if they want to hurt the majority community.

In rest of the world, secularism means having civil law for everyone; in India it means ***-kissing selected communities and give them preference of cultures of the Land.

That is not secularism; it is neo-colonialism in another form

And we will not tolerate it.

Secularism in India is a threat to the other communities who are intentionally ignored and their concerns are not raised.

An ideology that takes no notice of what happens to the HOST communities of India, has no place in India.

Either follow it truly and equally for everyone, or don't follow it at all.

Bottomline is whether secularists favour abrahamic communities or not we don't give a damn.

We will be peaceful and will be good.

But if we are threatened and attacked, we will ruthlessly retaliate no matter what the secularists say, including them.

BJP may just be a party but our cultures are the fabric of this nation.

And we will not let a bunch of self-ashamed losers threaten our existence.

When other minorities can learn to live peacefully and harmoniously I don't see why some selected communities should keep whining and demanding special status all the time due to their guilty conscience.
That's a wrong understanding of Hinduism or for that matter other Dharmic paths.
I don't think I am wrong.
I don't want to drag this into a cultural thread more than it is already, but bottomline is that if it hurts the sentiments of majority then those professing secularism for SELECTED communities have no right to expect all kingly treatment if they want to hurt the majority community.
it's fine if you don't want to drag cultural debate here, but again you are just giving typical excuses for your right wing politics as I pointed out earlier, if you were not, you would have supported true secular ideas rather than than right wing politics.
* In rest of the world, secularism means having civil law for everyone; in India it means ***-kissing selected communities and give them preference of cultures of the Land. * * That is not secularism; it is neo-colonialism in another form *
well! bring uniform civil code, you don't need to do bring up right wing politics for doing that, as I already said many times " if you thing the current advocates of secularism is not practicing it, then support the idea of real secularism and bring it to the politics. *
Secularism in India is a threat to the other communities who are intentionally ignored and their concerns are not raised. * An ideology that takes no notice of what happens to the HOST communities of India, has no place in India.
* secularism is not a threat to anybody but communal politicians from both sides. I have already suggested the solution thousand times, i am tiered.
Either follow it truly and equally for everyone, or don't follow it at all. *
Why don't you support true secularism and lead by example rather than threatening others to follow true *secularism or else "I" will play counter *communal politics.
* Bottomline is whether secularists favour abrahamic communities or not we don't give a damn. * We will be peaceful and will be good. * But if we are threatened and attacked, we will ruthlessly retaliate no matter what the secularists say, including them. * * BJP may just be a party but our cultures are the fabric of this nation. * And we will not let a bunch of self-ashamed losers threaten our existence. * * When other minorities can learn to live peacefully and harmoniously I don't see why some selected communities should keep whining and demanding special status all the time due to their guilty conscience.
truth is your support of communal politics is not even *reactive in nature but your inherent wish to turn India in to a Hindu rashtra, your belief that Muslims support Pakistan and Christians support vatican. you don't believe in police, govt, or courts, you just believe reacting violently to anything which you imagine as a threat to dharmic community, but at the same time you are ok with violent conflicts happened and happening with in dharmic religions, you just have problems with people who follow abrahamic religions, you think wrong things done by them are better countered by doing some other wrong doings.
I got to give it to th secularists you know,.,...

This thread was about a simple question of defense self reliance by asked by a leader who has proven his worth in administration.

But such is the dedication of these people to the anti-national forces that they divert the entire attention to the 2002 riots always and all the time.

When someone asks them what about the past massacres, they change the topic because they don't hve any answers.

Now when the thread has gone off-track, they try to tell how right they are.

You guys are good; You guys are very good.

Congress has chosen you well..
I really don't care about your complaints. Point is, you can keep crying hoarse as much as you want, but whether or not muslims vote for it, BJP will not win until people like me vote for it. And that aint gonna happen coz the BJP does not fit with my vision for my country. You can tom tom whatever vision it is that you favor but it just isn't shared by enough ppl in the country. You can try to alienate or victimize the muslims because it's so easy to do, but historic experience says that it won't shift ONE VOTE in your favor. BJP is considered only when congress goofs up spectacularly, not because of Hindutva.

Yes, we know about your vision for your country....2%-3% growth rate infamously known as the "Hindu rate of growth", rampant corruption, minority appeasement & divide & rule politics, zero focus on infrastructure development & industrialization to create employment opportunities, zero focus on education & technical skill development for backward classes of the society so that they can earn a decent living on their own without depending on subsidies, and all the focus on mindless application of subsidies to get poor people’s vote and to support local level corruption by party workers. Poor remains poor, and works as a solid vote bank for the subsidies given.

Problem is, this is our country also...and we don't want such a fate for our country. Period.

is it proven that congress party officially *did the killings of Sikhs?

Nothing was proved against Modi also...you should stick to one principal.

When it comes to religion/caste based politics, all parties are equally guilty. Congress has its share of riots. The issue is development, growth, advancement....and Modi has proved that he can deliver. Modi is one of the least/not corrupt politicians among the present lot, his Govt. in Gujrat is also more or less corruption free, he is hard-working, he has his share of right & wrong decisions, but at least he works and delivers.

Now what UPA is doing? Govt. is running on auto-pilot mode, and our country has become free-for-all for all the corrupted thugs. We have stopped expecting anything from our Govt., we call this policy-paralysis....what a joke. Forget Modi for a moment and please give me a solid reason to vote for UPA/Congress. :hitwall:

Finally on the thread headline, if Modi is thinking on that line, then if he becomes PM, we will certainly see development on this front...we may not be building our own F-22s and Leopards in next 5 years, but we will be in a far better position from where we are now.

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