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Why can't a good Muslim be a good American/British?


Feb 27, 2011
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United Kingdom
When a Muslim in the US or the UK decides to still be a Muslim and an American or a British, often it is taken as a sign that they don't care much about their adopted(or in many cases their own) country. It surprises me that so many educated people aware about different cultures expect immigrants and their children to just forget their heritage. Do you have to? Why can't a good Muslim be a good American? or a good British?

Yes integrating in the community is important for national unity, security and also for the economy. In the US/UK Muslims are better integrated. Still there is this persistent stigma attached to them that"THEY don't want to mingle". Well lets check our definition of "mingle" then. We are stuck with the old definition-the one where we cannot accept anyone who looks different, eats/wear different or prays different. I would say lack of understanding among cultures is what creates problems among nations. Ignorance about cultures also plays an important part. I respect diversity and tolerance and fail to understand why only the negative aspects of a culture or nation are the only ones that get attention by the media
These are two completely different scenarios. One is American, the other is British. The two are worlds apart.
The North American attitude is generally quite open and accepting, they interact with Muslims or any culture or religion very easily. And Muslims manage to fit in much easier there. This has become a little strained after 9/11, but the relationship is still generally quite warm and open. I think this is because North America is already a land of immigrants, and also, as the Economist puts it, even when you have a problem with someone of some background, everyone has an Aunt Susan, of some other faith or background, or a friend Al.
Europe, on the other hand, well, to be quite frank, they have always had a history of racism. This is particularly common in Britain. They have always had a closed culture, where outsiders are generally viewed with suspicion and treated with some hostility. European societies are more homogeneous and less welcoming to outsiders therefore. They have their own culture and practices and are happy with them, they don't want change. And recently, as the economic situation has gotten worse, outright racism has been on the rise.
Depends if you put religion over your country.IMO thats when it becomes a issue for others.

I watched a documentary on muslims in the UK and the guy had a slight change of heart when a muslim joined the british military.
Quite frankly ,
The western societies believe in the laws being supreme and for that they want to have conformity in the society.
Problem is with some of the stupid muslims who burn the flag of the country and oppose the parade for soldiers ,especially in UK,they are just making life difficult for themselves and the other immigrants.

Most of the other immigrants,especially the Chinese and Indians, try to conform to the rules and in general try to assimilate some part of the culture.

But a few Muslims want to implement Sharia in UK and US due to which Xenophobia is fueled.
Because when you move to another country, especially if it's to find a better life, you are supposed to leave your prehistoric laws behind.

That means none of this:

well, to be quite frank, they have always had a history of racism. This is particularly common in Britain. They have always had a closed culture, where outsiders are generally viewed with suspicion and treated with some hostility. European societies are more homogeneous and less welcoming to outsiders therefore. They have their own culture and practices and are happy with them, they don't want change. And recently, as the economic situation has gotten worse, outright racism has been on the rise.
You are right that economics crisis also contributed towards narrow minded and racism in Britian as there is perception that foreigners took over all their jobs. I think American are much more ignorant than European peoples as i know many peoples in USA who thought Sikhs are Muslims because they keep beard and wear turban lol. Again the knowledge which American get about islam is through western media which is bias most of the time and portray Islam as threat to western world. The media usually only paints Muslims as terrorists and fundamentalists, never portraying the truth that the vast majority of them are peaceful. This serves to affect public perception about them. In the minds of the public "a few bad apples" have truly spoiled the whole.

Discrimination against Muslims is particularly bad in France where being named Ali or Mohammad could render you permanently unemployable. The Union's European Monitoring Center on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) released a report. It pointed out that the chance of people with a Maghrebi name getting a job interview is five times less than people with a purely french name. It is also not easy to integrate with a society that refuses to interview you for a job and views you as a potential problem or a walking time bomb

Depends if you put religion over your country.IMO thats when it becomes a issue for others.I watched a documentary on muslims in the UK and the guy had a slight change of heart when a muslim joined the british military.

I don't think there is always a clash between nationally vs religion. When peoples are free to practice their religion in their private lives and religion is only limited to their personal life then there should not be a clash.

Quite frankly , The western societies believe in the laws being supreme and for that they want to have conformity in the society.Problem is with some of the stupid muslims who burn the flag of the country and oppose the parade for soldiers ,especially in UK,they are just making life difficult for themselves and the other immigrants.
Most of the other immigrants,especially the Chinese and Indians, try to conform to the rules and in general try to assimilate some part of the culture But a few Muslims want to implement Sharia in UK and US due to which Xenophobia is fueled.
I think asking to implement sharia law in Uk is not logical and sane act and i have not seen any movement or practical struggle of Muslims for implementation of sharia law in uk or there is not any movement to bring Islam in Britain government policies . it’s impossible even if two or three Muslims demand for it
Muslims are integrated not less than Hindus, Sikhs or peoples of other faiths. Hindus and sikks also have got their own communities within uk and they also practice their cultural and religious festivals but as i said these things don’t restrict the freedom of others British peoples . Integration should not mean that give up your heritage or culture, food, dress etc These are all your personal choices which don’t affect others. You see cultures cannot be mixed willy nilly as cultures are the result of thousands of years of natural selection
Because when in rome you people dont want to do as romans do but want romans to do as you people do.....
Do what?
Would you care to elaborate?
From what I've seen, Muslims in America seem to be better integrated than Muslims in the UK.
You are right that economics crisis also contributed towards narrow minded and racism in Britian as there is perception that foreigners took over all their jobs. I think American are much more ignorant than European peoples as i know many peoples in USA who thought Sikhs are Muslims because they keep beard and wear turban lol. Again the knowledge which American get about islam is through western media which is bias most of the time and portray Islam as threat to western world. The media usually only paints Muslims as terrorists and fundamentalists, never portraying the truth that the vast majority of them are peaceful. This serves to affect public perception about them. In the minds of the public "a few bad apples" have truly spoiled the whole.

Discrimination against Muslims is particularly bad in France where being named Ali or Mohammad could render you permanently unemployable. The Union's European Monitoring Center on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) released a report. It pointed out that the chance of people with a Maghrebi name getting a job interview is five times less than people with a purely french name. It is also not easy to integrate with a society that refuses to interview you for a job and views you as a potential problem or a walking time bomb

I don't think there is always a clash between nationally vs religion. When peoples are free to practice their religion in their private lives and religion is only limited to their personal life then there should not be a clash.

I think asking to implement sharia law in Uk is not logical and sane act and i have not seen any movement or practical struggle of Muslims for implementation of sharia law in uk or there is not any movement to bring Islam in Britain government policies . it’s impossible even if two or three Muslims demand for it
Muslims are integrated not less than Hindus, Sikhs or peoples of other faiths. Hindus and sikks also have got their own communities within uk and they also practice their cultural and religious festivals but as i said these things don’t restrict the freedom of others British peoples . Integration should not mean that give up your heritage or culture, food, dress etc These are all your personal choices which don’t affect others. You see cultures cannot be mixed willy nilly as cultures are the result of thousands of years of natural selection

Do what?
Would you care to elaborate?

It is important to use your culture as soft power.
Invite them to your celebrations.

Once they get involved in the merriment their suspicion goes down
I believe Muslims should stop taking every thing seriously.

Just lighten up a bit
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Because when you move to another country, especially if it's to find a better life, you are supposed to leave your prehistoric laws behind.

That means none of this:


Protesting is not a prehistoric law. If someone can burn a copy of the Qur'an and get away with it citing freedom of speech, what's wrong with a mere protest ?
It is easy to attack Islam and Hinduism because there's no ADL for these two so what else can members of those communities do except spread awareness ?
Protesting is not a prehistoric law. If someone can burn a copy of the Qur'an and get away with it citing freedom of speech, what's wrong with a mere protest ?
It is easy to attack Islam and Hinduism because there's no ADL for these two so what else can members of those communities do except spread awareness ?

You are right about spreading awareness through peaceful demonstrations. That is necessary and is a recognised methodology in every democracy. However, by using words like 'slay', 'behead' and 'butcher', aren't the demonstrators losing the whole plot? Imagine the visual effect such posters will have on a public reeling under severe economic constraint for years and already wary of unchecked immigrations which threaten to take away more jobs from them? Is the awareness being generated by such slogans really the one that the demonstrators wish to convey?
peaceful protest is your right and its not against law
It is not about peaceful expressions but about the CONTENTS of those expressions. Put it this way...How would you like it if I express myself thus: 'I am going to rape your daughter.' Did I DO anything other than verbalizing what I want? But if you feel justified in hostility towards me for merely expressing something so morally outrageous, then you should have no problems understanding why so many non-muslims are hostile towards those signs that say those dreadful things.
Funny, people invoking "peaceful protest" for their fascist tendencies!
Its funny that you peopels here just pick one sentence or one pic and start discussing it instead of getting the context of topic and comment on actual topic. Read actual topic and share your thoughts if you could . Thanks
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