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Why Bangladesh Propagates against ISI?

@Contrarian | No official apology will be given until Bangladesh discards the myths it has created regarding the number of people perished and sorts out the issues of Biharis that its still persecuting.

Most of Pakistanis want to normalize ties with BD and get it over with.

you have done the same thing with BD which are doing with now in Afghanistan, want to control afghan though Taliban.

india can't touch bangladesh with out us pakistanis putting our foots in indias ***. in the of the day bengalis are still our muslim brothers.

please we heard all this many time, 1 muslim equal to 1000 Hindus etc and at the end of the day muslims defeated every time.
The actual figure as to how many people has been killed in 1971 in Bangladesh do not compensate in any way. The figure as to how many females has been raped, kept as SEX-SLAVE in the bunkers of Pakistan Army where the figure is not an issue.

Issue is: acceptance of Pakistan that those criminal acts has been committed or not!

I feel saying 'nay' to those will not serve the purpose rather the morale and psychological distance will keep on increasing.
The actual figure as to how many people has been killed in 1971 in Bangladesh do not compensate in any way. The figure as to how many females has been raped, kept as SEX-SLAVE in the bunkers of Pakistan Army where the figure is not an issue.

Issue is: acceptance of Pakistan that those criminal acts has been committed or not!

I feel saying 'nay' to those will not serve the purpose rather the morale and psychological distance will keep on increasing.

Joined 2011, 1 post... Seems legit!
" Do you know what an official apology is like? Its not a verbal statement of 'regret'."

Well said.
not Bd....just the indian stooges like Hasina

most newer generation Pakistanis and B-deshis view eachother warmly....when we aren't playing eachother, we support eachothers cricket teams.

it's only the older generation (on both sides) or younger more nationalistic elements who hold contempt.

quite frankly, RAW does a lot more in Bdesh than ISI does. Though our assets in Bangla Desh have been helpful and cooperative and we commend them for their bravery to bridge us and our interests together.

Hasina and her goons are still butt-hurt over events post 1971 (I emphasize POST!!). She hates Pakistan with a passion and will hue and cry even when Pakistan gets trade concessions in EU; (even when Pakistani garments factories set up operations in BD and provide Bangladeshis with jobs)

It's like she lives just to rag on Pakistan in every possible way.

Her time is coming to a close soon; hanging pro-Pakistan elements who are elderly men by now show that she still has an agenda -- not to mention it is her judicial-murderous way to quell opposition against her (which is growing)

She's finished.
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I wonder is this woman's book even broaches the subject about Biharis as well as pro-Pakistan Bengalis who were slaughtered, raped, tortured and dis-figured by mukti bahini terrorists indoctrinated by india

years later, india, curiously, time to time accuses Pakistan of doing the same! If true, i say its a good revenge.

At the same time - i always say lets move forward in a respectful fashion. BDs were instrumental and loyal to the Muslim League. For that reason, despite the fact many turned against us (partly our fault) -- we still see eye to eye with eachother. Bengalis make good friends.

Like them, we've suffered b/c of corrupt leaderships whose loyalty is only to their political survivial.

Same Pakistanis who killed hundreds of thousands and also considers Afghanistan as their backyard.

if you are referring to 71 war, we killed dissidents who took up arms against the state and the military apparatus....a good majority of them mukti bahini terrorists indoctrinated in india (in fact, many of them not even citizens of erstwhile East Pakistan)

no apologies for that....never will

BTW ISI already use Nepal to send terrorists.

it's a theory...i've read indian memos about the whole "ISI supporting naxals" and "ISI funneling fake currency" thing

it's a theory. Me personally, it's hard for me to imagine Pakistan collaborating with communist tribals! If Pakistan was supporting naxals, they'd have much better weapons than the bayonets and .303s they use.

Nepal itself doesnt exactly have warm relations with india at present; why should we get involved -- the way you are involved in destablizing Balochistan

BD will think twice before it goes against India. After all it is surrounded by us.

its in the interests of "south asia" to cooperate, resolve trade/bilateral issues and move forward because a lot of talent and a young population (many of which is English-speaking) is to the asset of the region and the world

Just like KSA and China want improved trade relations with us.

you dont have to be friends to engage in trade....China-india is a good example

Pakistan exports high-end value-added textiles to india -- and every other day indian anchors and analysts like Doorknob Goswami and Bharat Vermin are talking about "showing Pakistan lessons" and what have you :laugh:
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if you are referring to 71 war, we killed dissidents who took up arms against the state and the military apparatus....a good majority of them mukti bahini terrorists indoctrinated in india (in fact, many of them not even citizens of erstwhile East Pakistanino apologies for that....never willits in the interests of "south asia" to cooperate, resolve trade/bilateral issues and move forward because a lot of talent and a young population (many of which is English-speaking) is to the asset of the region and the world
At the same time you talk about terrorists in Kashmir as innocent citizens. Hypocrisy.

BTW entire world knows about Tikka Khan and butchery done to innocent citizens.

Well, Pakistan don't want to apologize, don't God is already punishing Pakistan.
Whatever They Do Wherever platform they use...That is True That Bangladesh Government is Only saying what India Tail Them...Cheap Country
At the same time you talk about terrorists in Kashmir as innocent citizens. Hypocrisy

b/c in most cases, they were.

Google: Kashmir Mass Graves
Google: Kashmir + Fake encounters
Google: Shopian + Rape
Google: Un-armed teenagers shot dead in Sri Nagar

if you need more framework I can provide

BTW entire world knows about Tikka Khan and butchery done to innocent citizens.

following the blunder of General Elections, many disconent Bengalis took to the streets....initially peaceful protests became extremely violent.

the army was called in to quell those protests....attacks on soldiers resulted in counter-killings no doubt

but it wasn't until india exploited the situation by recruiting indoctrinating and sending armed terrorists to infiltrate Bdesh and engage in sabotage/attacks on civil servants/state property etc. that the Army took the gloves off (as ordered)

in my view such action was justified since india (enemy) was fomenting chaos......mistakes were made

Well, Pakistan don't want to apologize, don't God is already punishing Pakistan.

We are being punished b/c of an intially poor counter-insurgency strategy as well as for not doing enough to tackle internal groups (receiving foreign donations) who aim to divide Pakistanis on sectarian lines.

Thanks to God Himself, the "sectarian artists" are failing. Your news or New York Slimes may not report it; but Pakistanis by and large dont believe in this sectarian BS. When 20 Shiias are ID'd, pulled off a bus and have bullets in their head execution style -- the Shiias dont go on rampages. There has been tit for tat (Karachi) but by and large nobody wants this "punishment" you are talking about

I'm sorry to give you the bad news, but if you look at the numbers (I have an excel spreadsheet as I map IED/car bomb/etc. attacks) -- 2012/13 has seen a huge decline in terrorist activity.

As for "apologize" -- what do you mean apologize? For what?

you have done the same thing with BD which are doing with now in Afghanistan, want to control afghan though Taliban.

hogwash...we dont share a border with Bangla Desh. If anything, it's india which has been trying to control Bdesh as well as Sri Lanka

please we heard all this many time, 1 muslim equal to 1000 Hindus etc and at the end of the day muslims defeated every time.

no actually if you look at the broader history, the Muslims have been at the throat of what is today called india for centuries upon centuries

1965 would prove that 1 air force pilot surely could equal 5 indian ones! Lets not even get into Kargil or I'll open a can of worms.
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