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Why aren't there any Liberal Parties in Pakistan?

Pakistani E

May 8, 2013
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Before someone points out PPP or ANP or even MQM, I'd say these parties are self described liberal parties, their actions do not conform to any strand of Liberalism. In almost all democratic countries, we usually have a major conservative party and a major liberal-left-leaning Party, what's strange about Pakistan is that we have a conservative party then even more conservative, this trend continually moves further right to reactionary extremists.

So my question is, where are the Liberals of Pakistan? Are they non existent? Before some Zaid Hamid follower jumps the gun and slates Liberals for supporting Drone strikes or the war against terrorism, then I would like to point out that a true liberal is anti violence and believes in the supremacy of the law.

Is it because the word Liberal has been so slandered by the right wing in Pakistan that none dare associate themselves with it? (except the upper class of self described boardroom liberals) Or most Pakistanis are just totally ignorant of Liberalism?
Before someone points out PPP or ANP or even MQM, I'd say these parties are self described liberal parties, their actions do not conform to any strand of Liberalism. In almost all democratic countries, we usually have a major conservative party and a major liberal-left-leaning Party, what's strange about Pakistan is that we have a conservative party then even more conservative, this trend continually moves further right to reactionary extremists.

So my question is, where are the Liberals of Pakistan? Are they non existent? Before some Zaid Hamid follower jumps the gun and slates Liberals for supporting Drone strikes or the war against terrorism, then I would like to point out that a true liberal is anti violence and believes in the supremacy of the law.

Is it because the word Liberal has been so slandered by the right wing in Pakistan that none dare associate themselves with it? (except the upper class of self described boardroom liberals) Or most Pakistanis are just totally ignorant of Liberalism?

Define liberalism in the context that you seek?
If PML-N, MQM, PPP are not liberals than what are they exactly ?

And for 'extremists' ... everyone on earth are extremists in some ways.
Before someone points out PPP or ANP or even MQM, I'd say these parties are self described liberal parties, their actions do not conform to any strand of Liberalism. In almost all democratic countries, we usually have a major conservative party and a major liberal-left-leaning Party, what's strange about Pakistan is that we have a conservative party then even more conservative, this trend continually moves further right to reactionary extremists.

So my question is, where are the Liberals of Pakistan? Are they non existent? Before some Zaid Hamid follower jumps the gun and slates Liberals for supporting Drone strikes or the war against terrorism, then I would like to point out that a true liberal is anti violence and believes in the supremacy of the law.

Is it because the word Liberal has been so slandered by the right wing in Pakistan that none dare associate themselves with it? (except the upper class of self described boardroom liberals) Or most Pakistanis are just totally ignorant of Liberalism?

In my personal opinion education opens up your mind and mostly educated people wants nothing to do with pakistani politics.

If PML-N, MQM, PPP are not liberals than what are they exactly ?

And for 'extremists' ... everyone on earth are extremists in some ways.

PML_N =Nawaz shreif personal franchise not even a deopcratic party other then Nawaz and family no on can lead it.

MQM= muhajir qumi movement name says it all.

P.P.P= zardaris personal franchise all policies are for personal gains.
1) What is a dictator?
2) What is a Democratic Party?
3) What is a liberal party?

I don't understand this political stuff...I think as long as the country is prospering and public life is improving, people don't care who's running state affairs. As long as heads of states demonstrate sincerity and loyalty to the country, making right economic and foreign policy decisions, no one gives a damn...unless the population is too 'jahil' ignorant.

Look at china, the country is on the rise, people don't care whether the govt is communist or capitalist or liberal or whether they have enough say. It doesn't matter.
Bhutto wasn't 'liberal enough' for you?

Again, that comes to the definition of liberal..
The Pussy Riot protestors in Russia were liberal in their protest method yet it was unacceptable to most Russians. How much liberal thought would you tolerate? In which context? in Which situation.

Is it liberal to accept naked women as protest? Or protest against women being paraded naked as shame in villages? Is it liberal to respect a religious groups wishes for being tolerated or respect another opinion that the group violates and offends their core beliefs?
To live and let others live.

Would you allow a pedophile it as he wishes?

Im dead serious.. IK for all his current Taliban hugger status was considered a deviant liberal in his heydays.. His marriage to Jemima was hammered by the very Mullahs he wishes to make peace with today.. he was liberal in what he did and really not wrong at all. Yet, in that context him marrying outside of his ethnicty and nationality was liberal..
Today, even though he has made no statements on Burqa-izing everyone or banning pornography.. he is considered an extremist by liberals. So where is the defining line for all these liberal seekers or extremist branders?
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