"We are supporting India in its fight against terrorism and because of that my government decided to directly call our ambassador to go back home, not to be Palestine ambassador to Pakistan anymore," Palestinian Ambassador to India Adnan Abu Al Haij said.
Let me get this straight, muslim countries like Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt have diplomatic relations with Israel while we are one of the only few countries that do not even recognise Israel and for what?, Palestine supports India when it serves their interest, Saudi Arabia and UAE vetoes us in favor of India when it serves theirs while we are suppose to be good little muslims and support those who stab us in the back, harming our own self interest for them, why?
It seems almost ridiculous and absurd to hear that Palestinians are supporting india and want Pakistani Ambassador to Palestine to leave. This guy, Adnan Abu Al Hajj must have his head screwed on the other way around if he actually said such a thing. For starters, india is israel's natural ally. Then there is an extensive cooperation between india and israel in the defense sector. Or is it so, that this Adnan character isn't aware of the fact that Pakistan unlike other so-called Muslim countries, does not recognize israel as a legitimate state (which in any case it is not).
Which ever the case, the crux of the matter is located with us, Muslims. Because quite frankly I have found most Pakistanis either unaware or found at a loss of actually grasping the gravity of the subject.
israel is and will always be an illegitimate and an illegal state. Why? Well that is because israel's claim to statehood is based on their belief that "
God gave them this land (the Holy Land)." That claim would be fine and dandy with the Islamic World, except for the fact that Banu Israeel (the children of israel (the tribe) have been identified in the Holy Qur'an as a people who have committed acts of pure evil and wickedness. Perhaps you, as a Muslim, ought to pay more attention to the "
Word of Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah" then what this Adnan character says.
My point being, kuffar (and yes I consider israelis as kuffar) have always found ways to sow the seeds of discord, anarchy and confusing amongst the believers (true Muslims and true Christians) in order for us to fight amongst each other, rather than unite against a common enemy. This has been so, throughout history. If anyone actually bothered to pick up the Holy Qur'an (provided they have devoted their time to Salah, Zikr and Taqwah), then we would find out brains guided toward the truth.
As a Muslim (first and foremost) and by this right, as a Pakistani, I still support the people of Palestine and shall fight against the illegal, illegitimate and criminal state of israel, till my last breath, in-sha-Allah. Why? Because my allegiance is to Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah and to whose Ummah I belong to, our beloved Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam.