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Why are we not able to contain violence in Kashmir?

Ghandi must be turning in his grave at what you are saying. He conquered tyranny and you want to rekindle it?
Gandhi is overrated and the current generation hates him..you will not find many indians who love gandhi these days..there are more godse lovers compared to gandhis
Gandhi is overrated and the current generation hates him..you will not find many indians who love gandhi these days..there are more godse lovers compared to gandhis
You definitely are a hitlerite, Eisenhower must be turning in his grave too.

Kashmiris DONT want to be indians, they want Partition and to be part of Pakistan,
ESPECIALLY as they see the rise of hindu extremism in india

Gandhi is overrated and the current generation hates him..you will not find many indians who love gandhi these days..there are more godse lovers compared to gandhis

That's all part of the new hindu extremism in india
We should carpet bomb these a-holes just like how pakistan did with the Baloch freedom fighters
We don't do what China, Sri-Lanka and Pakistan did to eradicate terrorism from their home land simple. Take a page or tow from their books, and we can also succeed I guess. :-):-):-)

No Mr apologists. You are absolutely right in describing your Indian army like a mother Theresa in occupied Kashmir.

Forget the 100,000 dead Kashmiris, you’ve killed all ages. thousands of Kashmiris tortured and maimed. Thousands are missing. Evidence of Mass graves there. Thousands Kashmiris young woman and girls gang raped by your filthy degenerate Indian army. Thousands of properties destroyed. This is classed as a deliberate policy by your Indian army retribution to the Kashmiris. Look closer too home. Before you pakistan here.
Let the Indus water dry out for a few more years and slowly pakistan will be diminish.

We just need to continue to do build dams and diver water from the Indus till we can control it completely.
Let the Indus water dry out for a few more years and slowly pakistan will be diminish.

We just need to continue to do build dams and diver water from the Indus till we can control it completely.

Yes carry on. Don’t forget to Dam the Indian Ocean too if you want. Ignorant people. Sheep mentality. What ever Indian government says must be true then

Forget the real facts of Kashmiris drive of independence. What drives them. Read below

Raping there womanfolk. For god sake

Killing them in thousands, How do you think Kashmiris were going to take it.

You think the above family victim who witnessed these crimes. Was going to forget this pain. Not take up arms

Stop talking c rap. Address your crimes in Jammu kashmir. Seek answers from Indian army who drove this Kashmiris hatered of you people. You negroids learn to live like normal human beings.
India was never strict enough in kashmir. The Muslim appeasement of kashmir is the key to the answer to the question.
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India should leave muzzy infested Kashmir! :-)

No Kashmir, no violence. And most importantly, less muzzys to deal with... :enjoy:

I don't think so.

The problem is deeper than that disguised as a religious nonsense.

More attacks would only put more eyes and ears in the state. Not to mention there will be more individual targets picked up by intelligence agencies.

India was never srrict enough in kashmir. The Muslim appeasement of kashmir is the key to the answer to the question.

Agreed. Congress created this mess through its web of lies and deceit.

However, I hope that as a pre-election gift, PM Modi scraps the Article 370.

That would really force the state to change.
No Mr apologists. You are absolutely right in describing your Indian army like a mother Theresa in occupied Kashmir.

Forget the 100,000 dead Kashmiris, you’ve killed all ages. thousands of Kashmiris tortured and maimed. Thousands are missing. Evidence of Mass graves there. Thousands Kashmiris young woman and girls gang raped by your filthy degenerate Indian army. Thousands of properties destroyed. This is classed as a deliberate policy by your Indian army retribution to the Kashmiris. Look closer too home. Before you pakistan here.

Agreed, but Pakistan and PA should be the last to point fingers on IA. Go and apologise to the conduct of your army in Bangladesh aka East Pakistan before questioning anyone else. :hitwall:

Well I would advice read some history and look at the mirror before pointing fingers on others. :p:
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Agreed, but Pakistan and PA should be the last to point fingers on IA. Go and apologise to the conduct of your army in Bangladesh aka East Pakistan before questioning anyone else. :hitwall:

Okay Apologist Tom. You have been educated today. Now go kick rocks and waste someone else’s time.
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