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Why are oceans in Karachi beach so dirty ?

It's really nasty, you put a filter in the water and see the nasty stuff that ends up on it
Karachi dumps its industrial and human waste into the Arabian Sea without treatment. The money for treatment plants and infrastructure has been embezzled and now sits in foreign banks.
These are very old pictures of Clifton Beach. The residents of Karachi have taken an initiative to clean up the beach since the feudal rulers don't have any interest in taking care of Karachi. The beach is fairly clean now. Btw there are more beaches in Karachi such as French Beach, Paradise Point, Sandspit etc which are pretty clean.
Blessings of being located on a busy trade route.

no, blessing of Lyari naddi


Do these idiots even know what salt water does to metal
Sea regulations are neither understood by public,nor our rulers/municipality like to explain or control the situation.

Pakistan is among some countries where factories dump waste directly into the sea without cleaning up. Their fishing way has cleaned up almost all the famous fishes in Pakistani sea. Now many fisher boats goes into Oman, Iran to do fishing and many time their country costal guards do catch these fishers.

There is another reason as well, which is Indian gujrat raise, the water flow is instreme towards Karachi which is also increasing the problems.

There has to be done something before we loss coastline completely to the pollution.
Karachi should have condom dispensers at every corner.
During certain days in Karachi, you can smell a very pungent smell in the air, could that also be coming from the sea? Don't know. Since all of Karachi's poop ends up in the sea with little to no treatment, no wonder it looks grey to light brown rather than blue.
Most developed countries they don't just throw the sewage into Sea now a days , its a health hazzard , as the sea would get polluted (coast lines) due to ties and water waves.

Then people are walking and swimming in the water

Poeple fishing and selling these items into market

The chain goes deep and indirectly stuff enter the food chain.

Just shameful our politicians today neglect such a large city and only coastal line for country just remarkable

Even third world countries in South America have beautiful beaches
This beach should have tourism for many foreigners visit, unfortunately Pakistan's education level is very very low and doesn't have common sense of neat oceans and waters.
Well you don't need education , you need "Sewage Treatment Plants" established close to the river areas

Which really is the responsibility of Provincial Gov

To take the dirty water and clean it 80-95% purity level , and extract chemical material which can be sold to chemical industry as a commodity, or material used to make plant fertilizers, could be sold to farmers for planting food

Its a standard followed in every major country

Think about it , filth goes into River , water is dumped into sea, waves in sea bring the filth back into Oceans or fish that live in water end up getting polluted , and then fishermen catching the fish and selling to Local Public , its like Epic health hazard written all over it

.:: KWSB ::.


Sewerage generated in City (70% of Water Supplied) 472 MGD
Optimum design capacity of Sewerage Treatment plants 150 MGD
Quantity of Sewage Treated 50 MGD
Shortfall in Sewage Treatment capacity 322 MGD
Untreated Sewage 417 MGD

Out of Total 472 MGD (Million Gallon Per day) ....only 40 Million is treated rest goes directly into see 417 Million gallons of sewage / day

This Tank here contains 1 Million Gallon of liquid (Sewage or water) ...now you can imagine
417 of these going daily into Sea Untreated

Any one interested to eat that Fish from the Ocean!!!


Our government does not have the capacity , to take 417 of these Tankers
and then apply Chemical Engineering principles and refinement principles
Before releasing the "deadly sewage" into Oceans

This is not even "HIGH TECH" stuff that needs IMF loan ... this is some university research center can setup with Engineering company


OR How about the shore fishing what can possibly go wrong
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