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Why are Muslim nations behind the West and the Far East?

I meant when compared to USA, or when compared to China and Japan. Watch your mouth before you call others Indian.

I want Pakistan to be like China or Japan economically.

Unfortunately our imports exceeds our export, like lol. That is according to wikipedia.

First see the political system. China, Japan, South Korea can make effective and stable political system. Both countries government is also quite effective, that is the start.

If you want to be more detail, there is God hand as well. After Japan export conquered the world in 1970's, US force Japanese to stop lowering their Yen. This US policy forces Japanese industry went on other countries around it that can give better competitive advantage through their currency. The most countries get benefit from this is countries around Japan and at the same time China open their market. China has already a big economy, even when it hasnt been rich yet at 1970's.
If you are not trolling this time then the answer is condensed in this :

So where are the space stations of Iran and Turkey ? Are they in stealth, flying in radio-silence too 1000 kms above sea level ?

1. What is STEM ?

2. Schooling degrees don't describe the intelligence of an individual if he or she has them or doesn't. Consequently, there's no point judging the capability of a country in context of number of schooling degrees. This also means that "So and so country has produced 60,000 papers in the last five years" is meaningless.

The OPer is the new account of MultaniGuy who is supposedly a Pakistani. However, you are a multi-nicker, Mr. @Titanium100. :D

I have an issue. How would you describe in simple words a "developed country" ?

It has, hence the past existence of the Islamic Golden Age whose fruits you and I too enjoy in form of the computer ( read about Ismail al-Jazari ) and various scientific theories ( like the theory of Evolution thought up by Al Jahiz a thousand years before Darwin ).
1) Iran is a very backward country when compared to the West or China and Japan. Iranians are mainly shia hence is an outlier in the Muslim world.

2) Turkey might be doing better than some Muslim countries, but their fiercely secular society repels many Muslims.

This poster is an Indian... Be warned all his posts are crap and swear he is an Indian multinicker..

There is

Saudi Arabia

If you tell me these countries aren't developed you have an issue.. To be fairly honest the countries with the most insane infras are muslim countries.. There are over 50+ muslim countries hence some are wealthy and others middling while others poor.. Example Vietnam and North Korea are poor in the far east so is Philippines and in Europe the whole east european countries are poor..

You can't generalize
Yes there are some Muslim countries which are doing okay like: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Morocco, Egypt, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei.

Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan are worth mentioning as well.

Will get back to this later.
One word : banking system. Our money is not ours, neither our assets are not ours. Petroleum is ours, but we can't keep the money. Gold is ours, but we don't fix the gold prices.

That's the thing. Islam has to fight a big war in order to take back the control of banking system.

If Muammar Gaddafi had proposed the Gold Dinar as means for Muslim-majority countries in general and also for Africa as the means to be a money system to disconnect from the Dollar then why can't we propose a more radical but simple and inevitable thing : Abolish money system in all Muslim-majority countries in general and in Africa ?

Non-Muslim-majority good countries like Russia and Cuba can be traded with using barter economy or gift economy.

1) Iran is a very backward country when compared to the West or China and Japan. Iranians are mainly shia hence is an outlier in the Muslim world.

Let us abolish the ayatollahs, help the Iranis bring in Socialism and Iran will become good.

2) Turkey might be doing better than some Muslim countries, but their fiercely secular society repels many Muslims.

Doesn't repel me. :)
1) Iran is a very backward country when compared to the West or China and Japan. Iranians are mainly shia hence is an outlier in the Muslim world.

2) Turkey might be doing better than some Muslim countries, but their fiercely secular society repels many Muslims.

Yes there are some Muslim countries which are doing okay like: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Morocco, Egypt, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei.

Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan are worth mentioning as well.

Will get back to this later.

Look i wanted to be diplomatic before, but Iran is the best, top #1 among the whole muslim countries, sorry to say you. Iran is the only country US army fears on the region, to put it simple,folks can say whatever...but it is.

And about Turkiyeh being secular i think it s a flaw you have reason here on my view, but i think next generation of turkiyesh leadership wants to change this. We will see.
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@Joe Shearer , sir, I know you are of the view that there is a sizeable proportion of sensible people in India, as opposed to the more vocal, intellectually struggling crowd that's become the face of India in recent years.

I like to think you are right. However, I have noticed it's a theme with many Indian members here to correlate religion with development, a la "Islamic countries are under-developed because of too much Islam". "India's economic growth and international prestige skyrocketed because of the unapologetically Hindu administration of Modi Jee".

How prevalent, in your opinion, is this malaise amongst your compatriots?
ussay kyu pooch re ho ?

you know which way he gonna answer that

he's a people pleaseron ka devta (some might even call him a willing dhimmi) .. wouldn't be too far off the mark, that

just abhi, haal hi mai.. mail aai thi mujhe ek currently banned ultra diggaj ol' timer badass player ki.. laying down old man Joe's game.. bare naked.

"barishaal bomber" taxxing me hi explode ho jayega.. if not, take off krte hi "lost all engines and crash"

ok, enough drama.. bro? (drexlu.. you better be a bro.. lawndi toh nahi hai na?) :lol:


"Islamic countries are under-developed because of too much Islam"
at least I've not heard anyone so much as even passingly mention Pk, even door door se lately

and I know a few who are connected to the power structure that is today.

no anti x-y-z anything.. zero

so, to answer your:

How prevalent, in your opinion, is this malaise amongst your compatriots?
rare AF

I suppose it depends to a large extent on who one associates with, but no.. most decent people want nothing to do with any X group professing and preaching hatred toward any other.

unka farzi khotta sikka ni chalda

Muammar Gaddafi

If Muammar Gaddafi had proposed the Gold Dinar as means for Muslim-majority countries in general and also for Africa as the means to be a money system to disconnect from the Dollar then why can't we propose a more radical but simple and inevitable thing : Abolish money system in all Muslim-majority countries in general and in Africa ?

Non-Muslim-majority good countries like Russia and Cuba can be traded with using barter economy or gift economy.

Let us abolish the ayatollahs, help the Iranis bring in Socialism and Iran will become good.

Doesn't repel me. :)
Cuba and Russia. 😀
We need a deep more robust monetary system than just gold based system.
This inferiority complex must be left behind.
Muslim world is diverse we cannot be same with each others but there are many Muslim states that are ahead of some first world states in terms of living standards, military/civillian technology and economic power. I think the real problem is that the biggest enemies of Muslims are other Muslims we cannot develop collectively because we do not support each others.
barter international trade cut out the banks. either produce gold and silver currency our paper printing currency.
If you look towards the West like USA, France, UK, Canada, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Spain,

and when you look at the Far East countries like China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore why are we are behind in science and technology?

An intellectual asked why? Because we are not well educated in the hard sciences and social sciences and the academic disciplines.

How many undergraduates, associate degrees, master degrees, and college diplomas graduates do Muslim majority countries produce?

To bridge the gap, we need to learn industrialization, how to improve governance, how to improve the economy, manufacturing techniques, improve standard of living,
improve the reputation of our countries, and agricultural output of our countries.

People are invited to give their views. We are looking for constructive criticism, and not insults.


We have no meritocracy. Get rid of quotas. Make all jobs based on quantitative, person blind, test. The problem will solve itself.
Iran is a very backward country when compared to the West or China and Japan
Check the EC score in research for China and Iran. Guess which is higher.
Iranians are mainly shia hence is an outlier in the Muslim world.
How does it being 'mainly shia' correlate to them being an outlier in the Muslim world?
Turkey might be doing better than some Muslim countries, but their fiercely secular society repels many Muslims
Turkey is part of the Muslim world. It's a Muslim-majority country with very high EC scores.
If you look towards the West like USA, France, UK, Canada, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Spain,

and when you look at the Far East countries like China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and Singapore why are we are behind in science and technology?

An intellectual asked why? Because we are not well educated in the hard sciences and social sciences and the academic disciplines.

How many undergraduates, associate degrees, master degrees, and college diplomas graduates do Muslim majority countries produce?

To bridge the gap, we need to learn industrialization, how to improve governance, how to improve the economy, manufacturing techniques, improve standard of living,
improve the reputation of our countries, and agricultural output of our countries.

People are invited to give their views. We are looking for constructive criticism, and not insults.

Simple no importance to science and education
1 There is a general lack of water, and many are deserts, making it difficult to develop industries. 2 The countries in the Middle East are not united, and oil has caused too many wars. 3 Not paying attention to the development of education and science and technology, and not paying attention to the development of industry. 4 Western Renaissance. Reform religion and culture to adapt to productivity development. Such as equality between men and women. Among them, geographical constraints are the most important. Argentina and Brazil failed to become developed industrial countries just because of this.

Among them, Iran, Turkey, Indonesia, and Malaysia have developed very well in education and industry. Central Asian countries have good education, but unfortunately they are landlocked.Pakistani industry should also be good, but military industry is disconnected from civilian production.
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@Joe Shearer , sir, I know you are of the view that there is a sizeable proportion of sensible people in India, as opposed to the more vocal, intellectually struggling crowd that's become the face of India in recent years.

I like to think you are right. However, I have noticed it's a theme with many Indian members here to correlate religion with development, a la "Islamic countries are under-developed because of too much Islam". "India's economic growth and international prestige skyrocketed because of the unapologetically Hindu administration of Modi Jee".

How prevalent, in your opinion, is this malaise amongst your compatriots?
There are two types of personality influence on bhakts, those who owe their loyalty to the Sangh Parivar.

I will not name the first; it will cause a storm, among the Sanghis here because it reflects an uncomfortable reality, among the Pakistanis, who will find enough to allow them to punish those Indians whom they don't like for the next three generations.

The second is the Desi Loser.

The Desi Loser is generally an engineer, an employee of an IT services or IT-related company, typically one registered abroad, who has been abroad.

While abroad, the Desi Loser has been ill-treated, had his accent and his (generally) very poor English slammed, has been mocked about his clothes and about his personal habits, and is in generally humiliated several times a day.

This is the profile you encounter on line; it is very little to do with Indians, but it has a resonance in the Non Resident crowd as well. They have to prove to themselves, and to anyone listening, that they are GOOD and the opposition is BAD - not just misbehaving, but deceiving as well It is they who try, morning, day and night, to show that Pakistan, and other Muslim countries are left behind.

They will carefully not to mention Turkiye. Successful Muslim countries are never referred to.
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