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Why are more white people dying of Coronavirus than any other race?


Handwashing is such an important part of Islam and Muslim cultures.

It is amazing how few people in the US wash hands after using the bathroom.

Other habits like wearing shoes indoors, sleeping with shoes on, wearing same outfits for multiple days, not changing soiled undergarments, keeping same socks for days, and dog/cat saliva and urine over everything make me sick to even think about.
That's because average age in these countries is 45+ and life expectancy age in these countries is 80+...

#Average age of Covid 19 fatality in Italy till 18th march was 79.5 Years..

99% of all killed people in Italy had serious health problems befor they were infected by the corona virus..

one big problem in Italy was the low number of intensiv beds in their hospitals as the virus hit them ... they had only 5000 in whole italy befor corona

To compare Germany had 25.000 of such intensive beds.. and had increase this number in no time to 40.000... with the goal to get this number to 56.000 by the end of this week....

The high number of intensive beds allows Germany to take critical patients from France and Italy for intensive medical care.
Hopefully so, but it's still too early so say.

Germany is in the early stage of the outbreak and like 95% of accumulated cases in Germany are confirmed in just recent 2 weeks. Therefore current figures are not conclusive, as deaths or recoveries take around 2 weeks. 98% of German cases are still active.

For example on the other side of the coin, Germany has only 400+ recovered cases out of 30K cases. But it also doesn't mean that the recovery rate is just 1% and the mortality rate is 99%.

At the moment Switzerland has only 100+ recovered, but SK already has 3K+ recovered. The same can be said to a lesser extent for US/China and Germany/Iran.

Another example would be the US with 600 deaths and 300 recoveries. If we go by closed cases instead of active cases, the mortality rate would be 66.67%. But obviously it's not conclusive yet.

Same for the Netherlands, with 276 deaths and 2 recoveries. If we go by closed cases, the mortality rate would be 99.28% (!!).

Currently only China's numbers are more conclusive as the majority of cases are closed. Less than 5% of accumulated cases are active.


today they claimed in Germany the new cases curve starts already to flaten.
Recovered from corona are 2809 each 15.000 cases this number was published yesterday by the Robert-Koch Institute and the spokeman claimed that this are very carefull figures

stop spreading fail informations
death rate numbers are absolutely meaningless, they don't take into account the health service that the patients recieve, for example in Germany there is an abundance (at least for now) of ventilators & other medical devices that are needed to treat the patients that is why the death rate is so low in Germany, in China there was a shortage in Hubei province while other provinces had no shortages whatsoever that is why the death rate in Hubei was high while outside it was very low, in Italy there is a severe shortage in ventilators that is why each day 600+ are dying & the death rate is around 9%, that is why personaly I am pretty sure the true death rate (ie: assuming you recieve absolutely no care) is a little bit higher than 10%.
death rate numbers are absolutely meaningless, they don't take into account the health service that the patients recieve, for example in Germany there is an abundance (at least for now) of ventilators & other medical devices that are needed to treat the patients that is why the death rate is so low in Germany, in China there was a shortage in Hubei province while other provinces had no shortages whatsoever that is why the death rate in Hubei was high while outside it was very low, in Italy there is a severe shortage in ventilators that is why each day 600+ are dying & the death rate is around 9%, that is why personaly I am pretty sure the true death rate (ie: assuming you recieve absolutely no care) is a little bit higher than 10%.

Medical equipment, plus the skill of the doctor.

The cause of death is mostly complications.

To fight coronavirus, what doctor do is to fight this complication.

Ability to analyze and be creative to cure it.

The country death statistic can show us which country has a better doctor.
Because those countries are reporting it properly. Third world countries like Pakistan can never accurately report the numbers properly even if they tried.
More will die in Iran, India, and Pakistan than all western nations. You can count on it.
Here in the UK, according to statistics a third of the population does not wash their hands after people have been to the loo.

At work, I notice this a lot. Some people only wash their hands out of shame / embarrassment after watching me washing my hands.

Anyway, why is the Coronavirus more devastating to the more advanced Western countries than the poorer Eastern countries?

In Pakistan, many think the Coronavirus is more harmful in colder regions than in warmer climates. Is that true?

No offence intended to anyone but is it hygienic habits or climate?


Lack of Basic personal Hygiene.

Because those countries are reporting it properly. Third world countries like Pakistan can never accurately report the numbers properly even if they tried.
More will die in Iran, India, and Pakistan than all western nations. You can count on it.

Immune systems of people in developing countries are much much stronger due to them being exposed to their local dirty streets and neighborhoods.

On the other hand, they are much much better in wiping clean their bum with a water. Basic hygiene.

For western countries: Living inside a clean building with manicured garden but sh!t between butt cheeks, not gonna do you any good. Walking around with Dirty anus basically mean exposing your internal organs to disease.
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Lack of Basic personal Hygiene.

Immune systems of people in developing countries are much much stronger due to them being exposed to their local dirty streets and neighborhoods.

On the other hand, they are much much better in wiping clean their bum with a water. Basic hygiene.

Living inside a clean building with manicured garden but sh!t between butt cheeks, not gonna do you any good. Walking around with Dirty anus basically mean exposing your internal organs to disease.

Thats right bro, beside using water, Muslim also use soap and hands to clean their *** after defecating. Using toilet paper will also lead to deforestation, I wonder why European criticize palm oil so much for deforestation while they use toilet paper ever time they defecates. China also use toilet paper now.Their toilets are dirty.

I still use traditional way though despite my toilet has tool to spout water.

My Equipment every time defecating at my toilet :D



Here in the UK, according to statistics a third of the population does not wash their hands after people have been to the loo.

At work, I notice this a lot. Some people only wash their hands out of shame / embarrassment after watching me washing my hands.

Anyway, why is the Coronavirus more devastating to the more advanced Western countries than the poorer Eastern countries?

In Pakistan, many think the Coronavirus is more harmful in colder regions than in warmer climates. Is that true?

No offence intended to anyone but is it hygienic habits or climate?
Because white people are reporting it correctly. Otherwise deaths or at same rate everywhere.
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