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Why are Indians so sickley obssessed with Pakistan?

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Mostly insecurities including the constant invasions, Only in last 70 years did they finally get to rule themselves only to see their beloved Bharat Mata being torn apart by invaders and their followers. It truly must hurt. For comparison look at how Greeks are obsessed with Turks lol.
Good job too. As a result we are nowhere near as ugly or physically repulsive as the indian race is.

So true. POTM! They're always here and can never mind their own business. The say the same things over and over again. I have noticed that even in the real world, indians have a habit of continuously repeating themselves. I myself have never been on an indian forum, watched an indian film or tv program or endorsed anything indian in my entire life and never will. I hope all the indians on defence.pk reciprocate.

Brother I never want them to left this forum or reciprocate what as you have write, Warna hum en ki lain gay kaisay :rofl:. They do score points but we reply them as well.
One thing I seriously fail to understand, why a huge country like India with a population of 1,2 billion and huge area is obsessed with a smaller neighbor (relatively speaking)?

Why Indians can not leave us alone for a while, for example by letting us discuss whatever we want to on a Pakistani forum?

Why is everyone starting from the extremist PM and going all the way down to a common street hawker is obssessed with Pakistan?

They tell us, they are a global power and don't care about a "small country" like us. But check their media, their ministers, and even people on this forum to get an idea how far fetched this is from reality.

Is Pakistan rooted so deep in Indian psychology that even in their dreams they see us as a boggeyman?

How can we address these psychological insecurities of Indians?
Because they are afraid!!! After being ruled over by Muslims for a 1000 years, they thought that they would get their turn but Pakistan was born and they are afraid that we might comeback and rule them for another 1000 years. Hence, they tried everything from open wars to proxy and wished to destroy us in the past 68 years but failed again and again. After all those failures, Indians discovered PDF to ventilate their anger but little did they know that their Daddy GreenFalcon also resides here. :partay::partay::partay:
You also forgot some of the other facts about India.

5) India is also known as the Rape capital of the world and this title was given to it by her own media. I have read a report 10 years ago that 3-4 women are raped in India every hour. Even foreigners are not being spared for getting raped in India.

The thing is India is a big country with over one billion population so the figures and numbers will always be big. The GDP PPP will always be big because of over billion population but then the number of poors will always be high as well. The good things will be in high numbers and bad things will also be in high numbers.

100% true, Delhi of Hindustan is known as the most aggressive rape capital of the world.

Infact, India is the place where sexual assault is rapidly increasing. Rape in India is one of India’s most common crimes against women.

According to the National Crime Records Bureau 24,923 rape cases were reported across India in 2012, but experts agree that the number of unreported cases of sexual assault brings the total much higher. Out of these, 24,470 were committed by parents/family, relatives, neighbors and other known persons implying that , men known to the victim committed 98 per cent of reported rapes.

The latest estimates suggest that a new case of rape is reported every 22 minutes in India.
Indians are typical slave mentality, cheap, full of 100% inferior complex and utter fear of Muslims n Pakistanis....the obssession has become a deep hunger for them to look up towards Pakistan, and convey jealousy by comparison on every tiny little bit to feel they are doing anything good. The whole world looks at Indians as weak, slave minded ppl, and so does Pakistanis feel the same, and Indians come here with obsession trying to justify they are actually better then Pakistanis....these are the reasons.

Indians are a highly insecure ppl.

So your resurrected a silly zombie thread to whine, how desperate. :rofl:

By the way, are you the same guy who used to argue that Indian GDP growth would not get over 5% ever again? :azn:

Because they are afraid!!! After being ruled over by Muslims for a 1000 years, they thought that they would get their turn but Pakistan was born and they are afraid that we might comeback and rule them for another 1000 years. Hence, they tried everything from open wars to proxy and wished to destroy us in the past 68 years but failed again and again. After all those failures, Indians discovered PDF to ventilate their anger but little did they know that their Daddy GreenFalcon also resides here. :partay::partay::partay:

A few Mughals representing Muslims is akin to the British monarch representing Christians. At least the British monarchy survived, the poor Mughals are gone; now we even have roads named after them being taken away. :lol:
Donno abt others but I visit your forum to constantly know how much to thank Jinnah for removing so many nutjobs out of India.

It also helps to remind you guys that Pakistanis are as much ruled over by invaders as Indians and in fact there are lot more ruled over slaves in Pakistan than in India. For instance while almost 100% of Pakistanis were so ruled over that they were converted that happened to only some 19% of Indians.

Finally it also serves to remind Indians that since almost 100% Pakistani population is made up of severely ruled over and converted out of culture & religion people, not to expect too much
One thing I seriously fail to understand, why a huge country like India with a population of 1,2 billion and huge area is obsessed with a smaller neighbor (relatively speaking)?

Why Indians can not leave us alone for a while, for example by letting us discuss whatever we want to on a Pakistani forum?

Why is everyone starting from the extremist PM and going all the way down to a common street hawker is obssessed with Pakistan?

They tell us, they are a global power and don't care about a "small country" like us. But check their media, their ministers, and even people on this forum to get an idea how far fetched this is from reality.

Is Pakistan rooted so deep in Indian psychology that even in their dreams they see us as a boggeyman?

How can we address these psychological insecurities of Indians?

thread title speaks itself. .. who is obsessed with whom...
thread title speaks itself. .. who is obsessed with whom...
Mostly insecurities including the constant invasions, Only in last 70 years did they finally get to rule themselves only to see their beloved Bharat Mata being torn apart by invaders and their followers. It truly must hurt. For comparison look at how Greeks are obsessed with Turks lol.

Well, no. Do anyone including you give a f about people that existed 100s years ago, let alone 50 years ago?

And the invading and subjugation mostly happened in modern Pakistan and NW India. Many Indians here are in the Deccan or S. India, tell me why those events are relevant to them?

And most countries or peoples were swallowed whole, many of times. This includes Persians, Arabs, Europeans peoples, Anatolians, etc.
Evidence lies in this very forum. Obsession is creating a Pakistan Defense Forum account, followed by talking shit, and proceeded by huffing and puffing while under the Indian flag
CPEC Is an investment in Pakistan to help it become industrialised. The route will have special designated industrial and economic zones. Not to mention cold storage facilities. Plus this will massively uplift the local populations near the route and reduce unemployment and poverty. This will increase the living standard of the average Pakistani and massively develop the infrastructure of the poorest parts of Pakistan. Importantly, more than anything we are helping the average Pakistan. CPEC will also end Pakistan's energy and electricity problems problems permanently.
but as to why if you can explain me what stopped pakistan goverment itself make all that route and then take taxes from chinese for that and give many of its youth work ,,, why has onli china to do what you could have done decades ago also think what if you instead of playing into GCC states hands and USA against USSr and had given same routes and infra support to USSR where would have pakistan be today as if you forgot let me remind you first steel mill in pakistan was made by soviet engeneers and look how you paid them back and wherre are you today deu to that mistake

anyway CEPC is great and god bless china for it but why dint sucsessive pakistani goverments invested in it as it could have made pakistan a developed nation by now deu to employment genrated from such projetcs ..... in short its all about "neeyat" :coffee:
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