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Why are Indians so overconfident about themselves? [VIDEO]

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Hahaha.... I guess that's why you see Superpower India videos all over India... Btw the American comments about India must be hilarious!
LOL.. your frustration seeps thru when you pick one over ambitious line and discount the rest to take your daily regimen of pot shots at India.. Do this in Pakistan and you will mostly hear about how OBL was a shaheed and how USA is the enemy of Islam .. yada yada...

I will take over confidence over regressive extremism anyday mate..
Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com

In this CNN open mic video, almost every Indian seem way to over confident!

This was hilarious.

One of the comments "India will 100% overtake US"..

Nothing hilarious in that. Confidence and ambition are good traits to possess. U heard of the saying 'shoot for the stars and u'd at least fall on the treetops. Shoot for the treetop and u may never lift off'.

You guys should have some kinda aim for your nation too. It'll help u guys get out of the current mess u r in.
over all confidence among the citizens,a positive attitude is a good thing.
Nothing hilarious in that. Confidence and ambition are good traits to possess. U heard of the saying 'shoot for the stars and u'd at least fall on the treetops. Shoot for the treetop and u may never lift off'.

You guys should have some kinda aim for your nation too. It'll help u guys get out of the current mess u r in.

Shoot for the stars even if you land at the moon.
LOL.. your frustration seeps thru when you pick one over ambitious line and discount the rest to take your daily regimen of pot shots at India.. Do this in Pakistan and you will mostly hear about how OBL was a shaheed and how USA is the enemy of Islam .. yada yada...

I will take over confidence over regressive extremism anyday mate..

The sad thing is, these Pakistanis don't realize that their attempts at taking cheap potshots against Indians are only serving to give us a negative impression on their own people and country. I (and I believe alot of other people here from different countries feel the same way) am walking away with the impression that most of them are immature, childish and just too blinded by hatred to come up with anything constructive. Most are even not worth talking to. The few rational Pakistani posters we get here are just too few in number to make a positive dent on anything.

Not trying to troll or diss anyone here guys, I'm merely stating an observation. This forum is good for the news though and that makes it worth visiting. But it also does give outsiders a negative impression of Pakistanis.
The point of this thread may be a bit childish, I agree, but I must say that many Indians feel way to over confident about their country.

I mean, go ahead India, you are a potential superpower we all know that, but to say that you're currently a superpower is what hurts my brain.
The point of this thread may be a bit childish, I agree, but I must say that many Indians feel way to over confident about their country.

I mean, go ahead India, you are a potential superpower we all know that, but to say that you're currently a superpower is what hurts my brain.

We are certainly not a superpower yet mate. Its something we are working towards, it will take a long time yet and alot of work needs to be done to get there. Standards of living of the masses has to go up, more has to be done for healthcare, education etc. Same I'd say for Pakistan. There's no shortage of talent over the other side of the border as well. Pakistan has the potential to be way better than she is right now. Ask me and I'll name u a dozen good, positive things about Pakistan right away. Can u guys do the same if I asked u about anything positive India has going for her?

Both nations are taking the step in the right direction by trying to move on and settle their differences. We'd achieve alot more by working with each other than shooting at each other constantly.
Interesting comments.

This "Superpower India" is hardly ever discussed in India or Indian circles. We all know it is way too premature.

We are still a poor country (medium income by UN guidelines) and have a long way to go to provide the basic minimum standard of living to a large number of Indians.

Once we do that, any labels will take care of themselves. Let's not put the cart before the horse.
The point of this thread may be a bit childish, I agree, but I must say that many Indians feel way to over confident about their country.

I mean, go ahead India, you are a potential superpower we all know that, but to say that you're currently a superpower is what hurts my brain.

Indians are not over confident. The fact of the matter is that Pakistanis have been fed with too much BS about India by the Army and the govt of Pakistan.

It is in their interest to lie to the people of Pakistan about India, so they do it. The unfortunate thing is that, they have been doing it for the past 60 years, and now they don't even need to do it, the seeds have been sown, and India is seen as a poor country, incapable, disabled, evil, determined to destroy Pakistan, and a country inferior to Pakistan morally, diplomatically, socially, and militarily.

In reality, India is growing very fast. Things are changing.

Pakistan needs to forget its past, and move with us, and enjoy prosperity. We need to join hands, and focus on mutual development. There is no competition between India and Pakistan today, Best Pakistan govt can do is fix what damage they have done in past 40-50 years, and start open exchange between India and Pakistan. Both countries can be friends, even though it is going to irritate two giants(China who supplies arms to Pakistan, and US who supplies arms to India).

Its time we join hands and not let China and US use us as dummies.
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