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Why are British Indians wielding more power than British Pakistanis?

So are most other Muslims.

  1. Turks
  2. Bosnians
  3. Tatars
  4. Azerbaijani
  5. Cypriot Turks
  6. etc
The issue is not religion but more on how they percieve their identity. Many equate Muslim with brown. Of course they ignore that Indians are also brown.

True. My housemate is a Kurdish Turk and the owner is Persian. I have lived all my life among different Turkish/Arab/Persian people here and not a single desi guy. From my observation these communities are integrated into the value chain. I have seen hijabi Saudi women date my Portuguese colleague and they got married few months back with both of them retaining their culture.
I would really love to see everyone mix in that sense of live and love.
People want to live with other people to whom they have something in common? Shocking turn of events!!

Integration is not a one-way-street.

What's wrong with that?

Arabs are not that integrated here in Germany and Persians think that they are basically White people and don't like other people from the Orient.

Do you know that some areas of Toronto have been taken over totally by desis and those areas look like shit. No rules being followed, just living like desi way. I have never lived in desi majority neighborhood and will never will. I can say that for the rest of my gang of friends as well. I think that's also cos of an saying too much of anything is good for nothing.

As for integration, I am the one migrating to Canada and the onus is on me to integrate with the people and "culture" of this country. If your culture is so great why move anywhere? I can't migrate to Saudi and expect to get equal rights. There is law and there is culture.

Persians and Turks think alike on being closer to white persons then.
Why are British Indians wielding more power than British Pakistanis?

KAMALA Harris’s acceptance of the vice presidential nomination is part of a trend — politicians with links to India are achieving positions of power in the West. Harris, who now has a far from implausible route to becoming the next but two US president, is half-Jamaican and half-Indian.

Harris’s mother, Shyamala Gopalan, arrived in Berkeley in 1958, nine years after Zulfikar Ali Bhutto studied there. But whereas ZAB returned (via Oxford) to win power at home, Gopalan married a Jamaican economics student and civil rights leader, Donald Harris. Her choice of partner was consistent with her family’s political traditions: back in India, Gopalan’s mother, Rajam, was an outspoken community organiser and husband, P.V. Gopalan, a progressive Indian diplomat involved in resettling some of those who fled the 1971 conflict in East Pakistan.

While Americans assess Harris, Brits are getting used to having three government ministers with an Indian heritage. As chancellor of the exchequer, Rishi Sunak, has won praise for his liberal distribution of cash to counter Covid-19. Dishy Rishi, as he has become known, is within the globalised elite, having studied at Oxford and Stanford before marrying the daughter of an Indian billionaire.

Another senior minister, hard right Home Secretary Priti Patel, went to less glamorous universities but she also completed postgraduate studies. Like Sunak, her family moved from India to East Africa before reaching the UK. The trio of Indian-origin heavy hitters is completed by Business Minister Alok Sharma who moved to the UK from Agra at the age of five.

By comparison, British Pakistanis have the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, and just one junior minister — Lord Tariq Ahmed in the Foreign Office.

Indian and Pakistani diplomats in London like it when they have a minister with links to their country in power. Conspiracy theories abound. They wonder whether it is a coincidence that Priti Patel’s new immigration policy favours applicants with PhDs in science and technology — something achieved by many more Indians than Pakistanis. The merging of the British Department for International Development into the Foreign Office could also have negative consequences for Pakistan. With the aid budget now controlled by diplomats, the UK is likely to demand more quid pro quos from Pakistan in return for funds.

But why are British Indians wielding more power than British Pakistanis? There are many explanations. British Indians such as Sunak and Patel, who reached the UK from East Africa enjoy two advantages: generally these families reached the UK not only relatively early but also with several generations worth of trading, education and worldliness behind them. Many Pakistanis by contrast came from undeveloped rural areas such as Mirpur where they picked up little experience of the outside world and even less education. While many British Indians now aspire to be accountants, many British Pakistanis have lower expectations, often ending up in relatively menial jobs; 15.4 per cent of British Indians are in higher managerial and professional occupations compared with 6.6pc of British Pakistanis.

Researchers in the UK are compiling increasing amounts of data about how different ethnic and religious groups are faring in the country and drawing tentative conclusions as to what is happening. It is now clear, for example, that Chinese and Indian pupils tend to make the most progress in primary school, with Indian pupils from lower socioeconomic backgrounds making the fastest progress. Pakistani and Bangladeshi young people do well between the ages of 11 and 16 but then their results taper off between the ages of 16 and 18. One study suggests that effect is especially marked in places where pupils are living in areas with a high concentration of their ethnic group.

It is hard to reach firm conclusions but it does seem clear that socioeconomic outcomes are shaped not just by ethnicity but also other factors. Some research looking at religion as well suggests that, all other things being equal, British Hindus fare better than British Muslims. It is striking that, within the British Indian community, Sikhs and Muslims remain almost twice as likely to be unemployed as Hindus. Having said that, Indian Muslims generally enjoy better outcomes than Pakistani Muslims, a finding which is consistent with research that suggests that factors such as gender are more important than someone’s faith.

Taken as a whole, the research suggests that for more people with Pakistani heritage to break through to positions of power in Western countries, there will need to be broader social changes affecting their community. No doubt Rishi, Patel, Sharma and Harris think they climbed to the top through their own efforts. To some extent they did, but they are also the product of socioeconomic trends beyond their control.

The writer is a British journalist. His book The Bhutto Dynasty will be published later this year.

Published in Dawn, September 1st, 2020
Same reason they did during Gora Raj in sub continent. Kissing pink white a$$es and relishing in what comes out of it. The gora loves it when colored people willingly act like slaves in front of him.
Depends on the type of loan. Most loans, including the ones from IMF, are business transactions; the bank provides you the loan based on their risk assessment and then takes the money back plus interest (profit). Where is the assistance? One could somewhat argue if it were a soft or interestless loan, but it wasn't.

ps: Media outlets will use whatever gets them the most readers. The more credible ones do it more tactfully. "Pakistan takes another loan from IMF" doesn't quite have the zing to it.

Pakistan has its debt rescheduled or renegotiated on numerous ocassions. It happened after 9/11
You can call that a bailout for all practical purposes
The world is big. Could you not find any other place or even inside Pakistan but had to run to "Whiteland"?

Conveniently missed out the bit that Pakistan was part of the commonwealth, Britain was looking for workers and the government of Pakistan invited the British government to offer visas to people affected by the dam.
Pakistan has its debt rescheduled or renegotiated on numerous ocassions. It happened after 9/11
You can call that a bailout for all practical purposes

You can't call it a bailout for any purpose whatsoever. No money was given to Pakistan, the payments were only differed, the interest was not, and it was not done to ward off any imminent collapse of anything.
You can't call it a bailout for any purpose whatsoever. No money was given to Pakistan, the payments were only differed, the interest was not, and it was not done to ward off any imminent collapse of anything.

call it what you want - the interest rate was reduced for someone who is not credit worthy
call it what you want - the interest rate was reduced for someone who is not credit worthy

You clearly do not know how interest or loans work.....interest rate is never reduced but instead increased for someone and everyone who is not "credit worthy". Interest rate was also not reduced in any way shape or form in any debt rescheduling for Pakistan. You also clearly do not know what debt rescheduling is.

So, no. You cannot call it whatever you want.
You clearly do not know how interest or loans work.....interest rate is never reduced but instead increased for someone and everyone who is not "credit worthy". Interest rate was also not reduced in any way shape or form in any debt rescheduling for Pakistan. You also clearly do not know what debt rescheduling is.

So, no. You cannot call it whatever you want.

you know your economics well. But when interest rate is reduced for someone who is not credit worthy like Pakistan it is a give away. That happened in 2002 for Pakistan.
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