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Why Americans Hate Muslims

And thats why people call Americans as dumb !

You being a muslim Pakistani living in US, should give the correct picture. How many times have your felt the hatred for muslims in US?
the truth is that all religions have extremists, n i mean EVERY SINGLE RELIGION DOES, but western media focuses on Islam,

Militancy has always existed in history, but today, the word "militant" is synonymous with "Muslim" only. Most people do get influenced by Islamophobic propaganda. Islamophobia is on the rise since 9/11, 7/7 and other violence related incidents. The world's power-hungry and selfish elements are using the placard of "Islamic terrorism" to commit heinous acts of terror on a mass scale in order to achieve personal motives
Which schoolbooks have incorrect information regarding Islam? Can you elaborate. And give some links perhaps.

I came across many books and literature where verses of Quran was used out of context to convey the message that Islam teach terrorism and killing of infidels
You being a muslim Pakistani living in US, should give the correct picture. How many times have your felt the hatred for muslims in US?
Every day going to work I pass by the newly constructed concentration camp dedicated for muslims in America.
I came across many books and literature where verses of Quran was used out of context to convey the message that Islam teach terrorism and killing of infidels

Are you sure you have access to US school text books. Did you read them directly, or read some article showing such and such(i.e. in third person).
Surely such school boards should be informed.
This is a misconception and the topic is absurd. if the topic is "Why Muslims hate America", it may be appropriate. Not all American hate Muslims, may be a small proportion and some proportion are afraid of Muslims because of Channels like Fox News and idiots like Rush. Most of the US population just ignores them. This is case in many parts of the world. If Americans hate Muslims, why are so many Muslims coming to US for work and settling here. The US is one of the safest country in the world where Muslims are leaving without the influence of Mullahs and with freedom of worship.

There are dumb people all over the world, US is not a exception. But these dump people doesn't cause any harm to anybody, where there are really dumb people in your country who intercepts the beautiful religion Islam in a wrong way, take arms and kill their own countrymen in the name of religion. We are glad to be dumb not that dumb enough. It doesn't matter how many of them are dumb, what matters what are the brilliant minds doing to the country so that these dumb people can leave a good life in a good way. What have your brilliant people achieved?

See the resources and monies the Arab world has. What they have achieved? How many inventions, innovations, patents do they have in their name? How many world class Institution/Research labs do they have? It does matters how you invest the money you have. See China/India where they are investing? Human resources. See the number of patents and research labs these two countries are having. Investing in Tall building/Palm tree Islands/ F1 City is not going to help the future generation. Who is dumb here? Think of the conspiracy theories about 9/11, Mumbai attack, OBL Killing, Meharan base attack and the huge section of people who believe that. Who is dumb here?
Stop stop generalizing everyone the subject of this thread is wrong and racist
Im pretty sure Americans don't hate the millions of Muslims that are living in America. But same can be applied to Muslims, why do they hate Jews? If America hated Muslims they would not have been the first ones to set up rescue efforts and donate to the flood victims in Pakistan. The average American does not hate Muslims, yes they hate terrorists (which happen to be Muslims). The post 9/11 paranoia was pretty big, can't blame them.
The common American does not hate Muslims. Most are either ignorant or barely have knowledge on Islam. You'll be treated just like everyone else there.
This thread went wrong with the title, let alone the topic.

Americans hate murdering terrorists. It's no more complicated than that.

Muslims in America are left alone to pursue their faith, which is more than I can say about Americans pursuing their religion in some Muslim lands. Pretty hard to find a church in Saudi Arabia, for example. NOT hard to find a Mosque in the U.S.

Muslims have roles of respect and power. This picture is NOT a gag. That is a Muslim woman TSA agent frisking a Chiristian nun:
Americans don't hate Muslims, some might have a few misconceptions but on a personal level, there is never any animosity between groups.

This kind of mentality that 'they' hate us is detrimental not only on a national level but also negative for collective humanity.

Muslims don't hate Americans either, well some do but America is also a cultural and entertainment superpower so their impact is very deep worldwide. Their lifestyle, fashion, culture and many other things are emulated all over the world, you wouldn't follow who you hate, jealousy might be a more apt term.
Muslims in America are left alone to pursue their faith, which is more than I can say about Americans pursuing their religion in some Muslim lands. Pretty hard to find a church in Saudi Arabia, for example. NOT hard to find a Mosque in the U.S.
Chogy for somebody of your experience it's hard to believe you still have difficulty comprehending this. The US is the desired outcome of a system they conceptualized and fabricated, and thus serves as the proper and correct example for it. The Muslim world you talk about is still reeling from the effects of colonialism that dismantled their traditional, even if not very Islamic, systems. Or they willfully let go of it. Either way it is far from being representatives of any sort of Islamic or otherwise Divinely-ordained traditions. Saudi Arabia is as un-Muslim a State as they come. So is Pakistan. There's a reason every Islamic scholar or their student (that I've seen at least) goes into a dismissive laughter every time you mention Saudi or Iran to them as examples.
Saudi Arabia is as un-Muslim a State as they come. So is Pakistan. There's a reason every Islamic scholar or their student (that I've seen at least) goes into a dismissive laughter every time you mention Saudi or Iran to them as examples.

Its a common misconception whereby people (Non-Muslims) assume that Saudi Arabia is the perfect Islamic state and Saudi Arabia is certainly a place which gives a negative impression of Islam.

Its not their fault that they think so, we are partly to blame for not being able to challenge the Saudi's and also failing to show the true teachings of Islam to the world.
They are misinformed into believing that Muslim are terrorists. When they think Muslim they think 911.
Is it really about Americans being "misinformed"?

According to muslim friends of mine, all “good” muslims especially who live in the US and other kafiristans, indoctrination of their young ones starts at a very early age, so that they don’t get corrupted by the western values.

They are taught that, as muslims, they are superior to christians and jews. They are also taught taquia at such a young age (legalized lying as exemplified by the prophet) that it is okay to make kafirs as friends in Darul Kafir, while in their hearts/minds they must think of those kafirs as apes and pigs and swines, not to be trusted. To reinforce strong islamic values in their children, starting at a very early age, muslim parents lay a strong foundational value in terms of the relevant verses from the koran and hadees and prophet’s seera about the kafirs and their religions.

Out of sheer curiosity, I visited a couple of islamic schools in the greater seattle area few weeks ago, along with a muslim friend of mine. All schools use korans by Hillaly/Khan authorized/published by the saudi ministry of religious affairs; to find out how bigoted this translation really is, just google it and read it online. All the books used by students are published/printed in saudi arabia and provided free of charge, containing the usual bigotry and hatred against other religions.

What struck me most was that there were no US flags anywhere in sight. They salute the 57 flags of various islamic countries and their pledge of allegiance is the opening chapter of koran. When asked about this, the principal said that they are trying to inculcate the concept of umma unity against the kafirs amongst their students. Besides, she said that “our allah is not the same as the god in the pledge of allegiance”.
All the members engaged in this constant bickering over this issue, are requested to watch the following movie. It explains a lot about the lives of Muslims in USA, the movie is entitled as ''MOOZ-LUM'' here have a look at the trailer.
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