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Why Americans Hate Muslims

I think the hatred is mutual.
A large track of america is deeply religious, and there was 911.
On other side, american action in muslim countries infuriates muslims.
I think the hatred is mutual.
A large track of america is deeply religious, and there was 911.
On other side, american action in muslim countries infuriates muslims.

agree on the religious bit..the so called bible belt of USA has very large strictly Christian population in addition to that there are end timers ans Zionists sitting in the senate.All of these parties cant in a million years like Muslims.

But then again i been there multiple times and apart from the crazy paranoid airport security,never had any problems.
From that i guess its not the american public to blame its their brain washing government and establishment who never has anything good to say about muslims anywhere in the world.not just pakistan.
Lol what a stupid title. It's funny how you people blame everyone, but hate being criticized. Ignorance is bliss.. :rolleyes:
All Islamophobes are immoral, racist, stupid, or bigots. Most are merely afraid. They are usually afraid of what they don't understand. The true meaning of understanding is to take things for what they are and not what they present themselves to be.Most Muslims in the United States are law abiding, normal, peaceful citizens. They do not wish harm on anyone.

The media does its part to encourage Islamophobia. They produce films that have portrayed Muslims in negative spotlight. Politicians thrive on conflict committed by Muslims by calling Islamic extremists or to associate Islam with terrorism. Many school textbooks have incorrect information regarding Islam, adding to the phobia
All Islamophobes are immoral, racist, stupid, or bigots. Most are merely afraid. They are usually afraid of what they don't understand. The true meaning of understanding is to take things for what they are and not what they present themselves to be.Most Muslims in the United States are law abiding, normal, peaceful citizens. They do not wish harm on anyone.

The media does its part to encourage Islamophobia. They produce films that have portrayed Muslims in negative spotlight. Politicians thrive on conflict committed by Muslims by calling Islamic extremists or to associate Islam with terrorism. Many school textbooks have incorrect information regarding Islam, adding to the phobia

the truth is that all religions have extremists, n i mean EVERY SINGLE RELIGION DOES, but western media focuses on Islam,
All Islamophobes are immoral, racist, stupid, or bigots. Most are merely afraid. They are usually afraid of what they don't understand. The true meaning of understanding is to take things for what they are and not what they present themselves to be.Most Muslims in the United States are law abiding, normal, peaceful citizens. They do not wish harm on anyone.

The media does its part to encourage Islamophobia. They produce films that have portrayed Muslims in negative spotlight. Politicians thrive on conflict committed by Muslims by calling Islamic extremists or to associate Islam with terrorism. Many school textbooks have incorrect information regarding Islam, adding to the phobia

Which schoolbooks have incorrect information regarding Islam? Can you elaborate. And give some links perhaps.
Why Americans Hate Muslims?

sAME can be said about you Hindus constaly attcing Muslim and Islam alike...so yeah ingnorance IS bliss

Its people like these that have a part to play in it.
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