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Who's right, Israel or Palestine?

Who's right Israel or Palestine?

  • Israel

    Votes: 35 41.2%
  • Palestine

    Votes: 50 58.8%

  • Total voters
isreal is a great country, we r behind isreal,no matter what. muslims have always hated other communities. isreal is one that is surviving in the most difficult locations in the world. india is now a bigger power and will always support isreal whenever it wants.

Evil muslims.... reading the poetry of baba waris shah and baba bullay shah in ur granth saab has got to be blasphemous..
isreal is a great country, we r behind isreal,no matter what. muslims have always hated other communities. isreal is one that is surviving in the most difficult locations in the world. india is now a bigger power and will always support isreal whenever it wants.

Then cease buying oil from Iran :lol:

Evil muslims.... reading the poetry of baba waris shah and baba bullay shah in ur granth saab has got to be blasphemous..

Indeed. It feels cool being "evil" :lol:
I literally loled :lol:

First of all there's no "Jewish Bible". It's called the Torah.

Secondly, in the Koran - Jerusalem is known as Al-Quds or Baitul-Maqdis ("The Noble, Sacred Place"). And it does mention the "Farthest Mosque" (AKA - Al-Aqsa Mosque), which justifies it. Furthermore, Muslims did initially face Jerusalem before conquering Mecca. Please, educate yourself other than listening to those blabbermouths like Robert Spencer and Daniel Pipes. It all just leads to circular logic in the end.

And thirdly, you didn't read my last paragraph properly. I wasn't at all justifying who's right and who's wrong. On the practical perspective, they are all simply a bunch of desert savages fighting over sand and some ancient buildings. And no one is doing anything about it.

As I said, it is a cycle where no one with the power is willing to break it. Be it by force or not. This childish nonsense is going too far and too long.

I am pretty sure atleast one side, has genuinely tried to settle with a proportionate land division arrangement (initially) just like what happened here in our region(Punjab and Bengal, i would count sindh-saurashtra as well) and the same British did this too. Hindus didn't perpetually whine about the land, and Muslims apparently are quite happy and ecstatic about this when they benefited(according to them, then). But when the non-Muslims wanted their own rule, in their own little land, some how Muslims cry injustice, Zionism, Hegemonic attitudes etc.,
Then cease buying oil from Iran :lol:

sorry budd indians dont pick and choose like this. we r not idiots like u guys. loll. we deal with different countries with whatever we need.

we stand behind isreal in any case of war, thats all i said why bringing iran in. this is not iran vs isreal thread.

Evil muslims.... reading the poetry of baba waris shah and baba bullay shah in ur granth saab has got to be blasphemous..

do u know that that the foundation of most prestegious temple of sikhs " Golden Temple " was laid by a muslim. but they didnt hate others like most of todays muslims, our gurus knew that and they did it to promote peace and good relations among two communities.

but sorry to say most muslims today hate sikhs and hindus and jews for apparent reason. what does pakistan has to do with isreal???
u know that they can mess pakistan over in more ways u can think:lol:

stay away from isreal all i can say to pakistanis.
sorry budd indians dont pick and choose like this. we r not idiots like u guys. loll. we deal with different countries with whatever we need.

we stand behind isreal in any case of war, thats all i said why bringing iran in. this is not iran vs isreal thread.

do u know that that the foundation of most prestegious temple of sikhs " Golden Temple " was laid by a muslim. but they didnt hate others like most of todays muslims, our gurus knew that and they did it to promote peace and good relations among two communities.

but sorry to say most muslims today hate sikhs and hindus and jews for apparent reason. what does pakistan has to do with isreal???
u know that they can mess pakistan over in more ways u can think:lol:

stay away from isreal all i can say to pakistanis.

I ll post an article called "Jinnah's Revenge". It touches about the all these points about the Indo-Islamic Traditions in medieval times.
Israel is an abomination, a travesty a cancer that has to be cut out of the middle east

In the middle ages it took 100 years for musilims to get together and destroy the crusaders, israel too will eventually be nothing more rhen a foot note in history

It is important that muslims as a group hate and dispise the israeli entity, reject it outright

There are 1.6 million muslims in israel, 1.6 million in gaza & another 2.5 million in the west bank they make 50% of the areas population with a larger population growth rate

With the support of muslims everywhere they will keep the fight going and never give israel peace, until justice is ours and the foreigh non middle eastern jews are expelled

Israel is more powerful today than ever in past, and I remind you Israel won all its wars with the Arabs even when it was significantly weaker.

Nowadays, there is no Arab threat to Israel's existence and nothing like that is expected in the foreseeable future as the Arabs sinking down in their troubles and in their so-called "Spring".

Sorry but there is no new Salah a-Din in the horizon.
i keep hearing this crap about Israel that how it's one the most disliked country in the world, hue and cry about Human rights violations, propaganda about how mercilessly they kill unarmed people etc., But, most normal people(without interest in International Politics or geopolitics) today view Israel and Palestine as follows:
A mad man with a stone in his hand right in front of a glass Palace and the world has to some how convince the lunatic to throw away the stone he is holding.
just so some people understand:
Mad Man - Palestine and Muslims all over the world who are more interested in hating on Israel than on a Political solution to issue and well being of Palestinians.
Stone - terrorism
Glass Palace - Israel
I am pretty sure atleast one side, has genuinely tried to settle with a proportionate land division arrangement (initially) just like what happened here in our region(Punjab and Bengal, i would count sindh-saurashtra as well) and the same British did this too. Hindus didn't perpetually whine about the land, and Muslims apparently are quite happy and ecstatic about this when they benefited(according to them, then). But when the non-Muslims wanted their own rule, in their own little land, some how Muslims cry injustice, Zionism, Hegemonic attitudes etc.,

You are right, the Israeli-Palestinian issue is more about land ownership than religion. Although, these things happen behind religious lines. So, there justifies the 'holier than thou' argument :lol:

So much so, if a Palestinian sells his/her land to a Jew, he/she would be marked for death. I really doubt if those people can even operate a KFC franchise.

But then, Zionism is racism. And yes, Jews are very much a race according to them. Not implying that all Israelis are explicitly racist though, but the underlying ideology used to sustain Israel is in itself racist. You can read it up.

As I said, the whole thing is going around in circles and ultimately going nowhere. And only the US has the power to break that cycle. If they did that earlier, 9/11 wouldn't have happened, and we wouldn't be in the current mess we are all in.

It's okay to have religion, but please, put some logic!

sorry budd indians dont pick and choose like this. we r not idiots like u guys. loll. we deal with different countries with whatever we need.


we stand behind isreal in any case of war, thats all i said why bringing iran in. this is not iran vs isreal thread.

But...but...I thought Iran presents an "existential threat" to Israel?

"A nuclear Iran is an existential threat on the State of Israel and also on the rest of the world," Netanyahu said. "We have an obligation to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. It's the world's obligation, but above all it is our obligation.
Netanyahu links Holocaust to Iranian threat - Israel News, Ynetnews

Stop trolling, and quit buying oil from those evil and gleeful Persians! Show the world what you are capable of!! :devil:
After the jews immigrated to Palestine this is what the land ownership was like http://domino.un.org/maps/m0094.jpg
So the Israelis didnt have any right to take up the land as their own.That is wrong.
But from what i hear Palestine was pretty undeveloped and it was the Jews who helped develope the country.Then i guess the jews got more power,tried to run palestine in their own way,which i would say is not wrong.But from what i hear from a lot of people the jews started abusing their power on non-jews.The jews used violence,palestinians responded with violence as well.Then the seperation idea came up.But nothings happening.
If you ask me both sides have been acting like idiots :unsure:
You are right, the Israeli-Palestinian issue is more about land ownership than religion. Although, these things happen behind religious lines. So, there justifies the 'holier than thou' argument :lol:

So much so, if a Palestinian sells his/her land to a Jew, he/she would be marked for death. I really doubt if those people can even operate a KFC franchise.

But then, Zionism is racism. And yes, Jews are very much a race according to them. Not implying that all Israelis are explicitly racist though, but the underlying ideology used to sustain Israel is in itself racist. You can read it up.

As I said, the whole thing is going around in circles and ultimately going nowhere. And only the US has the power to break that cycle. If they did that earlier, 9/11 wouldn't have happened, and we wouldn't be in the current mess we are all in.

I don't buy this "equally guilty", "land issue only". Muslims who are reform oriented,or liberal(who have a life!) argue on this line typically. Trying to be Neutral or whatever. It's actually lame. Muslims have theological grievances. Period.

If Jews consider, themselves a race and a nation(BTW, Nation-states actually started out that way, as ethnic nation states), what's wrong with it? you are throwing in the word racist so liberally., I am beginning to think i am wasting my time here.
How is being Bangladeshi related to the scenario? :what:

We don't bomb civilians from F-16s, or blow up people packed in buses. I'd say, it's better to be Bangladeshi than being in some freaking war-zone :lol:

Nah...it's the other way around. For you and the Palestinians mind you :D

You really need it :tup: And please, use some common sense in the future generations other than mind-blowing rage incited by religion/politics.
No, you are just dirt poor, have honor killings and uneducated masses.

2 things you are unaware off:
1)No such thing as "Palestinians".
2)Common sense demands you destroy your bestial enemy before they come and destroy you. One simply has to look at what Arabs are doing to their own kind and realize what would happen if you ever allow the opportunity to have the upper hand.
You think US , Russia and EU won't intervene if they see Israel's in trouble? The only reason these countries don't directly intervene is because no arab countries directly intervene in the israel - palestine conflict ie. no arab country is at formal war with Israel. The day all muslim countries form some sort of a group to attack Israel , US , Russia and EU will provide full support to Israel. You are foolish if you think you can counter the joint might of these countries. Hell , even India might join them.

Russia/USSR supported the Arab countries during the Israeli-Arab conflict.Also GRU has been suspected of aiding Hezbollah against Israel.Russia also provided aid to the Palestinians after the Israeli-Gaza conflict.
I literally loled :lol:

First of all there's no "Jewish Bible". It's called the Torah.

Secondly, in the Koran - Jerusalem is known as Al-Quds or Baitul-Maqdis ("The Noble, Sacred Place"). And it does mention the "Farthest Mosque" (AKA - Al-Aqsa Mosque), which justifies it. Furthermore, Muslims did initially face Jerusalem before conquering Mecca. Please, educate yourself other than listening to those blabbermouths like Robert Spencer and Daniel Pipes. It all just leads to circular logic in the end.

And thirdly, you didn't read my last paragraph properly. I wasn't at all justifying who's right and who's wrong. On the practical perspective, they are all simply a bunch of desert savages fighting over sand and some ancient buildings. And no one is doing anything about it.

As I said, it is a cycle where no one with the power is willing to break it. Be it by force or not. This childish nonsense is going too far and too long.

Jewish bible is called the Torah , I didn't use that term because some here may not have been aware of it particularly members from my country .

secondly, you haven't been able to negate my basic point that the relevance of jerusalem to jews is not in any matched by its relevance to muslims.

Thirdly , Daniel Pipes - heard of him and Robert Spencer- Never heard of him . Don't know what you are talking about
I am pretty sure atleast one side, has genuinely tried to settle with a proportionate land division arrangement (initially) just like what happened here in our region(Punjab and Bengal, i would count sindh-saurashtra as well) and the same British did this too. Hindus didn't perpetually whine about the land, and Muslims apparently are quite happy and ecstatic about this when they benefited(according to them, then). But when the non-Muslims wanted their own rule, in their own little land, some how Muslims cry injustice, Zionism, Hegemonic attitudes etc.,

"Their own land"? "Their own land" was already populated by another people before they came along.

Please tell me what would you feel if some outside authority decided you have to share your home with someone you've never seen before, allegedly because the guy is persecuted elsewhere, and proceeded to divide the building and confine you to its smallest rooms. Would you be OK with it or would you react to this blatant arbitrariness? If the latter is your response -- and I know that that would at least be the majority's response -- then you're in no position to lecture Palestinians. Experience the pain of dispossession. Then you talk about it.
No lets not imo that is well off topic.

Why not? I drew many parallels between the creation of Israel and Pakistan. And proved Israel has as much a right to exist as Pakistan has.

I am convinced that it is not. But then I see you falling in the same old trap that I tell people to avoid and that is the myth propagated by west and Zionists that an attack on them is anti Semitic.

I ask all never to forget:

1. Being critical of Zionism and or Israel is not anti Semitic

2. Israel has no right to exist

Well, none of the points I originally raised in my previous post to disprove the argument of "no right to exist" has been refuted.
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