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Who will Win - America or Americanized China?

If that is the gist of your argument, then you failed to understand the article's point. Look around you, your leadership dumped the 'Mao suit' and dress like their Western counterparts. Your military adopted just about ALL aspects of what make a 'professional' military, from dress to behaviors to education. The list goes on and on...

Wearing suits means Americanized? So Why don't say Chinese are Americanized because they are using electricity invented by American?
As for ”Mao suit“,Still Hu Jintao is wearing it in the most important occasions.
China has 1.3 billion population and it is so normal that some young people worship
the American way of life. like most Chinese don't like Japan howerver there are still some guys love Japanese animes,comics and games.
Some girls in China are doing yoga does it mean China is Indianized?

Let me show you what the Chinese young people are doing now,
Those traditional Han Chinese clothing were abolished by the Qing dynasty for 260 years,but we never forget the true Chinese culture and we are reviving it.
A 300 years country want a 5000 years civilization to be "***ed",what a horrible joke.








Chinese civilization have seen too many world power civilization rose and finally sank,
Macedonian empire,Persian Empire,Roman Empire,Arab empire,Portugal,Spanish,Britan,
They are waitting for you America.
Wearing suits means Americanized? So Why don't say Chinese are Americanized because they are using electricity invented by American?
As for ”Mao suit“,Still Hu Jintao is wearing it in the most important occasions.
China has 1.3 billion population and it is so normal that some young people worship
the American way of life. like most Chinese don't like Japan howerver there are still some guys love Japanese animes,comics and games.
Some girls in China are doing yoga does it mean China is Indianized?

Let me show you what the Chinese young people are doing now,
Those traditional Han Chinese clothing were abolished by the Qing dynasty for 260 years,but we never forget the true Chinese culture and we are reviving it.
A 300 years country want a 5000 years civilization to be "***ed",what a horrible joke.








Chinese civilization have seen too many world power civilization rose and finally sank,
Macedonian empire,Persian Empire,Roman Empire,Arab empire,Portugal,Spanish,Britan,
They are waitting for you America.

Perfect! I watched 非诚勿扰 recently, I was touched by one young guy from liuzhou guangxi, who wear our Han traditional clothes in the show. And the Vedio he shoots was really amazing. Wish more and more Han people can revive our traditional culture. Han consists of 92% of Chinese population. If the 92% unite, so China unites. No body can destroy us. Long Live Great Han! 巍巍皇漢,曠世恒古!
Perfect! I watched 非诚勿扰 recently, I was touched by one young guy from liuzhou guangxi, who wear our Han traditional clothes in the show. And the Vedio he shoots was really amazing. Wish more and more Han people can revive our traditional culture. Han consists of 92% of Chinese population. If the 92% unite, so China unites. No body can destroy us. Long Live Great Han! 巍巍皇漢,曠世恒古!
The Europeans went through something similar during the Renaissance when they rediscovered the world view of the classical Greeks / Romans that they once long abandoned.

China also abandoned traditional culture in the past 150 years, especially during the 60's and 70's. Maybe one day we'll have our own renaissance of traditional Chinese culture.
In the US, we have many isolated 'Chinatowns'. But in China, many of what is 'Americana' is everywhere and desired by everyone.

Its in fact getting to be like that. Chinese aspirations (especially in the urban centers) are getting to be more Americanised. There is no way that trend can be reversed.
In China now Ronald McDonald is beginning to be more relevant than Confucious.
Lol. Chinese culture is more resilient than that. If the cultural revolution didn't subvert it, what makes you think McDonalds will?

I think Americans cling to this absurd theory because American culture is not original. It's just Anglo culture with some smaller contributions by immigrant groups e.g. (Hamburgers from Germany). All the important markers of culture - language, religion, political ideology, were imported wholesale from Britain, with more minor contributions from the other Euro countries. China already has it's cultural traditions in these areas so it won't be needing imports, even if you think drinking starbucks (lol) could suggest otherwise.
Are you kidding me?
How ignorant a man says China is Americanized!
Maybe many Chinese like Hollywood movies and American Dramas(including me),
but they never think invading Iraq and Afghanistan and Killing people with drones are for freedom and democracy.
But forcing your rule on Xinjiang and Tibet is very ethical to Chinese?..
But forcing your rule on Xinjiang and Tibet is very ethical to Chinese?..
by forcing people into different castes to rule and kill little girls for good harvest and illegal occupation of Kashmir are really barbaric, maybe its just your people's nature``i guess
by forcing people into different castes to rule and kill little girls for good harvest and illegal occupation of Kashmir are really barbaric, maybe its just your people's nature``i guess

Asan are born to be slaves.

Haha, the y@nkees' logic: China is Americanized but China is sinifying Tibet. Bullshiit!
That is a 'Americanized' Chinaman from Shanghai or some Other Chinese City.

it is a Japanese-American. There's absolutely no evidence of him being Chinese. However, Japanese have been wearing US flag clothes for a long time, and someone this brainwashed must be a foreign born Japanese.
Wearing suits means Americanized? So Why don't say Chinese are Americanized because they are using electricity invented by American?
As for ”Mao suit“,Still Hu Jintao is wearing it in the most important occasions.
China has 1.3 billion population and it is so normal that some young people worship
the American way of life. like most Chinese don't like Japan howerver there are still some guys love Japanese animes,comics and games.
Some girls in China are doing yoga does it mean China is Indianized?

Let me show you what the Chinese young people are doing now,
Those traditional Han Chinese clothing were abolished by the Qing dynasty for 260 years,but we never forget the true Chinese culture and we are reviving it.
A 300 years country want a 5000 years civilization to be "***ed",what a horrible joke.







We should also be reviving our culture instead to taking pride on a KFC.

A 300 years country want a 5000 years civilization to be "***ed",what a horrible joke.
Same apply to us.
There is so much igorance coming from the Americans, but somehow not surprising at all. First of all the modern suit (the Sakkos) is not American, but has an oriental origin dating back to Byzantium and the Ottoman empire and was brought to Italy in the 16th century and developed into the modern suit after the French revolution.

The cummerbund, that many men wear with a dinner jacket (tuxedo) has it's origin from Persia and became popular in Europe via British India.

The usage of fork and knife at the table also has its origine in Byzantium and was introduced to the Italian aristocracy in the late Renaissance.

Drinking coffee is often seen as a European habit, but its origine is in the Kaffa province in Ethiopia. It was not until the late 16th century that coffee was known in Europe and was introduced by the Turks.

With regard to Americanisation, having a few hundred Starbucks or McDonald's does not make Europe or in this case China anymore American than Americans doing yoga, Chinese martial art, eating Indian/Chinese food becoming indianised or sinicised.
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