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Who Will Muslims Vote For?

what if the nation asks you to e.g, destroy jews and invade Poland, do you abide by your principles and belief in God that such actions are wrong and intolerable or do you as part of your nationalism and loyalty go goose stepping on

And what if you religion asks you to stone a fellow citizen to death because he accidentally damaged a book? Do you go by your belief in your religion and do that or does your belief in humanity trump that demand
PDF is dominated by BJP monkeys. these people are complete idiots

Looks like you Congress Idiot didn't learn the lessons which they taught us???? I learned mine.
If you voted for or planning to Vote for Blood suckers(Cong) I can only tell you Gooooood luck
And what if you religion asks you to stone a fellow citizen to death because he accidentally damaged a book? Do you go by your belief in your religion and do that or does your belief in humanity trump that demand

Does religion ask for someone to be stoned to death for accidently damaging a book??????? Prove it!

Belief in humanity is a very very wooley term that indians seem to love, it dosent really mean anything
Does religion ask for someone to be stoned to death for accidently damaging a book??????? Prove it!

Belief in humanity is a very very wooley term that indians seem to love, it dosent really mean anything
Blasphemy laws ring a bell?

This Picture is scary. It shows the beatifull innocence of two young girls but also the tool of their slavery and oppression.

Hey, are you Russian or Chinese?

PS, why are you being an idiot?
That sums up the problem with people like you. N

Yes of course,,, to people like you blind nationalism to a territory to artifical state is more important then priciple & belief

Tell me if tomorrow India as a state collapsed and was replaced by a state ruled by Hafeez Saeed and Mr saeed as the leader of the state said I want all hindu temples destroyed would you simply obey and destroy them
what if the nation asks you to e.g, destroy jews and invade Poland, do you abide by your principles and belief in God that such actions are wrong and intolerable or do you as part of your nationalism and loyalty go goose stepping on

oh so muslims never invaded anything?

Slavs are saints compared to that,i think Yugoslavia needs to be repeated everywhere.

give wahhabis something to think about,they ll soon realise the emptiness of their skulls.

Yes of course,,, to people like you blind nationalism to a territory to artifical state is more important then priciple & belief

Tell me if tomorrow India as a state collapsed and was replaced by a state ruled by Hafeez Saeed and Mr saeed as the leader of the state said I want all hindu temples destroyed would you simply obey and destroy them

religion is artificial,ethnicity is not,

May be u dont know about your ancestors but not everyone is a clueless moron like you.

Hafeez saeed?

he ll die the moment he steps into jammu,forget about what u said.


This Picture is scary. It shows the beatifull innocence of two young girls but also the tool of their slavery and oppression.

so sad,some of these girls are forced to marry folks 20 years or more elder to them,if not their paternal/maternal cousins who r like their brothers,or abused by their own taya/chacha.
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Of course muslims invaded places, for a variety of reasons money, power, wealth, territory but not everything was as per Islamic belief, alot of it was the same reason why any empire invaded anywhere

Ands thats the point, just because some entity, state/nation/empire/king tells you to do something should you drop your faith/principles and abide

Yugoslavia???? why,,, can we not have more Hindu Kush's everywhere

Overt loyalty to a etnicity is almost as stupid as ultra nationalism
Yes of course,,, to people like you blind nationalism to a territory to artifical state is more important then priciple & belief

Tell me if tomorrow India as a state collapsed and was replaced by a state ruled by Hafeez Saeed and Mr saeed as the leader of the state said I want all hindu temples destroyed would you simply obey and destroy them

You will probably never understand love towards nation. We dont go on chest beating in the name of ummah. For God's sake dont even drag Indian Muslims in your fold. Barring few nuts here and there, their integrity is unquestionable.

Talking about some imaginary state under Hafeez Saeed, hell with that. We dont give a damn to idiotic sermons. Whatever comes first in national interest including community lies on top of agenda.
Yes of course,,, to people like you blind nationalism to a territory to artifical state is more important then priciple & belief

Tell me if tomorrow India as a state collapsed and was replaced by a state ruled by Hafeez Saeed and Mr saeed as the leader of the state said I want all hindu temples destroyed would you simply obey and destroy them

religion is as artificial as nation. Both are man made :coffee:
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