If the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement will, if implemented, and as I have argued elsewhere
, result in the death of national and state sovereignty, constitutional separation of powers, and democracy, then what system and what principles will replace these things?It will be a fascism
. And implicitly, that we are going through an evolution from representative democracy to fascism and that trade deals like the TPP, the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), and the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) mediate the transfer “. . . of democratic national sovereignty to international fascist bodies that represent global corporate management.
Example - If a company makes tabaacoo which is used in cigarettes and if Vietnam or any other TPP country want to ban ciggerate due to health issues then those companies who made them can sue Vietnam or any other tpp signifactory countries on the basis of TPP.
Countries will lose semi-autonomy and will face neo-colonization.