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Who will be Iran next president !?

انتخابات که همش کشکه و اون چیزی می شه که خامنه ای می خواد.رئیس جمهور تو ایران نقش تدارکاتچی رو داره. نه قدرت داره سیاست خارجی تعیین کنه، نه قدرت داره سیاست داخلی رو اگر بخواد اصلاحات اساسی کنه. هیچ بازوی نظامی هم که نداره.
تنها کاری که می کنه اینه که بگه اول کدوم سد ساخته بشه بعدا کدام نیروگاه! اونم اگه سپاه روش انگشت نذاشته باشه.
خلاصه که من امیدوارم قالیباف منتصب بشه ، چون کمتر دروغ میگه و فساد و حیف و میل پولی که می کنه کمتره، تازه کار و تلاش هم تا جاییکه توانش هست و بهش اجازه بدن می کنه ( با توجه به اینکه حقیقتا شهر تهران رو از این رو به اون رو کرد)
^^in foreign affairs and ..... yes khamenei is the only guy who decide.but a good president can do well in economy...

That's not true, because foreign affairs and economy goes hand in hand in Iran's case. In every country by the way. The fact is that you guys are supporting an election which is not free, open and transparent. You guys mentioned the difference between presidents like Ahmadinejad and Khatami, not considering the fact that both presidents were chosen and tolerated by the grace of Khamenei.
انتخابات که همش کشکه و اون چیزی می شه که خامنه ای می خواد.رئیس جمهور تو ایران نقش تدارکاتچی رو داره. نه قدرت داره سیاست خارجی تعیین کنه، نه قدرت داره سیاست داخلی رو اگر بخواد اصلاحات اساسی کنه. هیچ بازوی نظامی هم که نداره.
تنها کاری که می کنه اینه که بگه اول کدوم سد ساخته بشه بعدا کدام نیروگاه! اونم اگه سپاه روش انگشت نذاشته باشه.
خلاصه که من امیدوارم قالیباف منتصب بشه ، چون کمتر دروغ میگه و فساد و حیف و میل پولی که می کنه کمتره، تازه کار و تلاش هم تا جاییکه توانش هست و بهش اجازه بدن می کنه ( با توجه به اینکه حقیقتا شهر تهران رو از این رو به اون رو کرد)

کمتر کس عاقلي اين خرابه رو از احمدي نژاد تحويل ميگيره
Surenas, why don't you post some more pics of your family members? Political nuance is too much for you.

At least I can post freely the pics of my family not fearing to be caught by Iran's cyber army, in order to be tortured to death like this guy a couple of days ago:


You're not fool, you're an idiot.
You're not fool, you're an idiot.

And you are a little inferiority complex riddled child. Probably been racially bullied in Holland, that is why half your posts are about light skin this and light skin that. Having to post pics of your light skin family members on random forums to make yourself feel better.

Your simple brain can't figure out that Iran is not Europe. Iran operates by a different set of social norms and practices. Anyway I am sure you will want to post more pics of your aunt, so I will stand out of your way.
That's not true, because foreign affairs and economy goes hand in hand in Iran's case. In every country by the way. The fact is that you guys are supporting an election which is not free, open and transparent. You guys mentioned the difference between presidents like Ahmadinejad and Khatami, not considering the fact that both presidents were chosen and tolerated by the grace of Khamenei.

و اینا بعد از انتخابات زمان خاتمی و مجلش ششم فهمیدن که دیگه اگه انتخابات مثل آدم برگذار بشه خامنه ای و همفکراش هیچ وقت دیگه رای نمی یارن. واسه همین بعد از اون رد صلاحیتهای گسترده و تقلبهای گنده صورت گرفت. دوران خاتمی واسه اینا جهنم بود. هر 9 روز واسش مشکل ساختن. وقتی دورانش تموم شد پشت دستشون داع زدن تا همیشه یه مطیع و خودی روی سر کار باشه.
I support Surenas on this case whats the point of voting when elected president can't go againts supreme leader? Its a freaking puppet.If i was citizen of Iran i wouldn't vote and protest elections , theres no point in voting when supreme leader's word is absolute.
I support Surenas on this case whats the point of voting when elected president can't go againts supreme leader? Its a freaking puppet.If i was citizen of Iran i wouldn't vote and protest elections , theres no point in voting when supreme leader's word is absolute.

When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade.

There is a vetting process where the different candidates have to get approved. But between the different "approved" candidates, there are some that are better then others.

Who have better economic understanding, better social policies. So in my opinion it is better to vote for them, then for nobody at all.
And you are a little inferiority complex riddled child. Probably been racially bullied in Holland, that is why half your posts are about light skin this and light skin that. Having to post pics of your light skin family members on random forums to make yourself feel better.

I've no obsession with skin color, as 95% of my posts are about international relations, in correlation with Iran's case. I couldn't give a phock about skin color, but if someone is talking about a specific people and calling them sub-humans, I will react, and even post pics of my family if that's necessary. I've no fear to post them whatsoever.

At least I've no obsession with Armenian phaggots and their eternal struggle with Azerbaijan. And I'm at least no so pathetic to create multi pious accounts to spread my sh*it, like you're doing for quite some time now. Not only here, but also on other forums. I'm watching you, and your probably the most pathetic creature I've ever encountered

Your simple brain can't figure out that Iran is not Europe. Iran operates by a different set of social norms and practices.

Iran is not Europe indeed, and I don't have the illusion it will ever become European. Europeans have a sense of democratic orientation, secular thoughts and proudness in their free elections. Unlike idiots like you who are being fooled openly.
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